Feeling Sleepy All The Time? 18 Reasons And Solutions As Per Ayurveda

If you had less sleep last night, and you’re feeling very sleepy today, then there is reason to believe that it is quite normal. But if you feel sleepy during daytime, everyday then there is a problem in the body or mind which needs to be fixed.


Reasons for sleepiness during day

Feeling sleepy all throughout the day causes many problems such as

  • Lack of concentration
  • Difficulty in coping with the work schedule
  • Impaired digestion
  • Body pain, headache, backache
  • Lethargy, lack of interest
  • Lack of night sleep
  • Boredom, depression etc

As per Ayurveda, there can be many physical and mental causes for feeling excessive sleepy during the day. The solutions are hidden in the causes itself.

Solutions to prevent sleepiness during day

1. Fix your sleep – awake schedule One of the big reasons for feeling sleepy during day time is, lack of proper sleep at night. Make sure that you have at least 6 – 7 hours of good night sleep. Follow all sleeping etiquettes like avoiding coffee, at least three hours before sleep, keeping your room dark at bed time etc. Read more – How to sleep naturally?

2. Tamas – The negative force – If you are lethargic by nature, do not have a positive outlook towards your future and is inactive by nature, it is time to change that and lead a physically and mentally active life. Include Yoga, Pranayama, prayer, reading positive self help books in your routine. More here – How to get rid of laziness

3. Stress, fear, anger, and depression – All these factors can make you dull and tempt you to avoid active life, leading to sleepiness all throughout the day. Fix your issues with relationship, duty and your responsibilities. Ask for help from friends or go for a counselling session or find answers for your emotional problems in self-help books. Get rid of depression. Read more – How hobbies can cure your depression

4. Body type – As per Ayurveda, people with Kapha body type, usually require a little more sleeping time, than others. If your Ayurvedic doctor has told that you have a Kapha body type, then consider increasing sleep period during night.

5. Age – Naturally, aged people and children require day sleep to balance the energy deficit. For them, Ayurveda recommends day sleeping to avoid feeling sleepy all the time.

6. Plan the day sleep – Certain type of people and patients require day sleep. If they avoid it, they will feel sleepy all the time. Learn more about it – Who needs a day sleep and how much?

7. Diet – avoid heavy meal – If you think that heavy stomach is making you feel sleepy, then consider reducing the size of your meal / breakfast. Instead, have light foods many times a day. Consult your doctor on this.

8. Digestion – People with digestive problems may have excessive sleepiness. In them, use of ginger and pepper or proper treatment for indigestion helps to resolve the issue.

9. Regular exercise – Lack of an active body and mind is the root cause for many diseases, including sleepiness. Regular exercise will pump oxygen to all parts of your body. It also helps lungs to draw in more oxygen and keeps you energetic.

10. Keep the room well lit – During daytime, keep the room sufficiently bright. Dark room or absence of light leads to melatonin secretion, which in turn leads to feeling sleepy. Hence always sit in a bright room.

11. Proper ventilation – Keep the room properly ventilated so that the fresh breeze brings in refreshing energy.

12. Pranayama – Breathing exercise will help you make use of available energy in a better way, leading to energetic days.

13. Avoid alcohol and smoking – One more reason to avoid them.

14. Stimulant – Small dose of coffee, tea, sugarless lemon juice, honey with lukewarm water will help you keep alert and active.

15. Have fruits and water – Keep your body well nourished and hydrated. Lack of nutrition leads to lack of energy, lethargy and sleepiness.

16. Sit straight and alert – Casual sitting postures, with head resting on the chair, with pillows all around, will definitely make you sleepy. How to sit straight

17. Hidden disease – Certain diseases also brings in weakness and sleepiness like diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc. Consult your doctor for a proper analysis and appropriate treatment.

18. Ayurvedic medicines – There are a few medicines, which helps to keep you energetic and awake during the day. There are also herbs and remedies such as Ashwagandha and Brahmi, which helps you to sleep better. Consult your doctor for the right prescription.

Lethargy and laziness are not always the cause for excessive sleepiness. Success in solving this problem lies in finding out the exact solution.
Related article: 32 practical tips to sleep less

Causes for excessive sleep as per Ayurveda

Causes for excessive sleep as per Ayurveda

Apachyamaano kaphaH – The unprocessed or unripened kapha,
Baahulyaat srotaaMsyaavRRiNute –  gets accumulated in excess and fills the channels of body,]
TataH srotaHsu ruddheShu – thereby manifesting in obstruction within the passage of those channels,
Jaayate gaatragauravam – resulting in heaviness of the physique and its parts,
Gurugaatrasya baalasya cha aalasyaad – this heaviness of the body further causes drowsiness to begin with and,
Atinidrataa – finally gets increased tenaciously to cause excessive sleepiness.


  • Mehul Brahmbhatt

    Sir, Very informative article “Filling sleepy all the time?” By you. I am working in shift duty (Morning-05:00 to 13:00, Evening- 13:00 to 21:00, Night- 21:00 to 05:00) so how I manage my sleeping habit to maintain good health.

  • naveen kr

    sir feeling tired all the time and getting sleepy as well kindly help with this for resolving….

  • saumya

    Sir ,i am school student , and feel sleepy daily i don’t know why ..i am physically fit and i have no disease at all and i don’t have any stress,due this problem i can’t concentrate properly with full interest so want solutions!

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Apply Brahmi Amla hair oil, at about 6 pm. Keep your smartphone away.

  • naresh marwan

    Sir…I am privTe employee. I used to sleep around 12 or 1 pm in nyte…and I sleep till 9 am…I found very lazy and inactive in working hrs. My family and friends tells me I m very lazy

    I feel sleepy whole day whenever I sit on table..and not concentrate on my work ..my life style is not gud..I feel nothing form inner self..I don’t get positive thoughts. Feel depressed every tyme..
    Please help


  • M D Handique

    I feel very tired and sleepy all the time..I feel frustrated with my very busy and hectic home and office life. Moreover, I have lost my beloved father recently.This sudden loss is becoming really unbearable for me. It’s making me totally depressed.
    I have thyroid problem. Want to get rid of this depressed and tired state of mine and thyroid problem.
    Plz help.


  • M D Handique

    Thanks sir..Will it work for my thyroid problem?

  • mahek

    Sir how to get rid of depression …..

  • davinder jeet singh

    these r very true and good tips… All must read

  • Ajoy Ram

    Sir, I am a student, I sleep 8 hours during night, even though I feel sleepy all the day, that’s why I can’t concentrate properly and can’t study. I would be helpful if you suggest me some ayurvedic medicine to overcome this problem.

  • arrya


    i work out at gym from 9 P M to 10.30 PM and i sleep at 11.30 and even after sleeping for 7 hr i still feel sleepy full day.

    Even same thing after lunch and i dont eat too much.

    Do advice me

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, consider reducing the workout to just 1 hour. Have good amount of meals.


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