Guduchi or Giloy is a famous Ayurvedic herb, used extensively in treatment for fever, diabetes, urinary tract disorders, anemia, jaundice, asthma, cardiac disorders etc. It is a well known immuno-modulator herb used in the correction of auto-immunity.
Botanical name –Tinospora cordifolia Wall. ex Seringe.
Family: Menispermaceae (Guduchi kula)
Table of Contents
How to consume Guduchi?
The best way to consume giloy is by making its Kashayam (decoction).
For an adult – A tablespoon of Giloya powder is added with 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup, filtered and administered within 8 hours of preparation.
Guduchi is administered in the form of home remedies, as explained above.
Guduchi is administered along with different co-drinks for different uses –Read more
Guduchi capsule and Guduchi Ghanavati (tablets) are also available in the market.
Home Remedies
- Guduchi (dry herb powder or in its decoction (kashayam) form) along with Ghee (clarified butter) is useful in Vata imbalance disorders. – like arthritis.
- Guduchi along with jaggery helps to relieve constipation.
- Giloy in combination with sugar candy (unprocessed sugar) is helpful in Pitta imbalance disorders such as skin diseases, gastritis, dizziness, liver disorders etc.
- Giloy along with castor oil is useful in relieving gout
- Giloy along with ginger powder is useful in rheumatoid arthritis
- For Pitta type of vomiting, associated with severe burning sensation, migrain, gastritis, water added with the powder of chanaka (Bengal gram) or Gavedhuka- root or Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia and kept overnight can be given to the patient.- Charaka Chikitsa Sthana 20/31
- For seasonal allergies, giloy powder or its Satva (extract powder) – 500 mg is administered along with 1 gram of Trikatu (black pepper, long pepper and ginger) and 2 pinches of turmeric, made into paste with honey. This is advised once or twice a day with water.
Qualities, Effect on Tridosha
Giloy-medicinal properties –
Rasa -Taste -Kashaya (Astringent), Tikta (Bitter)
Vipaka -Taste conversion after digestion -Madhura -sweet
Guna -qualities -Laghu -Light to digest, Snigdha -Oily, Unctuous.
Veerya -Potency -Ushna -Hot
Effect on Tridosha –Doshatrayahara -Balances Tridoshas -Vata, Pitta and Kapha
Giloy uses, indications
Charaka Sutrasthana 25
– Guduchi / giloy is best to cause astringent effect, promoting digestion, alleviating Vata, Kapha, constipation and Raktapitta (bleeding disorders)
Other uses:
Rasayani -Rejuvenative
Sangrahini -brings about absorptive nature to stomach and intestines, Useful in malabsorption syndrome, diarrhea.
Balya -improves strength
Agnideepani -Improves digestion power
Amahara -relieves Ama -indigestion
Trut hara -relieves excessive thirst (as seen in fever)
Dahahara -relieves burning sensation in the body. Note that though Guduchi is Hot in potency, it helps to relieve burning sensation. This action is brought about by its Madhura Vipaka. (Sweet after-taste). Sweetness is coolant in nature.
Mehahara -useful in treatment of diabetes, urinary tract disorders.
Kasahara -Useful to relieve cough
Paunduhara -relieves anemia
Kamala -Useful in treatment of jaundice and related diseases of liver
Kushta -Useful in skin diseases
Vatasra -Vatarakta -Useful in gout-arthritis
Jvara -Useful in fever. 90% of Ayurvedic medicines for fever contain Guduchi as an essential ingredient.
Krimihara -useful to relieve intestinal worms.
Vamihara -useful to relieve vomiting.
Prameha -useful in diabetes and urinary tract disorders
Shwasa -useful in difficulty in breathing, (dyspnoea), asthma, Bronchitis
kasa -Cough, cold
Arsha -Piles, hemorrhoids
Krichra -Difficulty in passing urine
Hrudya, Hrudroga -Vatanut -Useful in heart diseases with Vata symptoms such as pain.
Chakshushya – improves vision, good for eyes, useful in eye disorders
Vayasthapana – anti aging, rejuvenating
Vrushya -Aphrodisiac
Useful in sero-negative arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, multiple sclerosis etc.
Action of Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia) on Fever | Does it Cause Hypothermia?
Part used
Most used part is the stem. Almost all the pharmacies use the stem of Guduchi. Leaves and aerial roots are also used for medicinal purposes.
How to use fresh guduchi stem?
Its dry stem powder -1 tablespoon is mixed with a cup of water, boiled, reduced to half a cup. Filtered. This Kashaya can be consumed once a day, just before food.
Glioy leaves Vs stem –
Stem is the widely used part of Tinospora. Leaves have similar qualities, but are less effective.
