Avipattikar Churna Vs Hingwastak Churna In Stomach Disorders

Avipattikar Chruna and Hingwashtaka Churna are two very important Ayurvedic medicines in powder form, used predominantly in disorders pertaining to stomach and intestines. Still they both have their own set of advantages and disadvantages in certain diseases. Let us analyze.

Avipattikar Churna

Trivrit (Operculina turpethum) and sugar candy are the two dominant ingredients in this product. It is indicated in gastritis, dysuria, constipation, low digestion strength and urinary tract disorders. Read more details 

Hingwashtak Churna

Trikatu, cumin seed and rock salt are the main ingredients of this. Mainly indicated in Vata imbalance disorders affecting stomach and indigestion. Read more details

Common ingredients

Trikatu (pepper, long pepper and ginger) are the only three common ingredients between the two.

Common indications

Both these products are indicated in agnimandya – low digestion strength.

Dosage and administration method

Hingwashtaka Churna is prescribed to be administered along with ghee, along with the first morcel of food. The regular dose is 3 – 6 grams. (in one or divided dose per day).
Avipattikara Churna is prescribed to be administered before food and while taking food. The suggested dose is 6 – 8 grams, in one or divided dose per day).


Because of sugar candy ingredient, it is best to avoid Avipattikara Choornam in people with diabetes.
Because of Trivrit ingredient, in people with diarrhoea, administering Avipattikara churna may worsen the condition.
In a few patients, I have seen that it causes mild twitching abdominal pain.
Because of Rock salt ingredient, Hingwashtaka churna is best avoided in people with hypertension.
Because the quantity of Trikatu is more in Hingwashtaka churna, when compared to the other, in some patients, it causes gastric irritation and increase in burning sensation.

Difference in efficacy

In people with low digestion strength, seeking Deepana (improvement of digestion strength) and Pachana (relieving indigestion complex – Ama), Hingwashtaka acts better than Avipattikara Churna. This is why, it is most commonly used prior to Panchakarma treatment, in Deepana stage.
In people with bloating, gaseous distention, anorexia, lack of taste, when stomach complaints are associated with other Vata symptoms like bodyache, Hingwashtaka fairs better.
In people with gastritis, associated with constipation, burning sensation, where Pitta is more, Avipattikara acts better than the other.
I personally have seen that, in gastritis associated with Alcoholism, Avipattikara strikes gold.
If the doctor wishes to have some Pitta rechana effect (expelling out Pitta), Avipattikara churna is the better choice.
In mild form of Virechana treatment, usually Avipattikara churna is commonly used.

If patient has difficulty in passing urine, urinary disorders, along with stomach complaints, Avipattikara is a better choice.
If Vata is main targeted Dosha, along with indigestion symptoms, then Hingwashtaka is a better choice.
So, these are a few perspective based on observations and textual reference. If you had different experience with these products, feel free to share with us in comment section below.


  • Bhargav

    Your article about comparison of two churnas is very informative. Can you also give your comments and comparisons of Chitrakadi Vati and Ajmodadi Churna which I understand are both used for weak digestion. Then what is the difference and speciality of each of them?

  • Gaurav

    Is it equally good enough to take Hingwastak churna by itself say with a gulp of warm water or with the first morsel, without ghee as recommended above, if the meal itself has quite good amount of ghee in it?

  • Sumu

    Dear Doctor , Does Ayurveda help to improve AMH value in women ?


    Many of Ay physicians don’t know the difference between medicines as U have mentioned though they know the differential diagnosis.Your article will help them better in forcasting their ideas . I will request U to mention more and more differences as U are doing .

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Sure sir. Thanks for the encouragement.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Thanks for your kind appreciation. Please feel free to join my weekly online classes, which you can attend from your home, with an internet connection. More details here –

  • GERDpatient

    With severe acid reflux, which churna Hingvashtak OR Avipattikara is effective?

  • Candy

    Dear Sir, is Avipattikara churan effective in ankylosing spondylitis?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      To some extent, it is useful to relieve joint stiffness and to relieve constipation.

      • Candy

        Thanks Sir.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    No. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.

  • Vikram

    Sir, Strikes gold… i will say it virtually cures it from inside out !!!! (personal experience) ..Thank you very much for this article..

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Welcome 🙂

  • Rajitha

    Doctor ,could you please tell me what is the best churna for acid reflux?

  • Gururaju

    Hello Doctor,

    You blog has very useful information, thank you very much for such value content.

    I have one query hence thought of asking you here.

    Chitrakadi bati or Hingwastaka, which one is better to improve jataragni / digestion power.

    Please suggest.


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