Turmeric Curcuma longa Benefits, Usage, Dose, Side Effects

Turmeric is one of the very useful and famous Ayurveda herbs. It is used in many forms and through many routes of administration, such as – nasal, oral, application on the skin etc.

Botanical name – Curcuma longa Linn. (Curcuma domestica val)
Family– Scitamineae (Zingiberaceae) – Ardraka Kula

Dried turmeric rhizome

Dry Vs Wet Turmeric

What is the difference between dry and wet turmeric? 
Dr JV Hebbar: 
Wet turmeric contains more moisture in it. The phyto-chemicals and medicinal principles in them are distributed on a larger surface area due to the presence of moisture. This makes the active principles of turmeric less dense and hence, the wet turmeric is easy to digest and assimilate. 

Dry turmeric does not contain moisture. There is a theory that drying of turmeric will cause loss of chemical compounds due to heat. Although some loss is obvious, many of the Ayurvedic formulations mention use of turmeric. Turmeric is also heated in many Ayurvedic food and medicinal recipes. Hence, heating and drying of turmeric is a valid procedure as per Ayurveda and the loss of nutrients is quite negligible. 
The active principles in a dry piece of turmeric come close to each other and become dense, due to the absence of moisture. 
This makes the turmeric rich in nutrition and active principles. But the heaviness of these phyto-chemicals makes the turmeric slightly hard to digest. For this reason, it can be used less in cooking, but can be used more in medicine / remedy preparations. Because, in a medicinal remedy, you want to have maximum phyto-chemicals in a minimum possible dose of the herb powder. 

Use in hemorrhoids

Turmeric ointment for hemorrhoids:
Turmeric powder is mixed with latex of Arka (Calotropis procera) and a paste is prepared. This is applied over the pile mass. Due to its astringent and alkaline (Kshara) properties, it reduces pain, itching and size of the pile mass. (Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana 14th chapter).

Use to retard facial hair growth.

Does applying turmeric after epilation retard facial hair growth?
Yes, after epilation or hair removal treatment, it is good to apply turmeric powder over the face and leave it for at least 10 – 15 minutes before washing off. Apart from delaying facial hair re-growth, it also heals the skin lesions that may be caused during epilation.
To some extent, it is useful in retarding further facial hair growth, or at least delaying the same.
In ancient times, women used to apply turmeric over their face for the same purpose.

Turmeric plant

Turmeric for diabetes

Haridra prameha haraanaam | A. Hr.
There are many herbs (drugs) which cure diabetes, but nothing is good enough to be compared to Turmeric. This reference clearly suggests Haridra as the drug of choice in effectively tackling Diabetes Mellitus and Urinary tract disorders. In the treatment of Diabetes, Haridra is an excellent option both as a preventive and curative agent.
Read related: How Turmeric Helps in Diabetes Treatment: 7 Ways

Anti-atherosclerotic property

Anti-atherosclerotic property of Haridra:
Haridra due to its tikta-katu rasa, ushna veerya, katu vipaka and laghu, ruksha guna removes blocks in the blood vessels making the circulation of blood and nutrients easy.

Atherosclerosis is primarily formed due to accumulations in blood vessels and the accumulations are nothing but vitiated kapha-meda. We have already learnt about the Kapha-Meda alleviating property of Haridra. The circulating glucose is also broken down by Haridra and it further facilitates the absorption of free glucose by cells due to its channel-cleansing property (Srotoshodhana).

Rakta or blood tissue is one of the contaminated tissues in Prameha as explained in Ayurvedic texts. Involvement of Rakta in Prameha points towards the extra-ordinary knowledge of Acharyas (ancient Ayurveda teachers) regarding the presence of Kapha elements (glucose) in the blood.

Allergic rhinitis

4 ways to use turmeric for allergic rhinitis – watch the video here
Method 1 – Use in diet –  Just use more turmeric in diet. It can be used more in the gravy or rasam etc. Making a habit of using at least a few pinches of turmeric in your diet is the best way to keep allergic conditions at bay. Read more about turmeric benefits

Method 2 – Turmeric with hot milk – Take a pinch of turmeric and add it to a cup of hot milk. Drink this on an empty stomach in the morning. If you are allergic to milk, you can consume a pinch of it along with water.