Guduchi home remedy for fever
Interesting fact:
The aerial roots of Guduchi are so thin yet so strong that Sushruta made use of this for suturing surgical wounds. This had dual benefits. One was -the thread was very strong so, there was no chance of wound rupture. Second is, Guduchi has potent wound healing properties. Hence wound healing used to happen very quickly.
Guduchi Dosage: Stem powder -3 -6 grams per day, in divided dose
Water decoction -15 -60 ml per day, in divided dosage
There is a special extraction technique for Guduchi, called Guduchi Satva. It is useful in fever. Read more about Guduchi Satva
Giloy churan dose for rasayana and therapeutics:
Guduchi as rasayana -usually taken after Panchakarma treatment -5 -10 grams, 2 times a day after food (churna)
Therapeutic dose -5 grams 2 times a day after food with suitable Anupana.
Guduchi dose for 1 year old
If it is Guduchi powder -500 mg of powder -2 times a day, mixed along with a teaspoon of honey -once or twice a day, after food is the dose.
If it is Guduchi capsule, (extract), then 250 mg capsule one per day can be given for the child, after food.
It can be continued for a period for 2-3 months based on need.
Giloy for general immunity for normal people –
Powder -2 grams once a day can be taken along with a teaspoon of honey for 2 months.
Or Giloy decoction is prepared with 1 teaspoon of powder added with 1 cup of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup. Filtered. This is consumed once per day.
Watch the video about Guduchi here
Guduchi for CoronaVirus?
Can Guduchi be helpful in corona virus?
Guduchi can boost immunity and is very effective in fever management. Hence, it has the potential to have some preventive role against most of the virus attacks including corona. But claiming it to be 100 % preventive against corona is difficult unless we do a clinical trial.
Guduchi can improve immunity if taken in below ways –
in the form of decoction – herbal tea – 1 tablespoon of powder added to 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup and it is consumed (adult dose)
Or its powder – 1 teaspoon 2 times a day after food
Or its tablet or capsule – is consumed in a dose of 2 tablets 2 times a day after food
It can be taken for a period of 4-6 weeks.
Always consult your doctor before taking any remedies.
If you wish to make a herbal combination then guduchi, Ashwagandha, long pepper, moringa is a good one.
Side effects and precautions
It is a very good herb for diabetes. But if you are taking other medicines, it may further lower the blood glucose levels. Hence people with diabetes should take this herb only under medical supervision.
Its usage in pregnancy should be monitored under strict medical supervision. It is used in post-natal care and in children.
Interaction with medicines, supplements
Can this be used while taking Homeopathic medicine?
Yes. This product does not react with homeopathic medicine.
Can this medicine be continued while taking supplements like multivitamin tablets, Omega 3 fatty acids etc?
Yes. Generally, this product goes well with most dietary supplements. However, if you are taking more than one product per day, please consult your doctor for an opinion.
With western medicines
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this product along with other western (allopathic / modern) medicines. Some Ayurvedic herbs can interact with modern medicine.
If both Ayurvedic and allopathic medicines are advised together, then it is best to take Allopathic medicine first, wait for 30 minutes and then take the Ayurvedic medicine.
Chemical properties and pharmacology
Guduchi is highly rich in antioxidants. It has wound healing properties, antipyretic (fever-reducing) and anti-viral properties.
Berberine, Choline, Tembetarine,Magnoflorine, Tinosporin, Palmetine,Isocolumbin, Aporphine alkaloids,
Jatrorrhizine, Tetrahydropalmatine
DiterpenoidLactones:Furanolactone, Clerodane derivatives[(5R,10R)-4R-8R-dihydroxy-2S-R:15,16-
diepoxy-cleroda-13 (16),14-dieno-17,12S:18,1S-dilactone],Tinosporon, Tinosporides, Jateorine,
18-norclerodane glucoside,Furanoid diterpene glucoside,Tinocordiside, Tinocordifolioside,Cordioside, Cordifolioside,Syringin, Syringin-apiosylglycoside,Pregnane glycoside, Palmatosides,
Cordifolioside A, B, C, D and E
Beta–sitosterol, Delta -sitosterol,20 Beta-hydroxyecdysone,Ecdysterone, Makisterone A, Giloinsterol
Aliphatic Compound:
Octacosanol, Heptacosanol Nonacosan-15-one dichloromethane
3-(4-Dihydroxy-3-methoxy-benzyl)-4-(4-compounds hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl)-tetrahydrofuran, Jatrorrhizine,Tinosporidine, Cordifol, Cordifelone,Giloinin, Giloin, N-trans-feruloyltyramineas diacetate, Tinosporic acid
Anti oxidants:
Ascorbic acid,Lycopene,Carotene,Phenol,Iron,Anthocyanin
References for chemical composition:
Upadhaya AK, Kumar K, Kumar A, MishraHS. Tinospora cordifolia (Willd.) Hook. F.and Thoms. (Guduchi)-Validation of Ayurvedic pharmacology through experimental and clinical studies. Int J Ayurveda Res 2010; 1:112-121.
