Bibhitaki (Baheda) Terminalia bellirica: Uses, Research, Remedies

Bibhitaki, also known as Baheda in Hindi, is one among three fruits of Triphala. Its actual Sanskrit name is Vibheetaki. Bheeta means fear. Vibheeta means lack of fear and Vibhitaki means the fruit that takes away the fear of disease. But in Hindi, they usually pronounce ‘va’ as ‘ba’. So the name Bibhitaki. Its botanical name is Terminalia bellirica belongs to Combretaceae family.

Vernacular Names, Sanskrit Synonyms

English name – Belleric myrobalan / Belliric myrobalan, Bastard Myrobalan, Beach almond, Bedda nut tree
Hindi name – Baheda, Bahera , Phinasa, Bhaira, Bahuvirya, Bhutvaas, Kalk, karshphal
Telugu name – Tanikaya, Taani, Tadichettu, Balla, Taadi, Tandra, Tondi, Karshaphalamu, Vibhitakamu, Tandrachettu, Bhutavasamu
Tamil name – Akkam, Todikai, Thanakkai, Tanri, tanrikkai, Tani, Tanitamdi, Toandi, Tokhandi, Tamrikay, Kattuelupay, Semmaram, Thandi, Vibidagam, Thandri, Akkam
Bengali name – Baida, Bohera, Behri, Baheda
Marathi name – Behda, Behada, Ghaatinga, Bahela, Bahda
Gujarati name – Baheda, Beda
Punjabi name – Baheda
Arabic name – baleelaj
Farsi name – Baleel
Kannada name – Shanti kayi, Tare Kayi, Tode, Thani, Tharo, Behara, Thare, Vibhitaka, Shanti Mara, Vibhita,Tare Mara,Tara Mara
Malayalam name – Thaanni, Thani, Adamarutha, Tusham, Thannymathan, Thannikka
Manipuri name – Bahera
Oriya name – Bahada
Konkani name – Goting
Urdu name – Bahera
Assamese name – Bauri
Nepali name – Barro

Sanskrit Synonyms:
Karshaphala – the fruit, which is the used part weights around 10 – 12 grams
Aksha phala – the fruit weighs 10 – 12 grams, the fruit is used to play a kind of betting game.
Kalidruma – Because it is used in playing a betting game, it causes tensions (kalaha). So, the tree which causes Kalaha is Kaidruma. (Druma means tree).
Vindyajata – Grows commonly in Vindhya region
Kasaghna – Cures Cough
Vibhedaka – Remove the diseases from the root
Bahuvirya – Fruit is very potent
Bhutavasa – the tree is the resident of devils
Madhujiva, Baheda, Dharmadweshi, Haryaksha, Kushalastusha, Vasanta, Vaasanta
Aksha, Vindhyajaata, Tilapushpa, Romaharshana, Samvartaka, Kalko, Haaryo
Tailaphala, Kalkivriksha

It is a tree that grows up to a height of 60 – 80 feet. The fruit resembles Haritaki fruit but it does not contain the ridges. Its surface is quite plain.

Morphology, Distribution

 Terminalia bellirica is a large tree which grows up to 25 – 50 meters in height. Leaves are simple, alternate, elliptic or elliptic obovate, long petiole, crowded at shoot tip, leathery, both surface pubescent when young, glabrous at maturity.  Flowers are small, greenish yellow in axillary spikes with a strong offensive smell. Fruit is a drupe, obovoid, gray in color, slightly 5 ridged, velvety containing one stony hard seed.

The tree is found almost in all parts of India, in lower parts of hills.

Classical categorization

Charaka –
Jwarahara –
Jwarahara – a group of herbs that are used in the treatment of fever.
Kasahara – group of herbs that are used in the treatment of cough and cold
Virechanopaga – group of herbs that are used in Virechana – Purgation therapy (Panchakarma).
Charaka has mentioned it as a plant source for oil. (Reference)
Sushruta and Vagbhata – Mustadi group of herbs.
Bhavaprakasha Nighantu – Haritakyaadi varga
Kaiyadeva Nighantu – Aushadi varga
Dhanvantari Nighantu – Guduchyaadi varga
Raja Nighantu – Aamraadi varga
Shodala Nighantu – Guduchyaadi varga

Medicinal Qualities

Terminalia bellirica
Rasa (Taste) – Kashaya (Astringent)
Guna (qualities) – Rooksha (dry), Laghu (light to digest)
Vipaka (taste conversion after digestion) – Madhura (sweet)
Veerya (potency) – Ushna (hot)
Sparsha (touch) – cold
Effect on Tridosha – Balances Kapha and Pitta.