Method 3 – Turmeric with ghee – Add two pinches of turmeric to 4 teaspoons of ghee. Just before going out of your home, apply a very thin layer of this ghee turmeric mixture to the inner side of both noses (nostrils). This looks a bit uncomfortable but the results are quite good.

Method 4 – Hot pan technique – Add a small teaspoon of turmeric powder over a hot pan and inhale the fumes. This helps to reduce the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

Anti-oxidant property

Metabolic correction and antioxidant property of turmeric:
Since Haridra rectifies the Agni (metabolic fire) by the virtue of its Ushna veerya, Katu-Tikta rasa, Laghu-Ruksha Gunas and Katu Vipaka, Haridra cleanses and detoxifies Rasa (Digestive juice and circulatory nutrition) and thus enables free circulation of nutrients to every cell of the body thus restoring the normal body functions.

Haridra by removing the blocks created in the channels and cells created by contaminated Pitta and Kapha and enabling free movements of Vata also enables the anatomical and physiological recovery of the Kapha varga dhatus viz Mamsa, Lasika, Ambu, Majja, Vasa and Shukra. The Dhatus are nourished and replenished.

Tissue and organic destruction, debility, loss of immunity and complications in Prameha occurs due to oxidation process (oxidative-stress) and Haridra helps in re-establishing health and recovery from Diabetes due to its antioxidant property. The control of all the three Doshas by turmeric can be considered as the antioxidant effect of Haridra.

Immune-modulation action

Immune-modulation action of Haldi:
Haridra helps in immune-modulation by correcting metabolism, enabling free circulation of nutrients and oxygen to every cell and due to its anti-oxidation property. The essence of all the tissues i.e. ojas regains its strength due to proper nutrition and replenishment of all the tissues thus establishing immunity.

Detox action

Detox effect of Haridra:
Haridra relieves the blocks in the cells and re-establishes their normal functioning. Once the blocks in the cells are removed free movement of nutrients into the cells and the elimination of toxins out of the cell takes place smoothly.

For liver function regulation, anaemia

Regulation of Liver Functions and correction of Anaemia by Haridra:
By the virtue of tikta-katu rasa, ushna veerya, katu vipaka and laghu, ruksha guna, Haldi removes blocks in the liver and restores the haematopoietic functions.

Anaemia is thus relieved as Haridra improvises the quality and quantity of blood. Liver regularizes the fat metabolism and detoxifies the nutrients passing through it.

Rectification of Liver functions leads to destruction of free circulating fats which are responsible for manifestation of Prameha.

Use in diabetes

Role of turmeric in prevention of T2DM and combating Pre-Diabetes – Modern perspective

Turmeric is known to the Ayurveda world as an effective herb used to prevent and cure Diabetes Mellitus effectively since ages.

Haldi has been in traditional Ayurveda practice and has been successfully implemented in preventive and curative aspects of many diseases, mainly Diabetes (Prameha, Madhumeha).

How to consume

How to take turmeric daily? Can it be mixed with tea or water or milk? 

For adults, 2 pinches (1 gram) of turmeric, mixed with half a teaspoon of ghee (clarified butter) can be consumed daily, for Vata Dosha balance.

Turmeric can tolerate heat. So, it is safe to make herbal tea out of it, or add it to your regular beverage like coffee / tea / milk.

How to take turmeric in different seasons?
For adults, 2 pinches of turmeric with a cup of milk, during afternoon or evening, during summer.
With black pepper and a little bit of honey during winter and rainy season.

How to consume turmeric daily?
Turmeric can be one of the spices that you use in your daily diet. Whatever you are eating, just add a pinch of turmeric powder over it and enjoy its benefits.
Pitta dominant people may sometimes experience increased body heat with turmeric use. They can add a pinch of turmeric to a cup of milk and have it. Coldness of milk balances out the excess hotness of turmeric.

Question: Turmeric if used in curries or if taken raw will have same effect? i.e., does cooking reduce the healing effect of turmeric?
Answer: Turmeric is used in many Ayurveda medicines, wherein it is fried in ghee, boiled with water to make Kashayam etc. Hence, I do not think there will be a reduction in quality, if it is cooked in mild – moderate heat.

Many formulations related to Diabetes cure in Ayurveda have Turmeric as an essential ingredient. Haldi is an auspicious drug in Indian tradition and is used to worship Gods and Goddesses.