Patel MB, Mishra S. Hypoglycemic activity of alkaloidal fraction of Tinospora cordifolia. Phytomedicine 2011; 18:1045-1052.
Sriramaneni RN, Omar AZ, Zaini AM. Vasorelaxant effect of diterpenoid lactones from Andrographis paniculata chloroform extraction rat aortic rings. Pharmacognosy Res 2010;2:242-246.
Dhanasekaran M, Baskar AA, Ignacimuthu S,Agastian P, Duraipandian V. Chemopreventive potential of Epoxy clerodane diterpene fromTinospora cordifolia against diethyl nitrosamine induced hepatocellular carcinoma. Invest New Drugs 2009; 27:347-355.
Ly PT, Singh S, Shaw CA. Novel environmental toxins: Steryl glycosides as a potential etiological factor for age-related neuro degenerative diseases.J Neurosci Res 2007; 85:231-237.
Nutritional composition, Research
Nutritional composition of Giloy:
Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Manganese
Giloy Home remedy for rheumatoid arthritis
Immunomodulatory effect -A randomized clinical trial on 68 HIV positive patients was conducted. 60% of patients receiving Tinospora cordifolia extract and 20% on placebo reported decrease in the incidence of various symptoms associated with disease. (1)
Fever – Experimental study was conducted on albino rats with Guduchi ghrita, using brewers yeast method. The study found out significant antipyretic activity. (2)
Home remedy for gout
Ayurvedic medicines
Important Ayurvedic medicines with Guduchi as main ingredient:
Amritarishta– Extensively used in the treatment of fever.
Siva Gutika– used for a variety of diseases like liver and spleen disorders, respiratory conditions, etc
Guduchi Satva– used in Ayurvedic treatment of burning sensation of feet, bleeding diseases etc.
Mushalyadi Churna– It is used in aphrodisiac treatment and oligospermia
Does Giloy help in reducing Eosinophilia?
Yes, but herbs like turmeric, neem, Tulsi leaves, etc are more commonly used in eosinophilia.
Can giloy help to revive pancreas in type 1 diabetic patient?
Giloy helps to revive pancreas in type 1 diabetes. But it cannot be assured that the patient will be able to completely avoid insulin, with the use of Giloy.
Guduchi Kashayam remedy for gout
Does Guduchi help in fighting off a viral attack, and also help with weakness/pain? Is neem also a good option?
When there is viral fever, to bring down the temperature, to improve immunity and also to fight the virus, Giloy is a good option, in the order mentioned.
Neem helps to fight viruses, and to bring down the temperature.
For a better effect, using a teaspoon of neem and Guduchi together to prepare Kashayam is a very good option.
Q: Guduchi is hot, but still it balances all the three doshas. How is it justified? As per its hot quality, it should have increased Pitta Dosha.
Answer: A herb does not act only based on its hotness or coldness. While, hotness helps Giloy to decrease Kapha and Vata dosha, its bitter taste helps to decrease Pitta dosha. (Bitter taste decreases Pitta). Hence, it balances all the Three Doshas.
Different Methods of Giloy (Guduchi) Juice Extraction
Guduchi as rejuvenator
Guluchi as anti ageing medicine:
As per Charaka Samhita Chikitsa Sthana1.3, regular intake of 5 ml of Giloy juice prepared from its root and flower is explained as an excellent brain tonic and rejuvenator -Medhya Rasayana.
Giloy in PCOS
Is Giloy useful in PCOS
Giloy is useful in controlling the blood sugar level, to fight insulin resistance and also to prevent weight gain. These symptoms are associated with PCOS. This way, giloy is useful in PCOS.
Giloy is useful in controlling the blood sugar level, to fight insulin resistance and also to prevent weight gain. These symptoms are associated with PCOS. This way, giloy is useful in PCOS.
Guduchi for Corona prevention
Can Guduchi prevent or cure CoronaVirus?
It is very difficult to make such a big claim without proper scientific studies.
Guduchi has rejuvenating and immune boosting properties, hence it is useful to promote immunity against many viral infections. So, theoretically it can be said that taking Guduchi regularly can help with immunity. It is a common practice to take guduchi powder or decoction when there is a threat of any communicable disease, especially involving fever.
To improve immunity, guduchi can be taken in the form of
herbal tea (1 tablespoon of powder, put to 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup, filtered and consumed when hot),
powder – 1 teaspoon 2 times a day
tablet or capsules (1 – 2 – once or twice a day, depending on doctor’s advice.) etc.
