Dhataki is the backbone herb of almost all Asava and Arishta preparations. (Alcoholic liquid Ayurveda medicines). It is used as an ingredient in many products for its medicinal values. At the same time, it is also used as a fermenting agent in Asava and Arishta (such as Dashamoolarishta).
Botanical name: Woodfordia fruiticosa Kurz / Woodfordia floribunda.
Family: Lytheraceae (Madayantika kula)
Table of Contents
Vernacular names, Sanskrit synonyms
Hindi name: Dhaaya / Dhaay ke Phool
English name: Fire Flame Bush
Telugu Name: Are Puvvu, Sireenji,
Tamil Name: Dhatari Jargi
Gujarati Name: Dhaavadi
Bengali Name: Dhai
Marathi Name: Dhalas
Punjabi name: Dhavi
Farsi name: Dhaava
Sanskrit Synonyms:
Dhatupushpi, Vahnipushpi – Having blood coloured (red) flowers
Vahnijwala – Flowers are red in color, resembling flame
Guchapushpa – Flowers occur in bunches
Sidhupushpi – Flowers are used in Alcoholic formulations
Tamrapushpi – has coppery red flowers
Madakara – Causes initiation of fermentation
Madyavasini – used in alcoholic preparations.
Dadimipatra – Leaves resemble pomegranate leaves.
Subhiksha – One plant yield good quantity of flowers
Kunjara, Ratispruha
Parvatiya – Commonly grows in hilly region
Classical categorization
Charaka Samhita:
Pureesha Sangrahaneeya: Group of herbs used in increasing the bulk of feces.
Mutra Virajaneeya: Group of herbs that are used to restore normal urine color
Sandhaneeya: Group of herbs that are used in wound healing and fracture healing
Sushruta and Vagbhata: Priyangvadi and Ambashtadi group of herbs.
It is a bushy shrub found throughout India up to 2000 meters above sea level.
Branches – Long, spreading
Bark – Smooth, Ashy brown
Leaves – 5- 9 cl long opposite or sub opposite, sometimes in whorls of 3. sessile
Flowers – Having short glandular and pubescent pedicel Sepals covered with glandular dots
Fruits – Capsule, irregularly dehiscent
Medicinal uses
Woodfordia fruiticosa medicinal uses:
Rasa (Taste): Kashaya (Astringent)
Guna (qualities): Laghu (light to digest), Rooksha (dry)
Veerya (potency): Sheeta (cold)
Vipaka (taste conversion after digestion): Katu (pungent)
Effect on Tridosha: It balances Kapha and Pitta.
Prabhava (special effect): Madakari causes Mada – delirium.
Action – Trishnahara, Sthambhaka, Visaghna< Krimighna, Visarpahara
धातकी कटुका शीता मदकृत् तुवरा लघु: ।
तृष्णातीसार पित्तास्र विषक्रिमिविसर्पजित् ॥
– भाव प्रकाश
Madakrut – in higher doses, it causes delirium.
It is useful in
Trushna – Excessive thirst (due to its coolant property)
Atisara – diarrhea, dysentery (due to its astringent properties)
Pittasra – useful in bleeding disorders such as menorrhagia, nasal bleeding, bleeding per rectum etc. (due to its astringent properties)
Visha – toxic conditions
Krimi – worm infestation, infection
Visarpa – Herpes, spreading skin disease
Chemical constituents
galli acid, ellagic acid, beta – sitosterol, tannins, sugar
Part used, Side effects
Part used: Flower
Dosage – Curna ( Powder) – 1 – 3 g
Side effects: As stated previously, its overdose may cause delirium.
Interaction with medicines, supplements
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
With western
Seek your
doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western
(allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is
best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the
Ayurvedic medicine.
Research: Phytochemical study with chromatography
Ayurveda medicines
It is used in most of the Asava and Arista preparations like –
Mustharishtam – used in digestive disorders.
Sarivadyasava – used in gout, skin diseases etc.
It is also used as an ingredient in other Ayurveda medicines such as Chandanadi Thailam, Kutajashtaka Kashayam etc.
Sthanika Karma (Systemic Action)
External Application – Flowers are made into paste and can be used for sprinkling in wounds; which helps to reduce bleeding and burning sensation. In burns its powder can be applied with castor oil. It has Antimicrobial, wound healing, and Styptic actions.
Internal administration-
Digestive System – Indicated in diarrhea.
Circulatory System – Indicated in bleeding disorders
Excretory System – Indicated in pittaja prameha. Imparts normal color to urine.
Satmikarana – Anti poisonous, indicated in general debility, body weakness
Reproductive system – Helps to prevent excess vaginal secretion (Leukorrhea, Menorrhagia etc.)
Tvak (Skin) – Indicated in Erysipelas
Tapakrama – Indicated in fever with burning sensation. (Paittika jvara). Traditionally its leaves are used by peoples of Konkan region for treating fever.
Is dhataki available in northeast india
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
It should be available.