The 5th chapter of Sutrasthana is known as Dravadravya Vijnaneeya Adhyaya. It deals with types and health benefits of all the liquid foods. It details types and benefits of water, milks, dairy products, sugarcane juices, honey, oils, wines and urine.
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Table of Contents
Shloka Recitation Video
Group of waters – Toya Varga
Rain water – Gangambu
Gangambu – benefits of drinking rain water
Rain water which has come into contact with Sunlight, Moon light and wind is
Jeevaneeya – Enlivening, improves quality of life
Tarpana – satiating
Hrudya – good for heart
Hladi – calming and soothing to the mind and stomach
Buddhi prabodhanam – Stimulates intellect
Tanu – thin
Avyaktarasa – imperceptible taste
Sheeta – cold
Laghu (light to digest)
Amrutopama – similar to nectar
Whether rain water is good or bad depends on the season and place where it rains.
Notes – The properties described above are of rain water collected in a clean vessel directly, a little while after the commencement of rain. It should be consumed within a few hours as it loses its properties. With the increasing industrialization and pollution, the rain water has lost its qualities nowadays. Hence, it may not be good to consume.
Test for quality: Only that rain water which makes the boiled rice kept in a clean silver plate neither too moist nor change its color is to considered as good for drinking. 2 ½
Seawater – Samudrambu
Samudrambu (seawater qualities) :- Seawater should not be used for drinking expect during Ashvayuja month. (September- October / Autumn season).3
Notes:- During Ashvayuja month there will be the appearance of Agastya nakshatra (the star Canopus) which is said to remove the poisonous properties of water and other things of the Earth, hence permission to use other kinds of water for drinking during this month.
Rain water, collected in a clean vessel and which has not changed in color taste and odor, should be used for drinking always. In its absence, the water of the earth, which resembles rainwater in all its qualities, collected from a clean vast place that has black or white soil, which is exposed to sunlight and breeze.
Contaminated water – Dushtajala
Dushtajala – (contaminated water) Water which is dirty, mixed with mud, algae, weeds and leaves, which is not exposed to sunlight and wind, which is a mixture of old and fresh, which is thick, not easily digestible, frothy, containing worms, hot (by nature), causes tingling of teeth by being very cold, that rain water which is un-seasonal or though seasonal, that of the first rain (before the appearance of Agastya Nakshatra, that contaminated with the webs, saliva, urine, faeces of spider etc., and such other poisonous materials, should not be used for drinking. 6-7 ½
River water – Nadi jala
Nadijala – (river water benefits) Water of the rivers which flow into the western ocean (Arabian sea), which are sweet and which have pure water (uncontaminated) is good for health, where as that flowing into eastern ocean is not ideal for consumption. 8
The water of rivers arising from Himalaya and Malaya mountains, and which get churned up well by dashing against rocks are good for health, whereas the same water if gets stagnated (and gets contaminated) gives rise to worms (intestinal parasites), filariasis, diseases of the heart, throat and head. 9-10
Water of rivers of the Prachya(gauda), Avanti(malwa) Aparanta (konkana) countries causes hemorrhoids. Water of rivers arising from Mahendra mountains cause enlargement of the abdomen and filariasis; those arising from Sahya and Vindhya mountains causes leprosy (and other skin disease) anaemia and diseases of the head; of those arising from Pariyatra, mitigate the (aggravated) dosas, bestow strength and sexual vigour, the water of the sea causes vitiation of all the three doshas. 11-12.
Notes:- Pracya or Gauda desa comprises of central Bengal and parts of Orissa. Avanti or Malwa country was round about the modern city of Ujjain. Aparanta or Konkana comprises of Goa, Karwar and North Canara districts of Karnataka. Mahendra mountain is the northern part of the Eastern Ghats, (the whole range of hills extending from Orissa to the district of Madura was known as the Western Ghats. Vindhyas are mountain ranges of central India. Pariyatra is the western part of the Vindhya mountains.
The water of kupa (deep well), tadaga (artificial pond) etc., should be considered to be similar (in qualities and properties ) to those of the desert, marshy and mountains (respectively). 12 ½
Contraindications for drinking water
Jalapana varja- (avoiding of drinking water)
Water should not be consumed or consumed in very little quantity, by those suffering from poor digestive function, tumors of the abdomen, anaemia, enlargement of the abdomen, diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, diseases of the duodenum, dropsy.