Guduchi might not be useful to cure Coronavirus. But it is useful to control fever caused due to viral infection.
Giloya Varieties, Classification
Tinospora crispa
Tinospora malabarica
Tinospora sinensis
Tinospora tomentosa
Kanda Guduchi
Giloy – Padma guduchi
Systematic classification
Kingdom : plantea
Subkingdom : phanerogamia
Division : angiosperm
Class 1 : dicotyledons
Subclass : thalamiflorae
Family : menispermacea
Genous : Tinospora
Species : cordifolia
Vernacular names, Sanskrit synonyms
Names in different languages:
English name -Indian Tinospora, Heartleaved moonseed, Heart-leaved tinospora, Indian tinospora, tinospora gulancha
Hindi name -Giloy, Gurach, Gulvel, Guruchi
Kannada name – agniballi, amrutaballi
Malayalam name – amritavalli, chitamrith
Telugu name -dussiramu, tippatige
Marathi name -Ambarvel,amrita, amritavalli, guduchi, gulvel
Bengali name -Giloy, Gulancha
Oriya name -Gulochi, Gulancha
Punjabi name -Batindu, Gilogularich
Gujarati name -Gulo, Gado, Galo
Sikkim name -Gurjo
Tamil name -Amrida Valli, Silam, Pattigai, amirtavalli, kunali, Seendhil Kodi, Seenthil Kodi
Assamese name -Hoguni-lot
Konkani: amritvel
Manipuri name -ningthou khongli
Mizo: theisawntlung
Nepalese: gurjo
Urdu: gurch, guluncha
Sanskrit Synonyms:
Amruta / Amrita – it is one of the most used synonyms. It means nectar. Many formulations use this name of Guduchi. Example: Amrutottara Kashaya.
Guduchi -It protects and guards the body from diseases.
Chakrangi,Chakralakshana -wheel-like appearance in transverse section of stem.
Chandrahasa -It refers to the moon-like appearance of a transversely cut stem.
Chinnaruha, Chinnodbhava -Regular growth of plant even if it is cut-off several times.
Jwarari, Jwaranashini -Useful against fever
Ayattha, Amravalli, Kundali, Guduchika, Jivantika, Tantrika, Devanirmita, Dhara, Nagakanyaka, Bhishakpriya
Madhuparni – Crushing the leaves give viscid juice like honey
Somavalli, Vayastha – Promote longevity
Classical categorization
Classical categorization of Guduchi Ayurveda:
Charaka has grouped Giloy in following groups of herbs –
Vayasthapana – group of rejuvenative herbs.
Daha prashamana – A group of herbs that reduce burning sensation.
Trishna nigraha – A group of herbs that mitigate excessive thirst.
Triptighna – that relieves early satiation.
Stanyashodhana – Group of herbs that cleanse breast milk.
Sushruta has classified this herb under – Guduchyadi, Patoladi, Valli Panchamoola, Kakolyadi and Aragvadhadi group of herbs.
Bhavaprakasha has grouped a set of herbs under Guduchi, called Guduchyadi group of herbs.
Kaiyadeva Nighantu –
Chaturbhadra – Ativisha, Shunti, Musta and Guduchi
As per Charaka, Guduchi is one among the 4 medhya rasayana (Brain tonics, to improve memory),where its juice extract is to be administered.
Bhavaprakasha Nighantu, Sodhala Nighantu, Nighantu Adarsha, Dhanvantari Nighantu -Guduchyadi Varga
Kaiyadeva Nighantu -Aushadha Varga
Priya Nighantu -Pippalyadi Varga
Botanical identification
Tinospora cordifolia and Tinospora malabarica are used in the name of Guduchi.
Large glabrous climber with succulent, corky, and grooved stems.
Leaves – Membranous, roundish, sub deltoid, cordate with a broad sinus and large basal lobes, petiole is 2.5 cm to 7 cm long
Inflorescence – Laxed raceme elongated often longer than leaves
Flowers – Clustered in axils of small subulate bracts. sepals 6 in number
Fruit – Red on ripening , size of a large pea
Seeds – Broadly ellipsoid with a slender dorsal ridge and a ventral depression
Useful part
Baidyanath Giloy Juice manufactured by Shree Baidyanath Ayurved Bhawan Pvt. Ltd.
How to make a Giloy tablet?
First kashaya (decoction of Giloy) is prepared. This is done by adding 100 grams of giloy powder to 1 liter of water and boiling and reducing to 250 – 300 ml. Filter it.
To it, add 150 grams of giloy powder and heat under mild fire till the whole mass becomes semi solid. Then it is rolled into pills.
Liver damage
Does Guduchi Cause Liver Damage?