Haldi is an auspicious drug in Indian tradition and is used to worship Gods and Goddesses.

It has a sacred dimension. It has been used as a cosmetic and an important kitchen spice in India. It has also been a part of home remedies to combat cold, cough, seasonal disorders, infections, wounds, skin diseases etc.

Modern studies have shown Haldi (Turmeric, Curcumin) to be highly effective in curing Diabetes. Turmeric is shown to be highly effective in pre-diabetes. When its extracts are given regularly in pre-diabetes, Turmeric is seen to prevent its progression towards T2DM. This Turmeric or Curcumin can be effectively used in preventing Diabetes by administering it in the pre-diabetes population.

Turmeric with black pepper

Hello Dr. There are some people saying that turmeric will not be absorbed by body unless black pepper is added. Can you please clarify this ?
Dr JV Hebbar:
It is not true as per Ayurveda.
In a few combinations of turmeric, we see black pepper as well, like Haridrakhanda, Panchanimba Churna etc. But not all combinations necessarily contain turmeric and black pepper together. For example – Nishamalaki churna – turmeric + Amla.

Turmeric for eyes

Regular use of turmeric in diet is known to improve eye health and relieve allergic disorders related to eyes.
A cup of water, mixed with 2 pinches of turmeric is used for washing eyes to relieve itching.
Curcumin – one of the most important components of turmeric is used in eye drops to treat glaucoma. A recent research study conducted by Professor Francesca Cordeiro from Imperial’s Department of Surgery & Cancer has proven it. (source)

Turmeric rhizome and powder

Turmeric with Calcium Supplements

Now-a-days, many calcium tablets are added with Curcuma longa (turmeric). What could be the reason? 

It is true that many popular calcium supplements brands such as Corcium plus, are adding turmeric to their calcium tablets. Here’s the logic – 
Usually, Calcium supplements are advised for people with arthritis, osteo-porosis, weak bones, less bone density, porous bones, degenerative joint disorders etc. 
These diseases have a lot of inflammation. So, adding turmeric to the combination brings in precious anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects of the turmeric. Turmeric is useful to reduce the pain and swelling associated with arthritis and weak bones. 
Turmeric is also good for diabetes, high BP and weak blood pipes (arteries and veins), which many elderly people have. 

Sandeep Agarwal of PureIndianFoods.com responds aptly – To me, this medicine reminds me of our traditional golden milk (milk, turmeric, ghee).
You get Vitamin D from milk and ghee,
Calcium from milk,
fat from ghee for proper assimilation of Vitamin D which is a fat-soluble vitamin.

The question is – if you are already taking a calcium supplement, should you switch to these new ones – with turmeric? 
Yes, only if you do not use turmeric in your daily food. (I think we should… just a pinch, may be).  
No, if turmeric is an integral part of your diet. 

Major chemical constituents

Curcumene, Curcumenone, Curcone, Curdione, Cineole, Curzerenone, epiprocurcumenol, eugenol, Camphene, Camphor, Bornel, Procurcumadiol, Procurcumenol, Curcumins, B- sitosterol etc.
(Reference: Illustrated Dravyaguna Vijnana, Vol. II, by Dr JLN Shastry)

Medicinal Properties

Rasa (taste) – Tikta (bitter), Katu (pungent)
Guna (qualities) – Rooksha (dryness), Laghu (lightness)
Vipaka – Katu – undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion.
Veerya – Ushna – Hot potency
Effect on Tridosha – because of its hotness, it balances Vata and Kapha. Because of its dryness, pungent and bitter taste, it balances Kapha. Due to bitterness, it balances Pitta. Hence it balances all the three Doshas.
Part used- Rhizome.
Dosage- fresh juice 10-20 ml, powder 1-3 grams Decoction – 50 – 100 ml

According to Bhojana Kutuhalam eleventh chapter, turmeric is pungent and bitter in taste, hot in potency, treats disorders of kapha, vata, blood and skin diseases. It checks urinary diseases, pruritus, wounds and imparts golden complexion to the skin.

