11 Factors That An Ayurveda Doctor Considers To Decide On Treatment

The reason that I have been telling all people to visit an Ayurveda doctor directly is because, an able doctor will consider the below mentioned 11 factors before deciding on the treatment. Keen observation of these factors helps the doctor to answer the following questions.

  1. Is the disease treatable or not?
  2. Is it difficult to treat / easy to treat?
  3. What should be the course of treatment?
  4. Should the treatment include Panchakarma or just oral medicines?
  5. Long term medication/ short term medication?
  6. Strong / mild medicines? etc.

Do not miss to read the example section given below, to understand the whole concept very clearly.

11 factors for Ayurveda treatment

Those 11 factors are –


Dushya – the Dhatus and Malas involved in a disease
The Tridosha, when vitiated, affect the body tissues (Dhatus) and waste products (urine, sweat and faeces). This leads to disease. The extent of vitiation (imbalance) of the disease, which are the dhatus involved, etc are very important while considering treatment.


Desha – the area of the body where disease is manifested, the living place of the patient. Both need consideration.


Bala – strength of the patient – A person with strong immune system can respond to mild treatment. But a person with low immunity may require higher dose of medicine.


Kala- season, how old is the disease, age of the person, in what season the disease has affected him etc.


Anala- digestive power of the patient is one of the most important criteria. A person with good digestion strength can be administered with strong dose of medicine. So, the chances of cure is good in him.


Prakriti – Body constitution – Usually, a person with all three Dosha (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in a balanced state is considered ideal, because, no Dosha is dominant in him. The person with 2 Dosha body type (Vata Pitta, Pitta Kapha etc) is considered moderate and person with single Dosha body type is considered worse for treatment.
Because, suppose, a person has Pitta body type. If he gets any Pitta related disease, then the extent of damage to his body by vitiated Pitta will be very huge. Because, a Dosha, which is already dominant in his body has become more aggressive.
Hence very aggressive treatment will be required in him.


Vayas- age of the patient
Children and elders need mild treatment. Adults and youngsters may tolerate strong treatment hence treatment options are more in them.


Satva – mind, tolerance capacity of the patient – More the tolerance capacity, more options for treatment. Strength of the body and strength of mind are two different things.


Satmya – The food and activities to which the patient is accustomed to. For example, if the patient is accustomed to take ice creams and has aversion towards hot food stuff (seeks Kapha increasing food and habits), in such a patient, treating cold and cough will be tough. Hence, strong medicines might be required here.
It is very difficult to treat asthma in a regular smoker.


Ahara- food habits – If the patient is okay taking bitter and astringent tastes, then the choice of medicine will be wider. If he is not accustomed to all tastes (not ideal), then the choice of medicine will be limited.


Avastha- stages of the diseases Newer the disease, milder the required treatment.


1. We have learnt that Vata resides in Asthi (bones and joints). Consider, if Vata imbalance leads to a bone disease, in an elderly patient.
Elderly means, there is already Vata increase, bone is naturally controlled by Vata and over that Vata is further increased, leading to bone depletion and arthritis. Hence, treatment to balance Vata needs to be quite strong, though the patient is elderly and can only tolerate only milder treatment. Hence, an energy boosting medicine might also be required.

2. A highly tolerant person, who can eat wide variety of food, who has Tridosha body type, can tolerate harsher treatment. Hence, in him, usually, effectiveness of any treatment is more.

3. If a Vata body type person, who lives in arid place (Vata dominant place), gets any Vata dominant disease, then a serious Vata balancing treatment has to be planned. If a Pitta body type person who lives in hot place, gets Vata disease, then a milder form of Vata treatment might just be sufficient. Because, in him, hotness is more. We have learnt in qualities of Tridosha that Vata has cold property. So, already, there are some qualities in him, that are opposite to his disease. So, milder treatment will do good.

4. If the disease involves only one Dhatu (body tissue) then it is easy to treat. If it involves many, then the treatment becomes difficult.

Have doubts? Ask me in the comments section below.


  • caroline

    Interesting article? Which factors of the 11 is most important? Maybe this is difficult to answer.

    If you have heaviness and cold sensation in the lower limbs , with mucus in faeces and slow elimination. Is this kapha or vata imbalance or both? its so difficult to treat for example vata and kapha that are opposite in qualities (except coldness). Is this ama-vata? Often more than one dosha is involved and then it is difficult to know what to begin with. Limbs is vata place but ama is kapha. It is difficult to explain but maybe you understand what I mean. Maybe this is outside the subject of this article?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi Caroline,
      1. I can say, Dushya (tissues involved), Bala (strength of patient), digestion strength, stage of the disease are more important. But others are also important. It depends.

      2. Regarding the other part, let us discuss that in one of the future posts, about how multiple Doshas interact with each other. To answer in brief, the first four symptoms that you explained clearly hint of Kapha imbalance. Though the lower body and large intestines are dominant with Vata, Kapha Dosha is imbalanced in this context.
      It does not look like Amavata, because, in Amavata, usually joint/s are involved and there will be constipation.
      Please note that low digestion strength does not always suggest towards presence of ‘Ama’.

  • vaidya chung



  • P.D. Mishra

    It is a self explanatory note. Dr. Janardan Hebbar is doing yeoman service to the ancient Indian science and present needy people.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thanks 🙂

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    If you observe your body keenly, you can notice minor Dosha imbalances before disease is manifested. For example, you can always know little changes in health and temperature, before fever sets in.
    Generally, health of stomach, urine and stools (feces) frequency, skin changes, mood changes will give hints towards Dosha imbalances.
    Regular Yoga, Pranayama, Gym / Walking
    Regular body massage with Oils like Narayana taila
    Eating and sleeping based on your health needs are the best way for Tridosha balance.

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Kapha elimination in stools may or many not constitute constipation. Constipation is – A condition in which there is difficulty in emptying the bowels, usually associated with hardened feces. As per Ayurveda Constipation is contributed by imbalance in Apana type of Vata and Pitta (digestion strength).


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