During the first wave of Coronavirus, Indians went back to drinking Kadha (herbal decoction). In ancient India, it was a common part of daily routine to have Kadha, especially during the time of fever and respiratory illnesses. Among the many ingredients to prepare Kadha, Guduchi is probably number 1.
It is the most preferred anti-fever Ayurvedic herb. So, millions of people were consuming Kadha. Probably this was one of the reasons why the first wave of coronavirus did not hurt India to a great extent. (The second wave hit us badly as people let their guard lose, that is a story for a different day). A few days before, a research report was published stating six patients taking Guduchi kadha developed liver damage. It was not a clinical research study. It was just a case study of six people. The collected data was insufficient and the brazen conclusion that Guduchi was the pinpointed reason for their liver damage was outrageous. This false news was picked up by many newspapers.
Guduchi is one of the Rasayana herbs, as explained by Master Charaka. The herbs with Rasayana tag are usually safe for long term use. There are many research reports stating that Guduchi has a protective action towards the liver tissue. When all these Ayurvedic research reports point towards the safety of Guduchi, the attack on this humble Satvic herb during this time of the pandemic is definitely uncalled far.
The Department of AYUSH, of the government of India, rightfully came forward and trashed the case reports.
So, if you are wondering how to make Guduchi Kadha,
Take guduchi powder – half a tablespoon. Mix it with black pepper, ginger, cumin, turmeric and any other spice that you get in your household – half a tablespoon.
Add this to two cups of water. Boil it for a few minutes. Filter and consume when it is still hot. For improving taste, you can add a little bit of jaggery. If you want to add honey to it, you need to allow the kadha to cool down. This – half a cup is good for one adult person, per day.
Make sure that the herb is Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). Buy it from an authentic source.
Consult your Ayurveda doctor before taking this or any other remedy.
Tinospora crispa
Tinospora crispa is often used as an adulterant and substitute for Guduchi. But Tinospora does not have the benefits of Guduchi.
Difference between Tinospora cordifolia
Systemic Action
Internal administration-
Digestive System – Carminative, digestive, facilitate proper movement of doshas, Anti helminthic, helps for the release of bile from gallbladder. It Indicates vomiting, excessive thirst, Loss of appetite, Liver disorders, Acidity, Acid reflux, jaundice, Helminthiasis, abdominal colic etc.
Respiratory system – Pacifies kapha dosha. Indicated cough.
Circulatory system – Cardiac tonic, Indicated in Anemia, vatarakta, Amavata etc.
Reproductive system – Aphrodisiac, indicated in oligospermia conditions.
Excretory system – Indicated in Diabetes
Tvak – Indicated in skin disorders. Also beneficial in syphilis.
Satmikarana – Rejuvenative
Tapakrama – Indicated in fever and associated burning sensation (Vishamajvara, Jirna jvara)
Dr Hebbar
There are so many herbs that are good for urinary track disorder. How do ayuvedic doctors choose which one to prescribe to a specific patient ??
Is there any interaction between different herbs ?
Dr JV HebbarAuthor
The choice of herb largely depends on the disease.
If there is infection, anti viral and anti bacterial herbs are selected – like neem, bael, etc.
If there is inflammation, anti inflammatory herbs like Guduchi, Ashwagandha etc are selected.
If there are kidney stones, then herbs that can dissolve them are selected example: Patalagarudi, Ksharas etc.
If there is urine obstruction, then herbs that are diuretic are selected – example- Gokshura, Punarnava etc.
If there is need of rejuvenation (in case of degenerative diseases), herbs like Shilajatu, Guduchi, Ashwagandha, Bala etc are selected.
If there is lowered immunity, then Rasayanas, Shilajatu etc are selected.
Usually herbs that do not interact with each other are selected for treatment.
(Above are just example herbs. I do not recommend using them without consulting your doctors.)
Thank you for sharing this valuable information… Dr. Hebbar, you are truly doing a soulful deed by imparting Ayurveda knowledge… Many Thanks.
Mrs Vandana
I have local Ayurveda doctor and he has given some medicine for kidney problem, I am allergic to some of the composition in it and get pigment problem on my face. Please help.Can u guide me which Ayurvedic formula is giving me this problem.I am 66yrs old female.
Dr Malini Bhat
Dear Madam, As we all are genetically different with different constitutions and patterns, we respond to treatments in many different ways. Hence Standard Ayurvedic Treatments are always individually formulated. So here we do not know which medicine the Ayurvedic physician has given to you. Please do consult him/her again and let them know the problem so that they can change the medicine for you.
my son has a weak stomach. he goes motions for three times and has reflux acid problem.he is taking ayurvedic giloy beneficial for him.
Dr JV HebbarAuthor
It will be beneficial for him, but not as a single medicine. Talk to your doctor regarding this herb.
