How To Balance Vata Dosha? Line Of Treatment And Reasoning

Vata Dosha is the most important among the three Doshas because it is Vata that controls the movement of Pitta and Kapha. Let us learn about the principles involved in treating Vata imbalance in the body.

We have thus far learnt about

1. Qualities of Vata Dosha
2. Functions of Vata Dosha
. Types of Vata Dosha

4. Places  where Vata Dosha is dominant
5. Imbalance symptoms
6. Diet for Vata imbalance

Vata Dosha treatment principles

Let us learn about the principles behind Vata Dosha imbalance treatment –

Snehana – oleation- oral administration of oil / ghee / fat and external oil massage. A Vata body type person will be usually lean and has dry skin. These qualities are opposite to those of fat. Hence, external and oral treatment with oil / fat is very beneficial to treat Vata Dosha imbalance.

Sveda – Sudation – diaphoresis, sweating therapy. Usually, if you have any Vata imbalance disease and approach a doctor, he would request you to undergo massage and sweating therapy together.  Vata has cold quality and sweating promotes hot quality in the body.

Mrudu Samshodhana – Mild purification procedure, Mild Panchakarma (Vamana and Virechana). Strong Panchakarma treatment leads to exhaustion which will further increase Vata. Hence mild Panchakarma is done.

Svadu Amla Lavana Ushna Bhojya – foods which are of sweet, sour and salt taste decrease Vata. During Vata imbalance, food and drinks should be taken while they are hot. Frozen food stuff, cool drinks, food with bitter, astringent and pungent tastes will increase Vata.

Abhyanga – Oil massage – Pain is the main symptom of Vata and hence oil massage is the best way to mitigate pain.

Mardana – simple massage – massage improves blood circulation and comforts the painful area. Even if it is just massage with palms without using any oil.

Veshtana – wrapping / covering the body / organ with cloth – In case of a blunt injury, wrapping the hurt organ with a cloth is very comforting. Hence, keeping the body warm with tight fitting cloth is good for people with Vata disorders.

Seka – pouring of herbal decoctions / oils on the affected part – It is one of the very effective treatments. Treatments like Shirodhara, Kaya dhara etc are based on this principle only.

Paishtika Goudika Madya – wine prepared from corn flour and jaggery- molasses

Snigdha Ushna Basti – enema therapy with fat-oil, enema with drugs of hot potency. We have learnt that large intestine is the main place of Vata. Enema medicine directly reaches the intestines and brings about action. Basti treatment with slightly hot oil is very useful to balance Vata.

Sukhasheelata – comforting the patient and giving him rest is good, because excess of activity will cause Vata imbalance.

Deepana Pachana Siddha Sneha – Medicated fats / oil / ghee of different kinds- sources prepared with drugs causing increase  of hunger and improving digestion; are good for Vata.

Medya Pishita Taila Anuvasana – Enema prepared from juice of fatty meat and oil is ideal for Vata treatment. 

Related article: Food and activities for Vata balance

My Tridosha ebook – 

Tridosha - basic Principle Of Ayurveda


  • P.D. Mishra

    It is a complete and comprehensive information. Thanks are due to you, Dr. Hebbar!

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Welcome sir 🙂

  • Sai

    Dear Doc,

    What foods to have for Vata – Pitta constitution in winter, summer and monsoon seasons ??

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Please let me know your place. Let me try to find a good doctor for you.

    • Som

      Sir I stay in Siliguri of West Bengal . I am ready to travel any part of India to cure at the earliest . Thanks for all your help regards

      • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

        Hi, please contact him –
        Ayurveda with Panchakarma centre.
        Dr. Saurav Agarwal
        Siliguri, West Bengal.

        • som

          thank you so much for your help , unfortunately i contacted him two months ago and took his medicine but no improvement , kindly help

          • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

            Please consult here –
            Ayurvedic Treatment Center
            Address: “Adya Shakti”, CK 128, Sector II, Salt Lake City,, Kolkata, West Bengal 700091
            Phone:033 4061 1976

            • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

              I already have done my best to help you. Wish you quick healing.

  • Vijayalakshmi

    When we eat some foods, some foods cause gas to release. How do we know if we are releasing gas because the food caused the gas or it was released because the food was gas alleviating and so it released already existing gas?
    Is releasing gas good for us. If gas is released does it mean that I will not get gas related health issues?
    Most food cause gas for me. I am very thin and I have to eat pulses for the proteins. Even spices like hing etc don’t help much with gas problem. So after an hour, I do some exercises to release the gas. Will this free ne from vata dosha?
    Avipaatkar etc don’t suit me. I don’t want to eat medicine.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Flatus is mentioned as one of the natural urges. So, releasing gas, either due to certain foods or due to physiological reasons, is a good thing.


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