Except for Sharad (autumn) and Nidagha (summer) even healthy persons should drink less quantity of water in all other seasons 13-14
Water with respect to meals
Jalapana phala- (effects of drinking water with respect to meals)
Drinking water in between meals – healthy habit
Drinking water after meals – causes obesity
Drinking water before meals – causes emaciation, weakness
Cold water – Sheeta jala
Cold water relieves
Madatyaya – alcoholic intoxication,
Glani – exhaustion,
Murcha – fainting,
Chardi – vomiting,
Shrama – debility (fatigue),
Bhrama – dizziness, giddiness,
Trushna – thirst,
Ushna – heat (of the sun) burning sensation,
Pittasra – bleeding conditions and Pitta dominant conditions
and Visha – poison.15
Hot water – Ushna jala
Ushnajala-hot water drinking benefits
Hot water
Deepana – stimulates hunger,
Pachana – helps digestion,
Kantya – good for the throat,
Laghu – easily to digest,
Basti shodhana – cleanses the urinary bladder,
Hidhma – relives hiccup,
Adhmana – flatulence,
Anila – aggravation of Vata
Shleshma – aggravation of Kapha
It is ideal on the days of Panchakarma therapy
Navajvara – fever of recent origin
Kasa – cold, cough
Ama – accumulation of undigested materials,
Peenasa – rhinitis (running nose),
Shwasa – dyspnoea and
Parshvaruja – pain in the flanks. 16-17
Boiled and cooled water
Water which is boiled and then cooled
Anabhishyandi – does not increase moisture or stickiness in the body
Laghu – light to digest
Useful in Pitta conditions
Water which is kept overnight, is not ideal for consumption. It increases Tridosha. 18.
Coconut water – Narikelodaka
Tender coconut water is
Snigdha – unctuous, oily
Swadu – sweet,
Vrushya – aphrodisiac,
Hima – coolant,
Laghu – easy to digest
Trushna – thirst,
Pittanila hara – balances Pitta and Vata.
Deepana – increases hunger and
Bastishodhana – cleanses urinary bladder.19
During varsa (rainy season) rain water is best and river water least suitable for consumption. 19 ½
Group of milk and milk products – Ksheera Varga
Generally milk is
Svadupakarasa – sweet in taste and also at the end of digestion,
Snigdha – unctuous,
Ojovardhana – increases Ojus,
Dhatuvardhana – nourishes and increases body tissues,
Vata Pittahara – mitigates Vata and Pitta,
Vrushya – aphrodisiac,
Shleshmala – increases kapha
Guru – heavy to digest
Sheetala – coolant. 20-21
Cow’s milk – Goksheera
Cow’s milk
Jeevaneeya – promotes long life,
Rasayana – anti aging, rejuvenating
Kshataksheena hita – good for those emaciated after chest injury
Medhya – increases intelligence,
Balya – strengthening
Stanyakara – promotes breast milk production
Sara – helps easy movement of the bowels
Shramahara – exhaustion,
Bhramahara – dizziness
Mada – toxicity,
Alakshmi – in-auspiciousness
Shwasa – dyspnoea,
Kasa – cough,
Atitrut Kshudha – severe thirst and hunger,
Jeernajvara – chronic fevers,
Mutrakrichra – dysuria
Raktapitta – bleeding diseases 21 1/2
Buffalo milk – Mahisha ksheera
Buffalo milk is good for people with very good digestion power, who suffer from Anidra – insomnia. It is a coolant. 23
Related article: Cow milk Vs Buffalo milk
Goat milk – Aja ksheera
Goat drinks less water and does a lot of walking. It eats pungent and bitter grass and vegetables, that are light to digest. Hence goat milk also carries these qualities.