Baheda – therapeutic uses

Bhedanam – Eases motion, has laxative action. This is why Triphala is used as a mild laxative.
Kasanashanam – relieves cough, cold
Netrahitam – good for eyes
Keshya – improves hair quality and promotes hair growth.
Kruminashanana – relieves worm infestation
Vaisvaryanashana – relieves hoarseness of voice
Bibhitaki detoxifies blood, lymph, muscles and fatty tissue of the body.

Vibhitaki Seed Kernel

The seed kernel of Vibhitaki is useful in
Trut – excessive thirst,
Chardi – vomiting
It balances Kapha and Vata.  It is astringent in taste and light to digest. It causes slight drowsiness.  Amla seed is quite similar in qualities

Part used: Fruit rind, seed, seed kernel.
Dosage: 3 – 6 grams in divided dose, or as advised by Ayurveda doctor.
Important Ayurveda medicine:
All medicines with Triphala contain Bibhitaki. Eg: Triphala ghrita, Triphaladi Taila etc.

Medicinal Remedies

  • Cough – decoction of green fruit is used.
  • Dysenteric – diarrhea, dropsy, piles, leprosy – fruit pulp is used as a remedy
  • Rheumatism – seed oil is used

Sanskrit Verses

Bibhitaki - Terminalia beliirica uses

Oil, fermented beverage of Bibhitaki

Ashtanga Hridaya Sutrasthana 5/60
Aksha Taila – oil obtained from seeds of Vibhitaka is sweet, cold in potency, good for the hair, hard to digest, mitigates Pitta and Anila (Vata).

Its oil is called Baheda oil in Hindi. It is used for nasya treatment (nasal drops) for hair growth. Sura of Bibhitaki (beer)  is not very intoxicating, is easy to digest, good for health; not so harmful (as other wines), used in wounds, anemia, leprosy and other skin diseases.


Terminalia bellirica contains tannins, ellagic acid, ethyl gallate, galloyl glucose and chebulagic acid, phyllemblin, β-sitosterol, mannitol, glucose, fructose and rhamnose

Pharmacological Activities

Terminalia bellirica possess antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidiarrheal, anticancer, anti-hypertensive, hepatoprotective and antipyretic activities.

Interaction with medicines, supplements

Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.

Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most the dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.

With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the Ayurvedic medicine.

Scientific Classification
Kingdom – Plantae
Subkingdom – Tracheobionta
Division – Magnoliophyta
Class – Magnoliopsida
Subclass – Rosidae
Order – Myrtales
Family – Combretaceae
Genus – Terminalia
Species – bellirica

Patanjali Divya Baheda Churna – manufactured by Patanjali Ayurved Limited.

Sthanika karma (Systemic action)

External application- Relieve pain, edema, styptic. Oil is beneficial in skin disorders, loss of appetite, leukoderma, premature graying of hair. It can be applied over the eye region in case of Eye disorders. Powder an be sprinkled on wounds to prevent bleeding
Nervous system – Fruit is indicated in Vataja rogas, Insomnia.

Digestive system – Absorbent, anthelmintic, overdose can cause vomiting. Indicated in diarrhea, rectal prolapse, hemorrhoids, worm infestations, etc. It can be used along with emetic medicines to facilitate the action.

Circulatory System – Styptic in nature. Indicated in epistaxis

Respiratory System – Indicated in Rhinitis, Cough, Breathing difficulty, Hoarseness of voice.

Reproductive System – Fruit carp has Aphrodisiac action. Consuming one fruit per day is beneficial in male reproductive issues.

Eyes – Indicated in various eye disorders (Chakshushya)

Satmikarana – Indicated in general debility, promotes body strength, Beneficial in diseases related to Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Meda dhatus.

5 comments on “Bibhitaki (Baheda) Terminalia bellirica: Uses, Research, Remedies

  • Nit

    24/10/2015 - 3:42 pm

    What are it’s side effects, sir?

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    • Dr Malini Bhat

      07/11/2015 - 9:03 am

      No side effects have been mentioned.

      Reply to comment
  • abhay

    10/09/2016 - 11:26 pm

    Baheda and rasraj ras can be used for anxiety disorder as a combination.

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  • rambansal5

    07/05/2021 - 7:40 am

    What is the color of Baheda flower?

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  • Siddharth

    27/10/2021 - 1:18 am

    Does anyone prepare sura or beer of bibhitaka? Is it available as some medicine or formulation?

    Reply to comment

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