How To Understand Tridosha Easily By Its Functions

Tridosha means the three factors of the body. They are three in number Vata, Pitta and Kapha Dosha. The balance of Tridosha leads to health and imbalance leads to disease condition. But it is very difficult to understand Tridosha. Let us try and learn about them by means of main functions that they carry out inside the body.

Functions of Vata Dosha

Vata is responsible for all movements.

  • Movement of blood in blood vessels,
  • movement of food and nutrients in gut,
  • movement of air in and out of lungs,
  • movement of hands and legs,
  • neck and all other body parts,
  • movement of eyeballs, etc.

For any type of movement, Vata Dosha is responsible. Hence a typical Vata body type person can not sit at one place. She keeps her leg moving, her eyes will always be searching for something new, difficult to concentrate on one particular thing, etc.
Even at the level of a cell, the movement of nutrients, waste products etc are controlled by Vata Dosha.

Because Vata is involved with movement of air in the lungs, many of the respiratory diseases are influenced by Vata (along with association of Kapha or Pitta Dosha.)

In its normal state, Vata causes enthusiasm, – Hence a Vata body person will be overly enthusiastic. He wants to do new things. He can not settle at one decision.
Vata regulates activities of mind like initiation of thinking, analyzing, understanding etc.
Vata regulates speech. 

Vata is responsible for initiation of natural urges (tears, faeces, urination, sneezing, coughing, vomiting, yawning etc)
Hence, constipation, difficulty in urination, excessive cough, vomiting etc are influenced by Vata Dosha.

Maintenance of the Dhatus (tissues) in their normalcy –
Vata is a transporter. It carries the nourishment from the gut to the body tissues. It also carries the waste products out of the body. Hence it controls the nourishment of all other body tissues.

Proper functioning of sense organs – Because there is movement of signal from sense organs to brain, and from brain to sense organs and because Vata is responsible for movements, Vata Dosha controls all the sense organs.

Functions of Pitta Dosha

In its normal state Pitta causes digestion and metabolism
Pitta is like fire. We already have learnt how Ayurveda explains process of digestion. Hence Pitta is directly involved with digestion and metabolism. This is not only restricted to the level of stomach and intestines, it also extends to cellular level. Like using up of nutrients in the body, using it up to produce energy etc are controlled by Pitta Dosha.

Maintenance of body temperature – Because Pitta means hotness, it keeps the body hot and healthy.
Vision – Pitta also means light. Vision is always correlated with light.
Causes hunger, thirst, appetite – Usually person with Pitta body type has more hunger and thirst.
Maintains skin complexion and quality – hence most of the skin disorders are influenced by Pitta.

Intelligence, courage, valor – the person with Pitta body type has more of these mental features.

Functions of Kapha Dosha

Kapha confers stability and compactness. The compactness and stability of the cells and tissues, of joints, stability in thought process of the mind, etc are due to Kapha.
A person with Kapha body type likes to sit and do one work for a long period of time (as opposed to Vata person).
A person influenced by Kapha does not like to travel much. He does not like changes.
Kapha Dosha confers lubrication, compactness (firmness) of the joints.
Kapha is slimy liquid type of thing. It brings about shock absorber effect in joints.
Kshama – It is the cause for mental capacity to withstand or withhold emotions, strains etc.
Kapha Dosha also imbibes forgiveness quality in a person.
Suppose you get angry (which is due to Pitta), you try to control and you succeed. That quality is because of Kapha.

My Tridosha ebook – 


  • Nirbhaya Saaya

    wonderful Sir

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Thanks! 🙂

  • Priti

    Thanks Dr.for letting us understand ourselves tridosha.very good article.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Glad you found it helpful, Priti.

  • Nirbhaya Saaya

    Thank You 🙂

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    Tips on balancing Tridosha is under way.
    For your health issue, a detailed analysis is required. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor.

    • Mehjabeen

      Where can we get tridosha massage oil

  • Parin

    Thank you for the wonderful article, sir.
    I have a basic question. What does “balanced Tridosha” mean? Does it mean VPK 33-33-33% or maintaining the proportions of VPK one is born with?
    Kindly enlighten!

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      In a healthy person, balancing Tridosha means, restoring his original body type Dosha combination, with slight adjustment to suppress dominant dosha in him.
      In a disease condition, it means to bring back all the three doshas to normal proportions – 33 % each.However, due to time factor, diet etc, exactly achieving 33 % of each of Tridosha is quite impossible. The levels always fluctuate.


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