We all know how beneficial amla fruit is, But Amla seed is also very useful both for oral administration and for external application. Here is a simple home remedy for leucorrhea using amla seeds.
Table of Contents
Home remedy video
Amla seed home remedy for leucorrhea – what you need?
Amla(seeds) – 2 seeds
Sugar candy / jaggery – 3 grams (small piece)
Honey – 3 – 5 grams (half to one teaspoon)
Method of preparation
How to make?
Collect amla seeds from an amla tree. Make a fine paste of Amla seed. Make sure it is very fine.
Add fine powder of sugar candy powder to it, mix well.
Add honey to it and make it a fine paste.
If fresh amla seed is not available, you can use dry amla seed. Dry seed is relatively easy to grind into fine powder form.
Indications, dose
Indications –
Traditionally, this effective home remedy is indicated in leucorrhoea. It is useful in reducing the inflammation and check white discharge.
Dose –
one teaspoon of this paste along with water two times a day for a week time.
How long to take?
Usually it is advised for a week time. If the symptoms are severe, it can be continued for another week.
Shelf life
Shelf life (expiration date)?
The powder, once prepared can be stored in air tight container for 2 – 4 months.
Mode of action
How does it work?
Amla seed contains fixed oil, essential oil, and phospholipids that are very useful to relieve inflammation and infection associated with uterus and cervix.
Safety in children, pregnancy, lactation
Safe for kids?
Why would kids need it? 🙂
Pregnancy and lactation?
It is best to avoid this, and any other home remedy during pregnancy.
It can be administered during lactation period for not more than 2 weeks.
Side effects
Any side effects?
Very high dose is not recommended.
Avoid it in diabetic patients.
Very long term usage is also not recommended.
It is best to take this (or any other) remedy only after consulting your doctor.
It is best to take this (or any other) remedy only after consulting your doctor.–you write. If such is the case then why do you call it a “home remedy” Dr. Hebbar?? :))
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Good question! 🙂
My definition of home remedy – A home remedy is a medicinal recipe that can be prepared at home, with the ingredients that are usually available at home. It is not something that one can take without medical advice.
What are the uses of amla seed
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Please read it here – https://www.easyayurveda.com/2013/01/17/amla-benefits-dose-usage-side-effects-complete-ayurveda-details/
Is Amla Seed powder available in market?