Udavarta – Reverse Movement Of Vata Dosha Causing Disease

Article by: Dr. MS Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD (Ayu).
Udavarta is a Sanskrit word; it means the upward or backward or reverse movement of Vata Dosha. Usually obstruction to the normal pathway of Vata results in reverse movement. Most commonly, this condition is resulted due to the suppression or obstruction to the natural urges or natural functioning of vata. Rarely  it occurs as a secondary to organic obstruction.
Acharya Sushruta explains that complete obstruction of Vata in its pathway by any suppression of the urges, constipation, dryness of the minute channels etc, lead to upward /backward course of Vata and hence Udavarta is caused. So, he emphasizes to treat all such conditions by Vata pacifying measures.

Udavarta features

Specific features of various udavarta:

1) Udavarta caused due to suppression of Apana type of vata (flatus)

Improper evacuation of flatus, constipation, gaseous distention of abdomen, fatigue, abdominal pain etc.
Abdominal distention or fullness of the abdomen is the characteristic feature of this condition.

Line of treatment

Oleation (Snehana), Sweating therapy (Svedana), Enema by vata pacifying Kashayams  (Niruha Basti) etc.


Hingwastaka choorna
Agnitundi vati
Hinguvachadi choorna
Rasna erandadi kashaya
Vaishwanara choorna
Pancha sama choorna 

2) Udavarta caused due to suppression of faeces

Gurgling sound in the abdomen, abdominal pain, fissure in ano, constipation, gaseous regurgitation, foul smell in the mouth etc.

Line of treatment

Oleation, sudation, mild purgation (Mridu Virechana), decoction enema, anal suppositories (Guda varti) etc.


Naracha churna
Haritakyadi choorna
Trivrit lehya
Abhaya modaka
Amla kanjika – sour, fermented gruel

3) Udavarta caused due to suppression of urine

Pain in the urinary bladder and genitalia, difficulty in miturition, headache, sensation of stiffness and sound in ileo-inguinal joint etc.

Line of treatment

Line of treatment of urinary calculi and dysuria is followed.


Gokshuradi Guggulu
Punarnavadi kashaya
Shweta Parpati
Punarnavashtaka kashaya
Punarnavadi guggulu etc

4) Udavarta caused due to the suppression of yawning

Stiffness /rigidity of neck and throat, various discomforts of the head, diseases of eyes nose and face (mouth) and ear.

Line of treatment

Mild oleation and sudataion


Chukra taila
Dhanyaka ksheerapaka –  a coriander milk remedy
Ksheerabala 101 avartana
Balarishta etc

5) Udavarta caused due to suppression of tears

Headache, eye disorders, running nose etc.

Line of treatment

Oleation, sudation, collyrium (Anjana), fumigation etc


Sameera Pannaga rasa
Saptamruta loha
Dhatri loha etc

Yogas From Sahasra Yoga Text Book

  1. Dantitrivrutadi choorna
  2. Agnimukhachoorna
  3. Kalyana kshara
  4. Kumaryasava
  5. Chandabhaskara Rasa
  6. Antrakutara Rasa

6) Udavarta caused due to suppression of regurgitation

Sensation of fullness of throat and mouth, pricking pain, gurgling sound, blockage of the flatus, Vataja complaints etc.

Line of treatment

Oleaginous fumigation (Snaihika Dhumapana), wholesome and tasty diet


Samirapannaga rasa
Sootashekara rasa
Jeerakarishta etc

7) Udavarta caused due to suppression of sneezing

Rigidity of the neck, headache, facial paralysis, hemicrania (partial headache), fatigue of the sense organs etc.

Line of treatment

Watching the sun and stimulating the sneezing mechanically


Shireeshadyarishta etc

8) Udavarta caused due to suppression of vomiting

Skin diseases, itching, blisters all over the body, tastelessness, discoloration of the face, edema of the face, anemia, fever, herpes, excess salivation/nausea etc.

Line of treatment

Emesis, oleaginous errhines (Sneha Nasya) etc


Trinapanchamoola kwatha
Madiphala rasayana
Matala lehyam etc

9) Udavarta caused due to suppression of semen

Pain and swelling in the bladder, rectal pain, orchitis (swelling of the testicles), pain during urination, spermolith, undue discharge of semen etc.

Line of treatment

Oleaginous food, oil massage, tub bath.


Kapikacchu paka
Kandarpa paka
Madanakameshwari lehya
Panchajeeraka guda etc

10) Udavarta caused due to suppression of thirst

Dryness of the throat and mouth, impaired hearing ability, discomfort in chest etc.

Line of treatment

Sweet wines, gruels etc


Chandanasava etc

11) Udavarta caused due to suppression of appetite

Drowsiness, bodypain, tastelessness, tiredness, clouding of vision etc.

Line of treatment

Tasty food  and wholesome diet


Jeeraka guda etc.

12) Udavarta caused due to suppression of respiration

Cardiac disorders, hallucination/ giddiness, gaseous distension, tumour etc.

Line of treatment

Rest, wholesome diet etc


Drakshasava etc

13) Udavarta caused due to suppression of sleep

Yawning, bodypain, eye disorders, headache, drowsiness etc.

Line of treatment

Buffalo’s milk, oil massage.


Drakshadi vati
Madhupakwa amalaki etc

Last drop:
It is very difficult to equate the condition of udavarta to any particular disease of modern medicine system. Many a time, this feature appears more as a prodromal sign or as a subclinical feature. But, surely we come across this condition very often; if, neglected as it is not causing major disturbance.
However above citations will give us the idea that long term negligence of this may lead into chronic health ailments of various kinds. So, it will be wise to identify the exact reason for such kind of reverse movement of Vata Dosha and to treat with proper medicines at the earliest.


  • V.R.K. Raman

    V.R.K. Raman
    Very informative article.
    Vide Item 12, udavarta due to suppression of
    respiration :- in pranayama, breath retention is practiced.(antar kumbak and Bahya kumbak)
    Can it be called udavarta ,since there is
    suppression of respiration during the kumbak?
    Pl. clarify.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Usually Pranayamas requiring long periods of breath-holding are prescribed to fully healthy people.
      For those who are prone to Vata increase, if they do such Pranayamas for a very long times, yes it can cause Udavarta.


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