Therapeutic uses as per Ayurveda

Haridra Pramehaharaanam – Of all the herbs useful in diabetes, turmeric is the most beneficial. It is very beneficial in all urinary tract infections.
Vishanut – useful in toxic conditions
Mehanut – useful in diabetes and urinary tract infections
Kanduhara – relieves itching sensation due to allergy
Ksuhtahara – used in a wide variety of skin diseases
Vranahara – useful for quick wound healing
Dehavarna vidhayini – improves skin complexion
Vishodhini – natural detoxifier
Krumihara – relieves intestinal worms and infected wounds. New research has demonstrated that the curcumin component of turmeric is useful in killing Transmissible gastroenteritis virus – TGEV. Curcumin possesses excellent inhibitory effects on the adsorption of TGEV. (research)
Pinasa nashini – useful in running nose, upper respiratory tract infection
Aruchinashini – useful in anorexia
Useful antidote for insect bites on external application. It has an anti-toxic effect even on oral administration.
Panduhara – useful in anaemia, initial stages of liver disorders
Apachihara – useful in wounds, sinuses
Twakdoshajit – detoxifies blood and skin
Vishothajit – natural anti inflammatory
Vatasranut – useful in gout.
Its external application relieves inflammation, swelling, pain, improves skin complexion, cleanses and heals wounds.
Its fumes are inhaled to relieve hiccups, asthma and poisonous conditions.
Pitta Rechaka – It expels increased Pitta out of the body by means of purgation.
Turmeric relieves constipation.
It is used for external application in facial hair removal.

Turmeric for cancer prevention

A recent study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention found that a dose-dependent administration of curcumin effectively activated degeneration of liver cancer cells. 

Sanskrit verse

turmeric uses

Turmeric side effects

Excess use of turmeric, especially during summer can cause an increase in hotness.
Some people are allergic to turmeric.

Turmeric for women

How Turmeric is Useful for Women? 
Dr JV Hebbar
Turmeric has many names in Ayurveda, and one important name is

Yoshit Priya – Yoshit / Yoshita means woman or young woman
Priya – Liked by.

Turmeric, being the golden spice, is useful in many ways for women’s health.
1. Facial hair growth – People in south India have the habit of applying turmeric on their face every day. Applying turmeric on the face reduces facial hair growth in women.
Read related: Facial hair removal remedies

2. Acne and skin glow – Turmeric application on the face relieves acne and improves skin glow and radiance. Also, turmeric oral intake is an excellent blood and detoxifier and promotes skin health.
Ayurvedic Remedies, Medicines for Skin Glow, Radiance

3. Menstrual cramps
A pinch or two of turmeric is not only useful to promote menstrual health, it also relieves menstrual cramps. Turmeric has anti inflammatory and antispasmodic effects (1)
Ayurvedic Diet And Lifestyle During Menstruation (Periods)

4. Mood and depression
It relieves depression and regulates dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain (2)
Read: Depression Causes, Ayurvedic Treatment, Tips And Remedies

5. It is used in pregnancy care and also in the treatment of menopause.
All these, along with cholesterol management, wound healing properties, anti-cancer anti diabetic properties, etc. makes turmeric a must have for women.

Dose for daily use: 1 – 2 pinches per day (500 mg to 1 g per day)

How to consume turmeric daily?
Turmeric can be one of the spices that you use in your daily diet. Or whatever you are eating, just put a pinch of turmeric powder over it and enjoy its benefits.
Add it to smoothies.
Add it to tadka, gravy, masala. 
Add it to rice. 
Add it to juices. 
Add a pinch of it to a cup of hot milk and drink at night. 
Add it to a teaspoon of ghee and lick it. 
Read: Turmeric uses, dose, side effects, remedies

Interaction with medicines, supplements

Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.

Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc.?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.

With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the Ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurveda medicines with turmeric as ingredient –
Haridra Khanda –
very useful in allergic rhinitis and allergic skin conditions, also used to improve skin complexion.
Khadiradi Vati – used in the treatment of bad breath, mouth ulcers.
Nisa Kathakadi Kashayam – used in diabetes management.
Nishamalaki Churna – Used in treating pre-diabetes.

Turmeric in Vedas

Turmeric in Vedas

Turmeric was used for long periods of time up to one year, to improve memory and concentration.
Turmeric can be used as part of food and also can be applied all over the body.
Because it colors the cloth (Ranjana) – it is called Rajani.
It is useful in allergic skin disorders.

Complications, over dosage

In March 2017, In California USA, a 30-year-old woman, Jade Erick suffered a cardiac arrest, due to anaphylactic shock following an infusion of intravenous administration of curcumin.
regarding this event

Curcumin Caused Death. Should Ayurveda Be Blamed?