Pl intimate about pain in joints and in gought
Dr JV HebbarAuthor
I have written about gout in detail. Here –
thank for your information on herbals
Dr JV HebbarAuthor
Dr Hebbar,
Can Giloy due to its regenerative properties be used to treat increased kidney function (CKD).
Dr JV HebbarAuthor
Dear Anant, Giloy can be used in treating CKD. But other herbs / medicines will also be required in the treatment.
Does Giloy help in fighting off a viral attack, and also help with weakness/pain? Is neem also a good option?
Dr JV HebbarAuthor
It depends on the dose. Usually there will not be any side effects.
Is Giloy, a substitute for “ALZUMAB” drug for treatment of psoriasis.
My doctor has recommend me alzumab.
Pls suggest
Dr JV HebbarAuthor
Giloy cannot be told as a substitute to Alzumab.
Dr JV HebbarAuthor
Guduchi jest zazwyczaj podawany w postaci herbaty (wywar / infuzja).
Jego proszku, w postaci kapsułki jest również podawany.
what is the kannada name for Giloy, Is it Amrithaballi?
Deepa Gore
Got very useful information about gulvel
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Thank you!
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
I am glad it was useful to you. Thank.s
I am having cold and cough since long time. It comes on and off in a week.. Can Giloi helps me in this..
Dear Sir, is there any treatment of Thalassemia Major by giloy.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
A promise of cure with Giloy for T. Major cannot be made.
Capt (retd ) Rajvir Rohilla
Are giloy and papaya leaves (juice ) good in fever specially DENGUE ?
How to take giloy as medicine ..I want to ask dried giloy powder or juice of leaves or stem .which is more beneficial.please help.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Its stem can be made into powder and can be consumed – half a teaspoon at night.
Or its stem pieces – one tablespoon is added to two cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup, filtered and consumed when lukewarm.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
There is no sufficient evidence to say that it helps in Lymphoma.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Hi, Giloy can help you but you need to consult an Ayurveda doctor for the right dose. Because, dose fixing is critical to optimum management of blood sugar levels.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Hi, Giloy does not suit to all the problems described, but for blood sugar, that too, requires to be taken under medical supervision only, or else the sugar levels may vary out of control.
akshay sharma
sir if we take giloy and ashwagandha powder in equal proportion for gaining strength and vitality, is it safe? or it has any side effects?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
1. Both can lower blood sugar levels. Hence diabetic persons should exercise precaution.
2. In a few patients Ashwagandha can cause excess body heat and constipation.
dear sir i am sekar from salem tamilnadu a diabetic pattint last 23 years . now my age is 58. i have guduchi plant in my garden . can you pls explain me on how to prepare medicine for diabetic from this plant.. bl level 350.
thanks regds m.p.sekar salem
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Hi, a blood sugar of 350 is too high to try only Guduchi as standalone medicine. At the best it may help as a co-medicine.
Please consult a physician in person.
thank you very much DR .
rajesh Shukla
Giloy tremendous herbs. And article is good.but my own suggestion gilly herbs more benefited in more disease’s but take consult to vaid and dosages.and get excellent results. And improve ayurveda lot of herbs and medicine have more benefited in lot of diseases. But need first take consult to ayurvedic. Drs or valid.and diet.and used get oriented results.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
It highly depends on your blood sugar levels. Please consult an Ayurveda doctor in person.
Suman Kumar Agrawal
Can My Cousion Take Giloy for traetment of Skin Iching & Lichaen Planus
Namaste sir, ur articles are always good and nicely presented, may we know how to make powder from fresh stems at home, what is the procedure, thanks
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
1. Cut the stem into small pieces.
2. Dry them under sunshade till it becomes totally dry.
3. Pound them to prepare coarse powder.
4. If it is very small amount, it can be put to mixer / grinder to make it into fine powder. If large quantities, then it may need pulverizer to make fine powder. Usually, for any herb, making fine powder at home is quite difficult, especially if the herb is fibrous.
Question about Guduchi. My daughter was prescribed by doctor. She cannot swallow pills. She is 26. I break open the caplet and put in glass, mix with applejuice. It takes long for ths powder to disolve in the aj. Is there something better to use? Thanks. Getting tired of this tedious process.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
You can simply use Guduchi powder – 2 grams, once or twice a day, along with honey / water.
Thanks but what do I mix the powder with? I need something it can dissolve in. Difficult dissolving in applejuice. Anything else? Guduchi powder and capsule both contain the powder. Thanks again.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
The whole of Guduchi powder cannot be dissolved in anything. It can only be made into paste.
So very grateful for your wonderful articles. The question answer format in your mails is a very welcome start.
