Saffron is called Kunkuma in Sanskrit. It is widely used in many formulations for external application and internal usage. Here is a simple Ayurvedic home remedy for heavy periods using saffron.
Table of Contents
Home remedy video
Natural remedy for heavy periods – What you need?
Saffron – single thin strand
Honey – 1 teaspoon
Method of preparation
How to make?
Take a thin strand of saffron, break it into small pieces. Mix it with honey and consume.
Heavy periods
Painful periods
Pre Menapausal Syndrome
Mood swings during periods
Nasal bleeding
Pitta aggravated conditions leading to bleeding disorders.
Dose – just one strand once or twice a day, along with a teaspoon of honey.
How long to take?
If one is having habitual heavy periods, then it is best to start this remedy 3 days prior to periods and continue till bleeding lasts.
If heavy periods is seen only occasionally, it can be started as and when there is heavy bleeding and can be continued till bleeding lasts.
Another way of using it is –
It can be taken 1 week before periods starts till it ends. This way, it can be used every month till there is good control over bleeding.
Shelf life
Shelf life (expiration date)?
Saffron can be stored for an year in air tight container.
Mode of action
How does it work? It helps to check bleeding. It also acts as anti spasmodic, helping in relieving pain during periods,it is a very useful drug.
Safety in children, pregnancy
Safe for kids?
It can be used safely in children above three years of age, for a period of 3 – 4 days, for spasmodic stomach pain.
Safe for pregnant woman?
It is quite safe in pregnant woman.
It is safe in lactating mother.
Side effects
Higher dose than suggested should be avoided at all cost.
Ebony Juelz
Why would a child of three or four be on their monthly cycle, or why would a pregnant woman take for bleeding since that stops while child is in utero?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dear Ebony Juelz, Greetings!
Please note that, a single herb will not have only one single benefit. It will have multiple benefits, based on the need of the patients. This is because single herb is a combination of many different phyto-chemicals.
So, though saffron with honey might not be useful for the above purpose, they are quite useful to headache, to improve skin complexion, texture, to heal wounds etc. Hence it can be useful even in pregnant mothers and children.
Is this remedy useful in rectumbleeding too and bleeding gums? Thank you for all good articles you write!
Hi Dr,
From when and how long this can be given to the pregnant mothers and in what quantity and how many time a day is recommended
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It may not be given as a remedy during pregnancy. But little quantity of saffron can be used in preparing food items.
how to take saffron to improve skin complexion?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Dear Jincy,
1. Using saffron as an ingredient in cooking.
2. Taking a very thin strand of saffron with a cup of milk or ghee in the morning.
Pratibha Gramann Ph.D. Educator and Consultant for Psychophysiological Therapy
What kind of effects does saffron have if higher or larger doses than 1 strand are taken as a dose? To place in rice while cooking, how many strands would be called for?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Over-dosage may cause dry mouth, anxiety, dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, change in appetite,
If the rice is for 4 – 5 people, then 5 – 6 strands can be added for cooking.
Do I have to use this formula forever during my periods for heavy flow ? or is it gonna work in one or two times of usage?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Hi, it can be taken 1 week before periods start till it ends. This way, it can be used every month till there is good control over bleeding.
prolonged heavy bleeding can stop with saffron?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Yes, along with other medicines such as Ashokarishta.
If someone has high blood pressure , low moods and heavy periods would you recommend saffron? Or something else in combination ?