This issue has been used by many anti natural science propaganda publications to blame natural cures. (Example article).
Was the death unfortunate? Yes.
Should the naturopath who administered curcumin intravenously be punished? Yes. He is ignorant and has acted with medical negligence.
Should Ayurveda be blamed for this? NO.

Ayurveda has never recommended intravenous administration of turmeric or curcumin in any traditional Ayurveda textbooks.
Ayurveda has recommended turmeric on wounds, turmeric in the form of oil, on the skin, turmeric for oral consumption. Turmeric with other combinations in enema. But Ayurveda has not recommended turmeric via intravenous route.

Ayurveda has not even recommended use of curcumin alone. Ayurveda talks about full herbs – turmeric. Curcumin is not turmeric. Curcumin is just one of the thousand chemicals in turmeric.

WebMD says overdosage of curcumin is bad.
Ayurveda has clearly mentioned the dose and method of administration of all herbs in the most scientific way. Leave alone turmeric, Ayurveda has said that over dosage of even water is bad. (Read – how much water to drink)

Curcumin side effects cannot be considered as side effects of turmeric. Curcumin is only 2 % of the turmeric. Usually in any herb, the chemical compounds react with each other to bring about a final action. So, all actions of curcumin cannot be said to be that of turmeric.

Hence using a very illiterate use of curcumin in IV route to blame the whole of the natural system is a very illiterate thing to do.

If any of the herbal compounds is to be used via IV route, first it should be studied in depth through in vitro in vivo studies. Its safety protocol should be established. Only then a clinical study can be conducted, and then further decisions are made.

Blindly giving some herbal tea or infusion of, even rice or cucumber can cause anaphylactic reaction and death.

Sanskrit synonyms

Haridra – Harim Varna Drati Shodhayati cha – which improves skin complexion and cleanses skin.
Kanchani – has the colour of gold, brings about golden colour to the skin, improves skin glow.
Nisha – which is as beautiful as a starry night.
Yoshitpriya – liked by women.
Varavarnini, varna vilasini – which imparts great colour to the skin.
Hattavilasini – increases the value of the market / shop that sell turmeric,
Krimighni – relieves worm and microbial infection.
Peeta, Gauri – has yellow colour.
Mehaghni – It has anti diabetic activity.
Ranjani – It imparts colour to the clothes.
Vishaghni – Effective antidote for poison

Classical categorization

Charaka –
Lekhaneeya Gana – a group of herbs having scraping property.
Kushtaghna – a group of herbs that relieve skin diseases.
Kandughna – a group of herbs that relieve the itching sensation.
Krimighna – a group of herbs that relieve worm / microbial infection,
Shiro-virechana – a group of herbs that are useful to remove Dosha (toxins) from the head.
Haridradi, Mustadi, Slesmashamana (group of herbs that balance Kapha)
Vagbhata- Haridradi, Mustadi
Bha. Pr – Haritakyadi varga

Different varieties

Haridra is only one, but we come across the description of two Haridras in the texts viz, Haridra (turmeric – Curcuma longa) and Daruharidra (tree turmeric).  In many Ayurveda medicines, Turmeric and tree turmeric are used together.
Sodhala has opined that both these are antidotes for many poisons.

Bhavamisra described Haridra (turmeric – Curcuma longa), Amragandhi Haridra (Curcuma amada) Karpura Haridra, Vana haridra (Curcuma aromatica) and Daru Haridra (Berberis aristata).

Dalhana – 1. Pinda harira
2. Daru haridra


Cultivated throughout India.


A tall herb with large root stock
Leaves – Very large up to 1 m long oblong, lanceolate tapering to the base
Inflorescence – Spike, Flowering bracts pale green, bracts of coma tinged with pink
Flowers – Pale yellow. Corolla tube has funnel shaped upper half which is pinkish white
Useful parts – Rhizome

Vernacular names

Hindi Name- Haldi, Hardi
Telugu Name- Pasupu, Pasupu Kommulu
English Name- Turmeric
Tamil Name- Manjal
Kannada Name- Arishina
Punjabi Name – Haldi, Haldar, Halaj
Bengali name – Halud
Gujarati name – Haladar
Marathi name – Halad
Arabian name – Kumkum
Farsi name – Zardchob
Malayalam name: Manjal

Curing of Haridra (Turmeric)

Fresh turmeric is cured for obtaining dry turmeric. Curing involves boiling of fresh rhizomes in water and drying in the sun. In the traditional method of curing, the cleaned rhizomes are boiled in water just enough to immerse them. Boiling is stopped when froth comes out.