Goat milk is useful in
Shosha – emaciation
Jvara – fever
Shwasa – dyspnoea, asthma, chronic bronchial disorders
Raktapitta – bleeding disorders of Pitta origin such as haemorrhoids, nasal bleeding
Atisara – diarrhoea, dysentery. 24
Related article: Cow milk Vs Goat milk
Camel milk – Ustra ksheera
Ushtra ksheera (milk of camel)- is
Ishat ruksha – slightly dry
Ushna – hot
Lavana – salty taste
Deepana – increases digestion strength
Laghu – easy to digest
Vatakaphaan shastam – useful in Vata and Kapha
Krumi – relieves worm infestation
Shopha – anti inflammatory
Udara – useful in ascites
Arshas – haemorrhoids. 25
Breast milk – Manusha ksheera
Breast milk is useful in
Vata and Pitta imbalance disorders
Asruk – blood vitiation disorder
Abhighata – useful in injuries
Akshiroga – it is used as eye drops to relieve eye infections and to relieve redness.
It is used in Tarpana and Ashchottana types of eye treatments. It is also used as nasal drops. 26.
Ewe’s milk – Avika ksheera
Ewe’s milk is not good for heart, hot in nature, useful in Vata disorders, gives rise to hiccup, respiratory conditions. It increases Pitta and Kapha. 26 ½
Elephant milk – Hastiksheera
It is strengthening in nature.
Milk of single hoofed animals – Ekashapha ksheera
Milk of single hoofed animals (like horse, donkey, etc) is very hot (in potency), useful in vata disorders, is slightly sour and salt and causes lassitude (laziness).
Uncooked milk is
Abhisyandi (causes excess secretion in the tissue pores, causing their blockage)
Guru – heavy to digest
Amakara – causes Ama and indigestion
Yuktya shrutam amrutopamam – if it is properly boiled, it is similar to nectar. Otherwise, it is poison.
Dharoshna – Milk drawn from udder (nipple) direct in to mouth is similar to nectar. (provided the cow is perfectly healthy without any infection)
Curds /soured milk/coagulated milk – Dadhi
Curd has
Amla rasa – sour taste
Amla paka – undergoes sour taste conversion after digestion
Grahi – absorbent, useful in diarrhoea
Guru – heavy to digest
Ushna – hot in nature
Vatajit – balances Vata
Increases Meda (fat), Shukra (semen), Bala (strength), Kapha, Raktapitta (bleeding disorders), Agni (digestion strength) and Shotha (inflammation).
Rochishnu – increases taste
Useful in
Aruchau – useful in anorexia
Vishamajwara – chronic, recurrent fever
Peenasa – rhinitis
Mutrakruchra – dysuria
Grahani – malabsorption syndrome
Rules for curds consumption
Curd should not be eaten at nights, not made hot. If curd is to be taken at night, it can be taken along with green gram soup, or with along with honey, ghee, sugar and Amla.
It should not be taken daily. If used daily, it may cause / worsen fever, bleeding disorders, skin diseases, anemia and dizziness. 29-32
Related article: curd – types and benefits
Fat-less buttermilk – Takra
Takra (butter milk) – churned curds
Laghu – easy to digest
Kashaya, amla – sour, astringent,
Deepana – improves digestion strength
Kaphavatjit – balances Kapha and Vata
useful in
Shopha – inflammatory conditions
Udara – ascites
Arsha – hemorrhoids
Grahani – malabsorption syndrome
Mutradosha, Mutragraha – urine infection, dysuria
Aruchi – anorexia
Pleeha – splenomegaly
Gulma – abdominal distension
Ghritavyapat – in indigestion caused by excess consumption of ghee
Gara visha – chronic intoxication and
Pandu – anaemia
Related article: Buttermilk types and benefits
Supernatent liquid of curds (whey/watery part of curds) – Mastu
Mastu is similar to buttermilk. It is
Sara – promotes movement of fluids inside body channels
Srotashodhi – cleanses body channels
Vishtambhajit – relieves constipation
Laghu – easy to digest.
Butter – Navanita
Fresh Navanita (butter) is
Vrushya – aphrodisiac,
Sheeta – coolant
Varna, bala, agnikrut – improves skin complexion, strength and digestion strength.
