How To Be Positive During The Time Of Illness?

Being a patient, suffering from a disease for a long time can be the most painful thing. That is why, Veda chants – “Sarve Santu Niraamayaaha”  – May all stay disease-free. 

When you are bed ridden for more than 2 days,  questions like “Why me?”   “For how long?”  etc  worsens the pain of the disease many folds. Having undergone a major abdominal surgery at the age of 9, and having suffered from fractures many times during childhood, I just can not forget those bitter days. It is like, when you see someone standing, your mind turns jealous. “God! when can I stand like him and kick some …” Here are a few effective tips to stay positive and focused during the testing times of illness and to keep your mind sane. 

how to be positive during illness
How to be positive during illness

Tips to be positive during illness – 

Get to know the recovery time

Ask your doctor, when you can walk, when the pain will completely go away, how long the rest time at home will be etc. No doctor might not give you an exact prediction. At least make him give the best forecast. Getting to know the time for recovery helps to make your future plans. You can count the days in reverse order and be happy about it.

Set up a route map for your carrier, study or life

One positive thing about being ill is you will get time for yourself. Utilize the time for assessing the path that you traveled so far in your carrier or studies and build a better plan for the future.

Plan hard for the next few months. Take a pen and paper – write down everything that you would want to achieve in the coming year, and set up a clear blueprint.

Positive books

Read some great books which help you stay focused and be positive. Biographies are good. It helps to know how successful people overcame adversities and conquered the world. Self help and motivational books are also very helpful. I recommend – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
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Talk to people 

Talk to your friends, family, your mentors and be in touch with your beloved ones. Talk positive things and get ideas and inspiration for the future.

Get to know your disease

Learn more about disease, alternative treatment options, possible home remedies etc, discuss with your doctor and adopt them. It enriches your knowledge, makes you aware of your condition, and possible shortcuts to recovery.

Develop a new hobby 

It can be learning some design work in computer, learning new techniques of gardening, writing poems, drawing, anything that excites you. There are umpteen how-to videos in YouTube.

Get Spiritual

Read spiritual books that you like, pray for others who are similarly suffering like you. Spirituality helps in complete makeover of the mindset. And there is no better time than this to get spiritual.

Get to know what you can do

Get a list of things that you can do and you are not supposed to do. Get to know what you can eat and what you can not. Follow those dietary restrictions and lifestyle changes with utmost sincerity. It helps in quick healing.

Do not waste time

Do not get stuck to TV, mobile phones or gossip magazines. Do not develop mental laziness. Do not feel self pity. Be positive and be mentally active. It is only your body that is getting repaired. Keep your mind healthy and focused.

3 comments on “How To Be Positive During The Time Of Illness?

  • Marianne

    15/03/2012 - 6:41 pm

    Hi Dr. Hebbar,

    Great article! Illness and disease can teach us so much more about Life if we’re willing to listen.

    Having experience with disease, I learned to add the practice of gratitude to my day. If one will take time every day to make a list and deeply contemplate all of the things one is grateful for, one will find a new attitude develop.

    Wishing you a wonderful day today and every day!


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  • Gaurav

    29/11/2013 - 9:44 am

    What a thoughtful and beautiful article!

    The best lines I liked were: “pray for the others who are similarly suffering as you. Spirituality helps in complete makeover of mindset. And there is no better time than this to get spiritual.”

    Thank you Dr Hebbar. Your words are very soothing. And they give us hope.

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