Sodhana-Samskara (Purification and Processing)

In a vessel Bijapura rasa and Kanji is taken and 10 g of lime is added then rhizomes of Haridra (Curcuma longa) is immersed. Vessel is kept on fire and heated in a low flame till the liquid gets dried. Then in a dolayantra, Tila taila (Sesame oil) 150 ml and Gandhodaka is filled and Swedana is done. Every day oil should be changed. By this Haridra becomes bright yellow and gets purified.


The cooked fingers are dried in the Sun by spreading them in 5-7 cm thick layers on Bamboo mats or floor.
During nighttime, the rhizomes should be heaped or covered with material which provides aeration. It may take 10-15 days for the rhizomes to become completely dry. Artificial drying, using crossflow hot air at a maximum temperature of 60°C also gives a satisfactory product.


Dried turmeric has a poor appearance and a rough dull outer surface with scales and root bits. The appearance is improved by smoothening and polishing the outer surface by manual or mechanical rubbing.

Sthanika Karma (Systemic Action)

External Application – External application is beneficial in edema, improves complexion, cleanses the wound and promotes wound healing. Fumigation with this herb is beneficial in hiccough, Asthma, and in poisonous conditions. Indicated in eye disorders. External application of its paste is indicated in Hepatomegaly, Hemorrhoids etc. In scorpion poison, fumigation with turmeric helps to reduce pain.

Internal administration –
Digestive System – Indicated in loss of taste, constipation, jaundice, hepatomegaly, Ascites, Helminthiasis etc. .
Circulatory System – It has styptic action, Beneficial in Anemia and in other bleeding disorders, Highly recommended in seasonal allergy (Sitapitta)
Respiratory System – Pacifies Kapha dosha, Indicated in Cough and breathing disorders
Excretory System – Reduces urine production. Its powder and juice is indicated in Diabetes.
Reproductive system – Cleanses uterus and breast milk (Stanya sodhana). Indicated in sukrameha
Satmikarana – Indicated in Obesity as it cause Medodhatu soshana (Scraping action on fat tissue)
Tvak (Skin) – Indicated in skin disorders, Reduce itching, allergic skin rashes etc.
Tapakrama – Pacifies pitta dosha and remove toxic materials (Amapachana) Indicated in fever (Jirna jvara)
Satmikarana – Anti poisonous, indicated in general debility.


  • Gopinath M M

    very good information that can be beneficially used as turmeric is available everywhere. thank you

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Welcome 🙂

  • coollovershyam

    bahut kum log hai jo achhaeeyo ke sath kissi herb ki nuksan deh bate batate hai aapka dhanyavad

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Dhanyavaad Ji.

  • K.Umamahesh

    very good article. Turmeric can also be used to stabilize the diabetes also. need to take 2-3 “00” capsules post lunch / dineer

  • Mika

    Can Turmeric Powder or juice consumed with milk help in healing Melasma pigmentation marks on Face?Also can it heal Fibroid by shrinking?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Turmeric would help to decrease Melasma symptoms. It might not be very effective in shrinking fibroid size.

      • Mika

        thanks a lot.Can you pls tell me in which form(powder/juice) n which Haldi should be applied?

        • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

          If it is external application, its power can be directly applied. Or a paste can be made with turmeric powder with water and that can be applied.
          If you use any Ayurvedic oil for massage, you can mix a pinch of turmeric to 15 ml of oil and use that for massage.

          • Mika

            thanks a lot Dr,i never knew about mixing haldi with oil for massage,thanks for this information,will definitely do this.Happy New Year:-)

            • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

              Thanks Mika. Wish you and your family too a very prosperous and healthy 2014.

  • tarun

    Very good article. I read somewhere that there is one Ambey Haldi too. Is it any different or does it even exist ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Amba Haldi is Curcuma aromatica, Vana Haridra, a variety of turmeric.

      • tarun

        Thanks for reply

  • satyen gadhvi

    what is your opinion about the use of Turmeric Extract? is it beneficial?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, It is also beneficial.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author


  • Patricia

    How can turmeric be used to cure allergic rhinitis?