We have Giloy plant at home. Instead of making a decoction will it be as useful to just chew on the stem. Also, is consuming it daily alright.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Well, if you can tolerate its bitter taste while chewing the stem, you can surely consume it that way. Because Guduchi is attributed with Rasayana (anti aging, rejuvenative) qualities, it can be taken for longer times without any hesitation. Herbs with Rasayana qualities, such as Amla and Guduchi can be taken for long.
A. K. Kapur
Is giloy juice for children?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
It can be used in children above 3 years of age, in a very small dose, as per doctor’s advice.
Sunil Keshari
I am using giloy in tea daily twice in a day morning and evening. is thses benefits for me
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
It is very beneficial for you. Please continue.
my platelet count is 15000 how to increase it
Dear Dr Hebbar, Which is the best Medicine for Diabetes, if levels are around 350, if Guduchi itself is not sufficient, then which other medicine should be taken, along with this
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
As per my experience, if the sugar levels are above 350, it is very difficult to bring down the blood sugar levels with Ayurvedic medicines. Very high doses of medicines will be required, for which you need to consult an Ayurveda doctor in person. You will also need to follow a very strict diet and lifestyle habits.
Read more about Ayurvedic management of diabetes –
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Consider using it in Kashayam form.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Hi, Giloy is also attributed with Rasayana (anti ageing properties). Hence, assuming that you do not have altering blood sugar levels, you can take Giloy juice for about 2 – 3 months of time, along with Amla juice or individually.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
It is not really needed during pregnancy. Hence I would advice not to.
Praduman Hansoti
Reading questions , answers I fill that we are unknown the plants which are near by us.That is very important for health issue. Please send me the plants name ,photo which are near by us. Like Tulsi.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
I have covered more than 175 herbs thus far in this website.
Read about Tulsi here –
Shashirekha. V
That was a very helpful information given, rather than taking English medicines we can easily get used to this, from now on i will suggest to my well known people. More over its very safe and easy to get.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
You can take Giloy for about 2 weeks. But the best thing to do is to consult your doctor directly. It is the matter of 2 lives. Do not self medicate! Go to a doctor.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
I have not seen a reference of boiling giloy stem in milk. You can boil it in water – 2 teaspoons of water, boiled in a cup of water, reduced to half a cup, filtered and consumed once a day, to enjoy most of the benefits explained above.
Hi, I had been advised to to take Giloy Ghanvati, Neem Ghanvati, Kaishore Guggul & Divya KayaKalp Vati for my acne problems some times back which was having favorable results on my skin. Is it okay to continue these medicines during pregnancy as well?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
You can use Giloy Satva is a dose of 125 mg for both the children, once a day for 1 month time.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
No. Let your friend consult an Ayurveda doctor directly.
can pregnant women take giloy????
Can Giloy Juice and Amla Juice be taken together? Also, can a person who deos not have any illnesses take Giloy juice as a preventibe medicine? Thirdly, does Giloy juice prevents dribbling? Thanks
abhishek dubey
Dear sir I m suffered lukoderma is gloye use is perfect plz consult how to use them
Dr Malini Bhat
Sir, Giloy can be used as a adjuvant and not exactly in treating leucoderma
dr khandate
it is very useful
Sir. will it helps to increase CD4 counts. Or please suggest any herbs to increase the same
How to take giloy ghanvati tablet after meal or before meal
Dr Malini Bhat
Hello Madam, Take it after the meal.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Hi, please opt for Organic certified Guduchi capsule – such as from Dr Wadke, Gopala Ayurveda etc.
Hi my neighbours told me to take one fresh giloy leafe daily in the morning to keep sugar levels normal is it correct
Any side effect of long time usage of Giloy
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
It is termed as Rasayana – anti ageing herb, good for long term use. No side effects, in its normal dose.
B B Srivastava
I have giloy plant in my lawn. I am using giloy in raw form . Every morning I chew stem and leaves and go for walking chewing. Is it usefull ?. I have prostate cancer . How should I use it?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
The best way is to make Decoction / Kashaya of its dried stems – 10 grams of dried stem coarse powder, add 2 cups of water, boil and reduce to half a cup, filter and drink when fresh and hot, once a day, 30 minutes after food.
Vijay Kumar
Mujhe 5,6 mahine se urine flow weak aur bahuth dare tak karnapadtha hai.Bladder empty jaldi se nahi hothi. Pain kahin bhi nahi hai . Mera age 45 yrs.My govt emp.Koi treatment nahi liya.Summer ki wajaha se aisa horahai aisa my samajha.Lekin abhibi vaise hi hai.First urine morning ka hi thoda time jyada lagta hai,bad mein problem thoda kum lagtahai.Per bahuth time lethahai.Pls isak ilaz bathayiye.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Hi, most of the Ayurvedic tablets contain one or the other preservatives. If it is for short term usage (4 – 6 weeks), there are no side effects.
