How Is Time Of Medicine Administration Decided In Ayurveda?

There are many factors to consider while deciding on time of Ayurvedic medicine administration. Those factors are – patient’s strength, digestive health, disease condition, nature of medicine etc. Let us study these factors in detail.

Allopathic view point 

The modern system deals with synthetic medicine. Medicine is a chemical molecule. If the food in the stomach alters the absorption/ metabolism of the medicine, the medicine is give before food. If the medicine has a chance to cause  or worsen gastritis, it is usually given after food.

Ayurveda viewpoint

Ayurvedic medicines are not considered as chemicals. They are herbs. The dose of Ayurveda medicine is usually large when compared to Allopathy. Ayurvedic medicines can be compared with fruits, nuts and vegetables. So, more often than not, the medicine has to be broken into minute particles and has to get digested in the stomach and intestine, before getting into blood circulation and before reaching the target organ and bring about treatment action. So, in Ayurvedic medicine administration, digestive strength is an important criterion.

Time of Ayurvedic medicine consumption

empty stomach

On empty stomach

Empty stomach – Giving medicine on empty stomach.

It is for 
a. Kapha disorders because, on an empty stomach, Kapha is very low and Vata and Pitta are high. Hence further decreasing Kapha with medicine is very easy at this point of time.

b. Strong patients – Medicine that are given on empty stomach will have maximum effect on the body. Because, the stomach does not have any other thing to digest, it digests the medicine very well. If the patient is strong and can tolerate, then for him, the ideal time to give medicine is when the stomach is empty.

c. For weight loss – If the medicine is intended to decrease the hunger, thereby helping the patient to eat less, it is usually given on empty stomach.

d. If the disease is very strong, then the medicine has to act to its maximum potential to save the patient. Hence empty stomach is preferred.

e. On an empty stomach, the stomach and intestines are fully available for effective medicine absorption. Hence, maximum therapeutic efficacy can be expected.

f. Contra indication: This time of medicine intake is best avoided in women, children and elderly people, because they may not tolerate the strength of the medicine.

Before food – (Pragbhakta)

before food

It is preferred in cases of Apana Vata imbalance disorders like constipation, diarrhoea, menstrual disorders, etc. In learning about types of Doshas, we have learnt that the place of Apana Vata is large intestine and it controls the excretion process. Medicines that are administered before food, undergo digestion and reach the large intestine, before the food reaches there. So, medicines will bring about their therapeutic action swiftly.  

Because the medicine is soon followed up by food, there will not be distress due to medicine effect. This time is suitable for children, elderly and women.

In between food

It is preferred in cases of Samana Vata imbalance. Samana type of Vata resides in stomach and intestines and it controls the process of digestion. If medicine is taken in between food, it stays in the intestines for a longer period of time. Hence, all the digestive disorders related to intestines can be targeted easily.
In Pitta disorders also, this time is preferred.

After food

a. in disorders of Vyana Vata (which is situated in chest / heart, circulates all over the body and is cause for flexion and extension of hands, legs etc.)  medicine is given at the end of morning food.
b. In disorders of Udana Vata (which controls speech, enthusiasm, memory etc), medicine is given after dinner.

c. To gain weight, after food time is preferred. Because, for weight gain, Kapha Dosha needs to be boosted. Soon after food intake, at the starting phase of digestion, there is Kapha dominance. Hence, improving on Kapha Dosha quality is very easy at this point of time.

Basically, to treat imbalance of Dosha, which resides in chest region, medicine is given after food.  

In between morsels of food

Grasantara – This time period is useful for disorders of Prana Vata. (which controls peristalsis movement and respiration). Prana vata imbalance leads to vomiting, breathing difficulties (as in Asthma) etc. So, sandwiching medicines between two morsels helps the patient to normalize peristalsis (down movement of food).

This time period is useful for disorders of Prana Vata. (which controls peristalsis movement and respiration). Prana vata imbalance leads to vomiting, breathing difficulties (as in Asthma) etc. So, sandwiching medicines between two morsels helps the patient to normalize peristalsis (down movement of food).

Mixed with each morsel of food

Sagrasa– In case of lack of taste, anorexia, indigestion, medicine is mixed with food and given to the patient. It helps in masking the taste of medicine and aids in improving digestion strength and thus helps to treat anorexia. Aphrodisiac medicines, are usually administered in this time period.