  • dr shraddha

    very good information sir

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thank you Dr Shraddha 🙂

  • Prasanna Kumar

    Excellent info, doctor. Can we take any brand of commercially-available Turmeric powder?

    Your old admirer from Cochin, Prasanna Kumar

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi Prasanna Kumar, I do not know of any commercial brands of turmeric.

  • sonia

    very lucky to receive such articles from you thank you very much .Can it cure urticaria forever?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      🙂 Very lucky to have esteemed personalities like you as my readers, who would let me know that my work is of some use to them.
      I will soon come up with an article about usage of turmeric in urticaria.

      • sonia

        thanks for your quick reply & providing me information about urticaria in few days.
        we highly feel obliged when we get some information which is actually in use by us from an experienced practioner like you. God bless you.awaiting your early reply.

  • cknp

    श्री मान जी ,आपने हल्दी के विभिन्न स्वास्थ्यवर्धक प्रयोग बहुत अच्छे से बताए हैं– धन्यवाद

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author


  • Noor

    Thanks useful article,want to know weather it’s good for ” diverticulosis?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, Diverticulosis is a structural issue with the intestine. I do not think turmeric would cure it.

  • Palak

    Can we take amba haldi in early pregnancy?

  • sunil

    Can you tell me some thing about Haridra rasa, How it is prepared and its uses.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Will cover it sometime.

      • Sony

        Dr. What is differance between Curcmin and Turmeric that we use at home for cooking – is there any differance?.

        • Dr Malini Bhat

          Dear Madam, Curcumin is one of the substance in Turmeric, may help to reduce inflammation and thought to have anti oxidant properties. Curcumin belongs to a family of chemicals known as curcuminoids, which are polyphenolic compounds that have a bright yellow color. The distinctive color of turmeric is due to the high levels of curcumin it contains. Curcumin regulates chemical messengers that cause inflammation in the body, suggesting that curcumin may be particularly effective in treating autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

          • Sony

            Dr. I know Curcmin is part of Tumeric gives that yellow color and its all benefits.
            But My question is/ was is the any differance between in just Tumeric which I use everyday in cooking or taking Tumeric in milk verses Curcumin capsules sold on line or market place?.

            • Dr Malini Bhat

              Dear madam, a typical turmeric root contains about 2-5% curcumin, so taking an unstandardized, powdered turmeric root product means that very large amounts would be required to get a beneficial amount of curcumin. Additionally, curcumin is poorly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.

              Using turmeric in your cooking is considered safe and unlikely to cause side effects. Taking large doses of the supplements can result in gastrointestinal side effects. The most common gastrointestinal side effects are stomachache, gas, nausea and indigestion.

              • Sony

                Dr.Malini – my question was IS Curcumin and Tumeric is same thing ?.

                • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

                  1. Curcumin is just one of the many ingredients of turmeric.
                  2. Ayurveda believes considers herbs as a whole, in a particular medium – like water soluble components of a herb in Kashaya, fat soluble component in taila / Ghrita etc. Ayurveda does not directly approve of usage of single alkaloid or such chemical component, in the name of the herb.
                  I am not saying that usage of curcumin is not as per Ayurveda. But considering Ayurvedic principles, Curcumin and turmeric are two different components.

                  Taking curcumin capsule versus using turmeric powder along with milk – from an Ayurvedic perspective, using turmeric powder along with milk is more holistic.

                  • Sony

                    Can Tumeric be used with honey ? With food or after food or empty stomach ?. Cannot digest milk.

  • vasudhaka goswami

    It is a small encyclopaedia on haridra.very informative

  • Vivek

    can Haldi be Used for Migrain problem

  • Prakash Mehta

    is it right that turmeric is good in liver deseases ?

  • Ash

    Hi Dr.,

    Is it beneficial to apply a mask of honey, lemon and turmeric on skin for 10 mins every other day?


  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Thank you for your kind words of appreciation 🙂

  • Swathi

    How to buy it in online for cold urticaria

  • Hene

    Dr. What’s the difference between Turmeric from the kitchen cabinet which is used for cooking and Curcumin capsules ? . Which is better to take and also between freash turmeric root . One should take freash , podwer or circumin capsules?.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Curcumin is just one among several components that turmeric contains. Hence, fresh turmeric is better than Curcurmin extract capsule.