Hello Dr Hebbar. I have seen a doctor in Ayurveda who advised me to take Guduchi powder every morning. I am pitta dosha and suffer from hepatitis C (my liver is in a good state and I do not have any fibrosis at this state). I have 2 questions:
1. can Guduchi powder eradicate such virus or just help from preventing the liver from getting in a bad state?
2. I have been trying to take the guduchi powder in hot water but I find it very difficult to drink as the taste is not nice. I mix the powder in the water but do I need to filter it before drinking? Thank you for your advice
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Hi, Just the guduchi powder might not be sufficient. I believe a combination of guduchi, Neem, Patola (pointed gourd),Vasa etc will be very effective in Hepatiitis C treatment.
Guduchi is also available in capsule form.
Deepak verma
hi dr. m 27, Wt 65, meri immunity bahut weak hai, mujhe jaldi hi tonsil ya jukam ho jata hai or resha bhi. tonsil k baad fever. plz suggest me if i can take giloy. or ye b batana kaise lu. mujhe apni immunity badhani hai. strong karni hai.
ramesh chandra
is Giloy is useful in ADPKD( polysystic kidney deasease)? please advise.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
No. In fact, it is useful to improve sight.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
It is dried under sunshade. Pounded to small pieces. – 1 tablespoon of powder of stem is added with 1 cup of water, boiled for 2 minutes, filtered. This filtered liquid is consumed once per day, before or after food, for 2 months time.
According to me Gilloy has nothing to do with Asthma. Instead, Turmeric, Ginger, Garlic, Onion, Black pepper, Long Pepper, Laving, Cinnamon, Vasa, Tulsi etc would help more. Some of them can be taken with warm milk/water & honey.
Cut red onion in the 1 mm slice and put it in the mask, wear it and simply breath deeply . You can also put some garlic paste along with onion in the mask. I had tried it successfully on my mother.
Will it helps to increase white blood cells in those persons who are having only one kidney
I uses giloy powder for 2 months, nu after that i got the flu for 2 weeks, how come? Did i Use iT wrong?
Greetings Sam
Khalid Lakdawala
I have tried Giloy Satva for two for my ITP (chronic low platelets count), but there is no improvement at all. Do you think Giloy herbal powder would help?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Sarva Jwarahar lauh along with Nimbadi kwath and Guduchi churna / kashaya is useful.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Because it is a Rasayana (anti ageing, rejuvenation) herb.
what are the disadvantages if I use Guducci without a medical supervision for a long time?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
If it is in small dose of just a capsule a day, then no issues. If bigger dose you need to keep a check on blood sugar levels.
Harapriya Sethi
Many many thanks for this exclusive imformation.It helps me a lot to know about giloy and how to use it in so many ways for different kinds of deases.I don’t know how to thank u but thank u.
To improve my immune system i took syrup of wheat grass, amla and giloy for a month. End of the month, my ankles started swelling with lot of pain. somebody suggested to have giloy decoction for 12 days to get rid of this pain. But when i googled, came to know that one of the side effects of giloy is over stimulation of auto immune system which leads to auto immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Is this true? if so, what remedies u suggest for my case?
Sir, can we use guduchi powder for cancer patient with auto immune disorder ?. Please help.
Dear Doctor,
do giloy commercial extracts have the same prower of Goloy decoction ?
thank you for your reply and for the usefull information you kindly provide with your articles.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Giloy decoction is more powerful.
You’re welcome 🙂
Natasha Sharma
Dear Doctor, if giloy enhances immune system, will it be counter productive in auto immune diseases? Or can it be taken? It may or may not help in case of Corona. But can it trigger the immune response which is being seen in Corona in form of aggressive immune response in young patients?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Giloy is more useful to correct the immune system (Immuno-modulator), than boosting immune system.
If used in correct dose for the right amount of time, aggressive immune response can be avoided with Giloy or other immune boosting herbs such as Ashwagandha.
Natasha Sharma
Thank you so much, Sir. Right from giving my dad Arjunarisht to changing some lifestyle habits by reading your articles has helped my family immensely. I am a nutritionist myself. I learn a great deal from your articles. And keep sending the links to others.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
Thank you for your kind words of appreciation 🙂
VS VIswanaath
Dear Dr. one of the prominent tamil names for this herb is “Seendhil Kodi”, “Seenthil Kodi”. Kindly incorporate
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
I have added. Thanks
I made a kadha by boiling a piece of dried giloy stem in water. Cooled it down n had 3-4 tsps. Started feeling chills, cold hands n feet, heaviness and cool ess around chest. Please advise how to take.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)
You might want to add half a teaspoon of ginger to it.
Thank you so much for clarifying the liver damage issue.