Repeated dosage

Muhurmuhu– in diseases produced by poison, vomiting,  hiccup, thirst, dysponea and cough. These disorders develop symptoms throughout the day and medicine is required throughout the day to keep the symptoms under check.

Mixed with food

Mixed with food / cooked with food – in anorexia, low digestion strength, and when the whole body is affected by disease, and when the body is injured, the medicine is cooked / mixed along with food and is given to the patient.

Before and after food

in tremors, Akshepaka (convulsions), in hiccups,  to treat Doshas which have occupied the upper and lower parts of the body, this time is preferred. Digestive Avalehas and Churnas are usually administered in this period.

In between two meal times

Previously, people were taking only two meals per day. So, in the afternoon, when the breakfast is digested and at about mid night, when the dinner is digested, medicine was given. Cardiac tonics, medicine to improve mental strength, to improve digestion strength, medicines that are to be taken for a long period of time, and in some Vyana disorders, this time period is preferred.


At night, bed time – for diseases affecting head and neck.  For example, Triphala home remedy for eyecare
Usually aphrodisiac medicines are administered at night. For example Satavaryadi Churna, along with milk, at night. (Sarngadhara Samhita, Madhyama khanda, 6/ 154- 155)

The above set of rule is one basic criterion for time of medicine administration. But there are other criteria as well.

Based on nature of dosage form

After food – Medicines which cause gastric irritation, like Guggulu containing medicines, Strong Asava and Arishtas (alcoholic preparations), etc are usually given after food. Because, food is already there in the stomach and medicines will not directly attack the inner lining (mucosa) of stomach.   

Based on Dosha

Vata Dosha is dominant in the evening. So, if a person has a Vata disorder, symptoms will be more seen in the evening. Hence a strong Vata balancing medicine will be administered in the evening.

Similarly, for Pitta – afternoon and for Kapha – morning.

Efficacy of medicine

If at night, medicines are given to induce sleep, and if the person is getting too much of sleep and is not able to get up in the morning, then the sleep inducing medicine is adjusted to evening so that he can sleep and wake up at proper timings.

Product specific time of medicine administration

For some Ayurveda products, the instructions about time of medicine administration is already given along with the product description.

Dhatryarishta – In anemia disease, it should be taken in empty stomach. Food should be taken only after the medicine is completely digested.
Hingwashtaka Churna – This is also called as Ashta Choorna. It is administered along with the first bolus of food, with ghee.
Gulgulasava – For this medicine, one among four timings should be followed – Before food, between food, along with each morsel or in between two morsels of food.
Shilajitwadi Bati – It is administered early in the morning along with Shaivala kashaya.

Request – Using the above information, please do not quarrel with your doctor about the time of medicine intake that she has prescribed to you. As there are lot of factors involved, chances of your doctor being right is higher.

Detox Medicine Timing

For the purpose of liver detox / colon detox, or for Virechana purpose, what is the effect, if the medicines are administered at night compared to morning? Which timing has a stronger action?   
Dr JV Hebbar
The therapies like colon / liver detox involve giving oral medicines to cause purgation (bouts of diarrhea) in patients. 
This can be broadly understood as Virechana therapy, though traditional Ayurvedic Virechana is a nuanced treatment protocol. 
The laxative or purgative medicine, whether to give in the morning or at night, depends on many factors. 

1. Purpose
If the purpose of the therapy is to cause only mild laxative action, say, in a patient of constipation, then usually the medicine is advised at night. For example, giving Avipattikara churna – 3 – 5 grams at night before or after food. 
If the purpose is Nitya Virechana – daily detox therapy, which is often recommended in chronic liver disorders such as liver cirrhosis, chronic skin disease such as psoriasis, eczema, then, usually the purgative medicine is administered at night. 
Eg: 5-10 grams of Avipattikara Churna or 5 grams of trivrit Lehyam at night. 
However, if needed, the daily Virechana medicine is sometimes given early in the morning as well. (research)

If the purpose is to do a full fledged Virechana therapy, then the medicine is administered in the morning itself. 

2. Nature of medicine: 
Some medicines are milder and can be given at night. For example, 5 grams of Haritaki Churna, Triphala Churan, Avipatti Churna etc. 
Some medicines are stronger and if you give these medicines at night, number of purgation, BP, heart rate, hydration etc. parameters may go out of control and you may be unable to bring the situation under control. For example: Icchabhedi ras, high dose of Trivrit Lehya, High dose of castor oil, Aragwadha phala majja etc. 