  • mallapurbharat

    Dear Sir,

    As usual, an amazing article!

    I was interested in knowing how to consume raw fresh turmeric… In your article, you say fresh juice (10 to 20 ml)… How should one prepare this fresh juice?

    Also, can you let me know a way to preserve fresh rhizome for a longer time, so that it can be used in non-season as well?

    Lastly, in one article by a vaidya, it is mentioned that one should not use raw turmeric root

    I’d like to know your thoughts on the above advise… Is it really so mentioned in ayurvedic texts?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Fresh juice -crush the rhizome in a mixer or with mortar and pestle and filter with a cloth with pressure.
      The rhizome can be refrigerated.
      Even turmeric dry powder has almost equal benefits as similar to fresh rhizome.
      I have not come across any reference banning the intake of fresh turmeric root / rhizome.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    It does not contain curcumin.

  • nagendra shastri


    is it safe to use haridra ( curcuma longa rhizo) from himalaya company for liver inflammation and enlargement of liver if not please tell me what herb works well for fatty liver and hepatomegaly and also is it safe for diabetic person

    thanks and regards

  • nagendra shastri


    my sister is with secondary liver cancer and also diabetic what is the dosage you suggest curcumin capsules would you like to suggest any particular brand we will go for that like himalaya baidyanath etc.
    please reply sir

    thanking you in advance

  • subas chakraborty

    Dr Hebbar,
    thank you for the article and discussions. I want to know that those are having hyper acidity how they should use tummeric. i also want to know about the diabetic patient as i have experienced sugar level fall immediately (after one and half hour)and causes acidity. here I want to inform you that I am non-dibetic.

  • Hem shikha

    Very informative. I have a question that most indians use turmeric in their food daily , then why is diabetes so common in India?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Due to increased sedentary habits and excess sweat intake.

  • Cook

    Hello Dr. Hebbar! I noticed you answered the question about black pepper use with turmeric, pertaining to absorption of turmeric internally. I’m under the impression that medicines and foods which have sharp quality, or which affect skin and muscles (meaning, an outward or external direction, such as herbs that stimulate sweating), would also help things like turmeric to be assimilated by the body. So, even sesame oil, or mustard, or serving turmeric with hot soup, or with salty or sour foods. But it’s not a requirement for turmeric to work, and sometimes sharp or hot (etc) is contra-indicated for a person. Does that sound right?

  • shubham

    sir.. i hav read a article of sadhguru..in which he advices to take turmeric and neem with tepid light honey water to promote health and energy ..first thing in the morning..is it ok ?

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    It is not true.
    No problem in giving turmeric to children.

  • Stefania Rae

    Hello, is Desi Utthana Haridrarasa Turmeric Extraction better then capsules or turmeric powder? I would like to buy the best one for inflammation so the body can absorb it.
    Pls, can you advise which one to buy? Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you????

  • Murali Krishna Hari

    Dr Hebber ji,
    Can you suggest how to make home remedy using Turmeric paste, for applying externally for joint pains. What other ingredients can be used, and how to prepare.

  • Krish jan

    Sir, I have severe bloating problem. Can extra turmeric be taken apart from turmeric added in regular diet. What would you suggest for severe bloating.

  • prabakarnarayan

    Thank you Dr. What should I do for my vitamin B12 deficiency, nerve pain and numbness some times. Regards.

  • prabakarnarayan

    Dear Dr. Thank You Very much. Kindly advise what should I do for my Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Nerve Pain and some time I get numbness also. Regards.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    With milk during summer.
    With black pepper and a little bit of honey during winter and rainy season.

  • Prema Prakash

    Can you please tell me whether it is safe to consume Haridrarasa daily? If yes, how many drops ? Is it better to take in warm water or in milk?

  • Sweta Gusain

    All your articles are a boon. i refer to them regularly and i want to thank you from my core. I verify the information with other pages and it seems yours is the among the most reliable ones. Thank you once again.

  • Kundan

    what is Wet Turmeric?

  • Dharmapriya

    Dear Doctor,

    What does old text says about taking Turmeric during pregnancy?

    I do not find any reference to our old books, when people or websites say it is not safe to take Turmeric during pregnancy. Please help.

    Thank you.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Turmeric, in small quantities – 1 – 2 pinch per day, is safe during pregnancy.


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