Home Remedy For Goiter Using Kanchanar

Let us learn about a general home remedy for goiter, cysts, nodules and other types of growths that are seen in the neck. It is a traditional Ayurvedic home remedy using an herb called Kanchanara.

Home remedy video


What you need?
Kanchanara (Bauhinia variegata) bark powder – 10 grams
Water – 160 ml
Ginger powder- 1 – 2 grams

Method of preparation

How to prepare?
10 grams of coarse bark powder of Kanchanar is added with 160 ml of water, boiled and reduced to 40 ml.
While boiling, mild flame is maintained, the contents are continuously stirred.
Boiling should be done in a wide mouthed vessel.
After reducing the content to around 40 ml, the contents are filtered.
This is known as Kachnar Kashayam or Kanchanara decoction.

This water decoction in a dose of 10 – 20 ml, once or two times a day, 30 minutes before food along with 1 – 2 grams of ginger is administered.


Goiter, cysts, growth, lymphadenitis, etc in throat.

Mode of action

How it works?
Kanchanara is a known herb to reduce the tumours, cysts, nodules etc. It is the main ingredient of a famous Ayurvedic tablet called Kanchnar Guggul, which is again used in the said conditions.

How long to take?
It can be taken for a period of 2 – 3 months, based on doctor’s advice.

Side effects

It is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation period.
It is best to take up this home remedy only under strict medical supervision.

Once you prepare the Kashayam, better to use it when it is hot / lukewarm.
Or, if you prepare in the morning, at the best you can use the same Kashayam in the evening.
It should not be stored beyond one day.
It should not be re-heated.


  • dr.patkar

    Dear Doctor can it be used for lipoma & fibroids (uterus) ?
    if no what should we use?

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      It is traditionally not indicated in lipoma or fibroid.
      I do not know of any successful treatment methods for lipoma.
      For fibroid, there are a few options. But it depends on lot of factors.

  • amit

    how to increase testosterone harmones

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Exercise, good eating habits, nutrition rich food, avoiding smoking and alcohol etc.

  • Devika

    Do ayurvedic shops sell kanchanar powder? If so, what brands?

  • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

    It may not help in case of a thyroid cyst as big as 6 cm.

  • miriam bouman godschalk

    wat kan er dan genomen worden bij een vleesboom?


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