3. Dose: 
If the dose is high, then morning is the best time. If things go wrong, you can take timely corrective measures if things start going south (literally). 
Bottom line is, if you are not sure how strong the medicine is or what is the correct dose of medicine, do not take any medicine yourself. Seek your doctor’s help. 


  • Priya

    Doesn’t ayurveda prohibits drinking of water for atleast one hour after meals? In that case, if one takes medicines after food (say after 15 minutes) and consumes water along with the medicines (in case of tablets and capsules), will it not hamper the digestion of the meal? Will it be more useful to wait for an hour atleast to consume medicines after food?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      In case of medicine intake, there is no need to wait for one hour, assuming that the water intake is just sufficient to send medicine down to the stomach.

  • Gaurav

    Can you please clarify the difference between:

    (a) “In between food – It is preferred in cases of Samana Vata imbalance”


    (b) “In between morsels of food – This time period is useful for disorders of Prana Vata.”

    Is (a) a one-time ingestion of the medicine during a meal, and (b) administered between every two morsels of the meal?

    Thank you,

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      In between food means, taking the medicine at the middle of meals. Only one time, per meal.
      In between morsels means, throughout the meals, taking food and medicine alternatively.

  • raj

    Suppose I take a medicine after food but that was supposed to be taken before food. Will it create any damage to the body or will it give any side effect ? will it worsen the disease ? Please clarify.

    What the name of the book that deals with diagnosing and treatment of disease ?

    thank you

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It does not cause any harm. Only probability is that the effectiveness of the medicine might be reduced to some extent.

  • Sanjeev

    Some medicines are to be taken after meals. It means exactly after the meal, or with some time gap? Tell me the same for before food medicines?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Generally, 10 minutes before or after.

  • raj

    I want to learn about how to diagnose a disease and finding the right ayurvedic treatment for it. Is there any text book that is prescribed in ayurvedic colleges in this subject ?

    Thank you

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      To learn about diagnosing the disease, please read Madhava Nidana and Ashtanga Hrudaya.
      To learn about treatments, please read Ashtanga Hrudaya, Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Bhaishajya Ratnavali.
      There is no one single book which would explain everything.
      Ayurveda has to be learnt starting from principles.

  • raj

    Dr I always feel very sleepy after having lunch…what can be the primary reason for this ? I know that it is not good to sleep in the daytime…but I feel very dizzy and sleep after lunch.. what should I do to cure this problem ? Please give me some advice

    Thank you

  • sunil kamath

    nice article.thanks

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Welcome 🙂

  • Prof.Dr.R.R.Deshpande

    After food –
    a. in disorders of Vyana Vata (which is situated in chest / heart, circulates allover the body and is cause for flexion and extension of hands, legs etc.) medicine is given at the end of morning food.
    b. In disorders of Udana Vata (which controls speech, enthusiasm, memory etc), medicine is given after dinner.

    Dear Hebbar, again Nice article. But, like explanation for other timing ,you have not enough explanation for above 2 points — relation of Vyana & after food
    or Udan & after dinner.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Dear Prof. Deshpande,
      Probable reason for Udana Vata disorder, medicine is given after dinner is, The place for Udana Vata is chest, and it is dominated naturally by Kapha. If we are giving medicine after food (first part of digestion, where Kapha is dominant) and in evening (wherein Kapha is dominant), this will help to target both Vata and Kapha together.

  • Dr.G Udaya keerthi

    Dear docter,
    It is quite informative.I am very much impressed about your artical.thanq for this nice explanation.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Dear Dr Udaya Keerthi,
      Many thanks for your kind appreciation. Best regards, Dr Hebbar

  • Krishna

    Dr. Hebbar,
    As usual great article your is one of my most sought for destination to understand about ayurvedic treatments – medicines-herbs. Thanks for sharing the information around please keep the good work going.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thank you 🙂

  • Dhanya

    Hi Sir
    I’m taking kooshmanda rasayana, ashwagandha arishta and draksharishta for weight gain and improving blood level. It was advised to take medicines after food and keep half an hour gap between arishta and rasayana intake. Is there any order for taking these medicine? I mean do I need to take rasayana first or arishta. I was advised to have milk after taking rasayana. Is milk very mandatory with these medicine? I’m asking this because it is little bit difficult in morning to follow this routine in the rush of getting ready to office. Please suggest the best ways for these medicines to give best result.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, all the three are right medicines for you. I would advise to take Ashwagandharishta and Draksharishta – together first and later take Kooshmanda rasayana. Even a 10 minute gap is good enough. Milk is good with it, but not a must have.