Sangrahi – absorbent, useful in diarrhoea
Vatapittasruk jit – balances Vata, Pitta and detoxifies blood
Useful in
Kshaya – chronic respiratory disorders leading to emaciation
Arsha – hemorrhoids
Ardita vata – paralysis
Kasa – cough
The butter made directly from milk is
Sangrahi – absorbent, useful in diarrhoea
Raktapittajit – useful in bleeding disorders
Akshirogajit – useful in eye diseases. 35-36.
Ghee/Clarified butter – Ghrita
Ghee is ideal for improving intelligence; memory, ingenuity, digestion strength, long life, semen (sexual vigour), and eye sight. Ghee is good for children, the aged, those who desire more children, tenderness of the body, and pleasant voice, for those suffering from emaciation as a result of injury to chest (lungs), Parisarpa (herpes), injury from weapons, and fire, disorders of Vata and Pitta origin, poison, insanity, inauspicious activity (witchcraft, etc.) and fevers;
Of all the fatty materials, ghee is the best.
It is coolant, best for retaining of youth; capable of giving a thousand good effects by a thousand kinds of processing. 37-39.
Purana ghrita – Old ghee
Purana Ghrita (old ghee) is used in the treatment of
Mada – intoxication,
Apasmara – epilepsy,
Murcha – fainting,
Shira, karna, akshi yoni roga – diseases of the head, ear, eye and vagina;
Old ghee cleanses and heals wounds. 40.
Related article:
Milk preparations, fatty dairy products
Kilata, Piyusa, Kurcika, Morana, etc. are strengthening, increase the semen, sleep and Kapha, cause constipation, heavy to digest and aggravate the Doshas. 41.
Notes – Kilata is the solid portion obtained after heating curds or buttermilk, Piyusa is the milk of cow which has just given birth to a calf, up to a period of about three days or till the milk becomes thin; Kurcika is the solid portion obtained after heating buttermilk while Morana (or Morata) is the sour, thin liquid portion.
Milk and ghee obtained from cows milk are best and those obtained from ewe’s milk, the least. 41½.
Group of sugarcane juice and its products – Iksu Varga
Properties of sugarcane juice – Iksurasa Guna
Juice of sugar cane is
Sara (laxative),
Guru – heavy to digestion
Snigdha – unctuous
Brihmana – nutritive, improves weight
Kaphakrut – increases Kapha
Mutrakrut – increases urine volume
Vrushya – aphrodisiac
Sheeta – coolant
Asrapittaghna – useful in bleeding disorders
Swadupaka rasa – sweet. 42.
The tip of shoots of sugarcane has salt taste. If the roots, shoots and worm infested parts of the cane is crushed together, the juice gets mixed with dirty materials. It leads to burning sensation, indigestion and constipation. 43-44.
The Poundraka variety of cane is best in view of its coolant, effect, thinness and more sweetness of its juice; next to it is the Vamsika variety. 45.
Next are the Sataparvaka, Kantara, Naipala etc., in respective order, are slightly Alkaline and astringent in taste, hot in potency and causes slight burning sensation. 46.
Phanita – (half – cooked molasses, unrefined treacle)
Phanita (half – cooked molasses) is heavy (hard to digest), Abhisyandi (increasing the secretions in the tissues pores and blocking them), causes mild increase of Tridosha and cleanses the urine (by increasing its quantity).
Guda – (jaggery/molasses/treacle)
Guda (jaggery, molasses), washed well (made white and purified)-
Natishleshma kara – does not increase Kapha to a large extent
Srushtamutrashakrut – increases volume of urine and faeces
If it is not prepared properly, it causes intestinal worms, increases chances of Kapha disorder in marrow, blood, fat tissue and muscles.
Old jaggery is good for heart, and should be consumed.
Freshly prepared jaggery increases Kapha and causes indigestion. 47-48.
Matsyandikadi – (brown sugar etc)
Matsyandika (brown sugar), Khanda (sugar candy) and Sita (white crystalline sugar) in their succeeding order are better. They are aphrodisiac, good for the emaciated and the wounded, useful in bleeding diseases and aggravation of Vata. 49.
Yasa Sarkara
Yasa Sarkara (sugar prepared from Yavasaka plant) is similar in properties to sugar but is bitter-sweet and astringent in taste. 49½.
All types of sugars are useful in burning sensation, thirst, vomiting, fainting and bleeding diseases. 50.