  • Vijay Bhide

    HI Sir ,
    if a medicine is to be taken after food , should it be taken after breakfast or after lunch or after dinner ?
    which will be effective when no such indications (breakfast /lunch /dinner) is given ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Usually, the prescribing doctor would decide if the medicine is to be taken in the morning or at night.
      It depends on patient and the disease.
      If, for example, mind calming medicines are advised to aid in sleep, they are commonly prescribed at night.
      If someone has aggravation of asthma symptoms in the morning, usually, medicines are advised in the morning.

  • Garima

    Manjishtha should be taken before or after meal, will it vary if it’s in powdered form and if it’s in capsule form

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It can be taken before or after meals. Capsule and powder form – both work similarly.

      • Garima

        Thank you !

  • shailesh

    #.Herbs like musli,ashwaganda,shatavar etc. should be taken empty stomach or after food for the purpose of gaining weight
    #.Is churna is better or boiling the roots in milk. churna is more effective by boiling in milk or just simply taking and drinking milk afterwards?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      1. After food.
      2. Churna can be consumed along with milk. No need of boiling.

  • Nishant Gupta

    Hello sir,

    I recently bought some medicines for my skin problems. i bought Divya KayaKalp vati (to be finely grounded and taken 1 hour before breakfast and before dinner).

    I also bought divya kaishor guggulu and divya arogyavardhini (2 tablets after breakfast and after dinner).

    But by mistake i finely grounded all 3 and mixed together.

    What should i do now? kayakalp vati was to be taken before meals 2 times a day and kaishort guggulu and arogyavardhini was to be take after meals. but now all are mixed.

    Please help.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      You can take them all together, after food.
      Please consult an Ayurveda doctor before taking any Ayurvedic medicine.

      • Nishant Gupta

        what if i take them 1 hour before food if i can tolerate? will it cause adverse affect? i know guggulu medicines are strong but if my stomach can tolerate, will it be ok?

        Also if i take the kayakalp vati now after food, the effect will be decreased, right? You said in the article that if a medicine is taken on empty stomach, maximum therapeutic efficacy will occur.

  • Shubham

    “a. Kapha disorders because, on an empty stomach, Kapha is very low and Vata and Pitta are high. Hence further decreasing Kapha with medicine is very easy at this point of time.”

    By same logic should Pitta and Vata reducing medicines should be given at times of day when these doshas are low?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It depends on the strength of the disease and strength of the patient.
      In a strong patient, whichever the Dosha is high, can be tackled when Dosha is high, with strong medicines.
      In a weaker patient, better to tackle Doshas when they are milder.

  • Adi

    Sir I’m taking kayakalp kwath, sarvakalp kwath and Triphala churna decoction on empty stomach. I have two questions .
    1.After taking the medicine is it okay to have food after 20 or 30 minutes ?
    2.Also tell me is it okay to do pranayama like kapalabhati after taking ayurvedic medicine on empty stomach …
    Kindly let me know soon.

  • Ram

    To lower the glycemic index of sugar i take ajaswagandhi lehyam at the end of meals (without gap). Is it fine ?

  • Ram

    Also may i know why it is advisable to take medicines after 10 mins gap of meals ?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Just to avoid abrupt mixing of food with medicine.

  • ssheikhar

    Dear Dr Hebbar,

    As per my limited understanding, Ayurvedic doctors usually prescribe 2 types of digestives.

    a) Before meal e.g. hingwastak
    b) After meal e.g. Drakrishtha

    What are the deciding factors on basis of which this decision is made //AND// secondly what effect will taking digestive (a) vs (b) will have on Pitta of person.


    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, the choice of digestive medicines and timings are many.

      In your given example, for a pitta person, Draksharishta after food makes sense.
      Hingwashtaka just before food with ghee is advised for Vata and Kapha problems.

  • ssheikhar


  • Jaishrey

    If a medicine such as kukuda mamsa thailam is supposed to be given on empty stomach but, the patient cannot tolerate it, can it be mixed with something to allow it to be swallowied?


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