Among the products of sugarcane juice, sugar is the best and Phanita (half cooked molasses) is the least. 50½.
Honey – Madhu
Madhu (honey) is
Chakshushya – good for the eyes (vision),
Chedi – breaks up hard masses,
Trut – relieves thirst,
Shelshmahara – balances Kapha
Useful in
Visha – toxicity
Hidhma – hiccup
Asrapitta – bleeding conditions
Meha – diabetes, urinary tract diseases
Kushta – skin diseases
Krumi – worm infestation
Chardi – vomiting
Shwasa – dyspnoea, chronic respiratory diseases
Kasa – cough, cold
Atisara – diarrhoea
Vrana shodhana – cleanses wounds
Vrana sandhana, ropana – heals wound quickly
Vatala – increases Vata
Ruksha – dry
Kashaya, Madhura – astringent and sweet
Madhu sarkara
Crystallized honey – Madhu Sarkara is similar to honey in properties. 51-52½.
Honey, kills, if used after heating it, and by those suffering from great heat, used during hot season, hot country or with hot foods. 53.
But honey does not cause any harm when used warm for producing vomiting or for administration of Niruha (decoction enema) because it comes out of the body before it undergoes digestion. 54.
Related article: Honey benefits and different uses
Group of oils and other fats – Taila Varga
Oils are generally similar to their source (oil seed). Sesame oil is the most important among all oils.
Sesame oil
Sesame oil is
Tvak doshanut – cleanses and detoxifies skin
Achakshushya – Not congenial for eyes, hence not commonly used directly in eye disorders.
Sukshma – pierces into deep tissues
Ushna – hot, balances Kapha
Useful for both obese and emaciated people.
Useful to relieve constipation and worm infestation.
When it is processed with other herbs, it is very beneficial in various diseases.
Related article: Sesame and sesame oil benefits
Eranda taila – Castor oil
Castor oil is bitter, pungent and sweet in taste,
Sara – promotes natural movement of body fluids (laxative),
Guru – hard to digest,
Useful in
Vardhma – enlargement of the scrotum (hernia),
Gulma – abdominal tumors,
Anila kaphahara – diseases caused by Vata and Kapha,
Udara – ascites
Vishama jwara – intermittent fevers,
Pain and swellings of the waist, genitals, abdomen and back, is capable of penetrating deep, hot in potency and bad in smell.
Oil of red variety of castor seeds is still more penetrating, hot in potency, sticky and has a bad smell. 57-58.
Notes :- Castor oil is used for medicinal purpose to produce purgation to relieve pains and reduce swelling etc. It is an efficient Vatahara drug (mitigates the increased Vata) and so very useful in many diseases.
Sarshapa Taila – mustard oil
Sarsapa Taila – (mustard oil) is pungent, hot in potency, penetrates deep, mitigates (reduces) Kapha, semen and Anila (Vata), easy to digest, causes bleeding diseases, rashes on the skin, skin diseases, haemorrhoids, ulcers, and worms (bacteria etc).
Aksha Taila – oil of Vibhitaka
Aksa Taila – oil obtained from seeds of Vibhitaka is sweet, cold in potency good for the hair, hard to digest, mitigates Pitta and Vata.
Nimbi Taila – Neem oil
Neem oil – is not very hot (slightly hot) in potency, bitter, anti microbial, useful in skin diseases and mitigates Kapha. 60.
Uma-Kusumbha Taila – linseed oil and safflower oil
Taila of Uma (linseed) and Kusumbha are hot in potency, produce diseases of the skin, aggravate Kapha and Pitta.
Vasa-Majja-Medas – (muscle-fat, marrow and fat)
Vasa (muscle-fat) and Majja (bone-marrow) and fat mitigate Vata, cause increase of strength, Pitta and Kapha and similar in properties with the meat of animals from which they are obtained.
Group of wines – Madya Varga
Madya (wines, all alcoholic beverages generally) in general,
Deepana – stimulate digestion,
Rochana – help improve taste,
Teekshna – penetrate deep, Ushna – hot in potency,
Tushti pushtida – give satisfaction and nourishment
Sasvadu tikta katukam – slightly sweet, bitter and pungent in taste,
Amlapaka rasa – sour at taste and at the end of digestion,
Sara – laxative,
Sakashaya – slightly astringent,
Svara – confer good voice,
Arogya – improves health,
Pratibha – talent,
Varna – colour and complexion,
Laghu – easy to digest,
Beneficial to those having loss of sleep or excess sleep, for both lean and stout persons; is non-viscid, capable of entering through minute pores and cleansing them, mitigate Vata and Kapha, if used judiciously; but used otherwise, they act like poison. 62-64½.
Fresh wine is hard to digest; causes increase of all the Doshas, whereas old ones decrease;
Wine contraindications
Contra indication for wines: Wine should not be consumed hot.
It should not be consumed by a person undergoing Virechana (purgation) panchakarma therapy
It should be avoided by hungry person
Wines which are very strong or very weak, which are very clear (like water) or very turbid and those which are spoilt, should not be used for drinking. 65-66.
Sura (beer)
Sura is useful in abdominal tumors, enlargement of the abdomen, heamorrhoids, duodenal diseases, is lubricating, hard to digest, mitigates Vata, causes increase of fat, blood, milk, urine and Kapha. 67.
Notes :- Sura is prepared by fermenting a mixture of water, flour of rice, jaggery (treacle) etc., somewhat like the beer of the present day.
Vibhitaka Sura
Sura prepared from Vibhitaka is not very intoxicating, is easy to digest, good for health; not so harmful, (as other wines) in wounds, anaemia, and leprosy and other skin diseases. 69.
Yava Sura
Sura prepared from Yava – Barley – Hordeum vulgare (barley) causes constipation, is difficult to digest, non-unctuous and aggravates all the three Doshas. 61½.
Arista – (fermented decoctions)
Arista (fermented decoctions) possess properties of the materials from which it is prepared, and is most intoxicating among all alcoholic beverages; it is useful in disease of the duodenum, anaemia, skin diseases, haemorrhoids, dropsy, enlargement of the abdomen, fever, abdominal tumors, worms (intestinal parasites) and disorders of the spleen; is astringent, pungent and aggravates Vata. 70-71.
Mardvika – (wine prepared from grapes)
Mardvika (wine prepared from grapes) is scraping, good to the heart, not very hot in potency, sweet,
Sara – promotes natural movement of body fluids (laxative), causes slight increase of Pitta and Anila (Vata), useful in anaemia, diabetes, hemorrhoids and worms (intestinal parasites). 72.
Kharjura – (wine prepared from dates)
It is inferior in properties than grapes, aggravates Vata, and is hard for digestion. 73.
Sarkara – (wine prepared by using sugar)
Is sweet smelling, sweet in taste, good for the heart, not very intoxicating and easy to digest.
Prepared by using molasses/treacle, increases volume of urine, faeces and flatus, is nourishing and increases hunger. 73½.
Sidhu – (wine of sugarcane juice)
Sidhu (prepared from fermenting sugarcane juice) aggravates Vata and Pitta, decreases lubrication and diseases of Kapha, obesity, dropsy, enlargement of the abdomen and haemorrhoids. That prepared by cooking sugarcane juice is best. 74.
Madhvasava – (wine prepared from honey)
Madhwasava (wine prepared from honey) breaks up hard masses (of Kapha etc), penetrates deep, useful in diabetes, chronic nasal catarrh and cough. 75.
Sukta – (wine prepared from tubers)
Sukta (wine prepared from roots and tubers) increases the moisture of blood, Pitta and Kapha, expels Vata in downward directions, very hot in potency, is penetrating, causes dryness, sour, good to the heart, increases taste (appetite), is Sara – promotes bowel movements (laxative), enhances hunger, is cold to touch, useful in anaemia, diseases of the eye and worms. 76.
Sukta prepared by using jaggery, sugarcane, honey and grapes are easy to digest in their successive order.
Asava (fermented infusion)
Asava prepared by using tubers, roots, fruits etc, is similar to shukta.
Asava prepared by using Sandaki (balls of fried paddy mixed with spices, dried in sun and then deep fried in oil) and by other materials (such as oil-cakes etc) which have turned sour by lapse of time are appetizers and easy to digest.
Dhanyamla (prepared rice and such other grains)
Dhanyamla (liquor prepared by fermenting the water in which rice and such other grains, pulses etc. have been slightly cooked or merely washed) is purgative, penetrating, hot in potency, aggravates Pitta, cold to touch, relieves fatigue and exhaustion, increases appetite and hunger, useful in pain of the urinary bladder, ideal for use as Asthapana (decoction enema), good to the heart, easy to digest, balances Vata and Kapha.
Sauviraka and Tushodaka also possess similar properties, useful in worms, heart disease, abdominal tumor, haemorrhoids and anemia. These are prepared from dehusked barley and and barley-with-husk. 79-81.
Notes :- Shukta – Fermented gruel, Dhanyamla, Sauviraka, Tushodaka etc. were in use since ancient times. But now a days beer, brandy etc. alcoholic beverages have replaced them.
Group of urine – Mutra Varga
Urine of cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, elephant, horse, camel and donkey – these aggravate Pitta, are non-unctuous, deep penetrating, hot in potency, pungent with salt as its secondary taste and useful in worms, dropsy, abdominal enlargement, flatulence, colic, anemia, aggravation of Kapha and Vata, abdominal tumors, loss of taste, poisoning, leucoderma, skin diseases and piles and are easy to digest.
Thus ends the chapter – Dravadravya Vijnaniya, the fifth of Suthrasthana of Ashtang Hriday.
Related article: Cow urine benefits
Namaste Hebbar ji..
“Water, which is boiled and then cooled and is kept overnight, is not ideal for consumption. It increases Tridosha. ”
I’ve been drinking “Pathimugam water” every day. I boil 3ltr water with pathimugam sticks every morning. Most of the times, I leave 2-3 glasses for the next morning since I need some water to drink before the freshly boiled water cool down.
Considering above statement in your article, should I stop that practice of leaving that 2-3 glasses of boiled water for the next morning, instead just drink plain water. Please could you clarify.
Thanks in advance.
Dr JV HebbarAuthor
The point is, one should not take the water, which was boiled more than 20 hours before.
In your case, Boil Pathimugam water in the morning and use it for the whole day. Boil another three cups of water at bed time and use that next day.
simple, easy to follow :), thank you..
Which would be the best cooking oil for everyday use, in temperate climate, for Vata or Pitta people (basically, those who are totally on the opposite side of Kapha)? Does the answer change if specific goal is to help reduce heart ailment risk?
I read that you consider sura to be the equivalent of modern beer, but it wouldn’t be yava instead, since in the west the most common type of beer is made with barley-yava?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Hi, it is not an exact comparison. Hence, I wrote a foot note saying – Notes :- Sura is prepared by fermenting a mixture of water, flour of rice, jaggery (treacle) etc., somewhat like the beer of the present day.
Great article: 1.”water should not be consumed in very little quantity, by those with poor digestion” I have a cup of warm water by my bedside at night, as my mouth is very dry during the night. I take sips. 2. “water before meals causes emaciation, weakness” Please explain further. 3. Cold water aggravates Vata 4. What is the best way to drink milk, warm, ot or cold for Vata person. Thanks for amazing info.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Those with poor digestion should not drink water unnecessarily. They should drink water only when thirsty.
Water before meals causes emaciation – explanation is here –
Cold is a quality of Vata Dosha. Hence, cold water increases Vata dosha. Hence, person with weak digestion and bodyache should drink warm water.
For Vata person, best way to drink milk, is in warm condition.
Dear Dr. Hebbar,
In the properties of Tila taila, it has been errorously quoted as chakshushya
the verse goes like ” Twak dosha krit- achaksyushyam ”
Primary reason why there is no TAILA used for Akshi tarpana.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Dear sir,
Thanks for pointing out. Corrected.
“Water which is kept overnight increase tridosha”
This is contradictory to traditional Ayurvedic practice of “Tamrajal Usha Paana”.
Pls clarify.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Hi, water needs to be used within 24 hours of its collection. That is the principle behind it. For using copper vessel stored water, this can be stored over night, if freshly collected or, at least freshly boiled and cooled.