New Year Resolution – Investing A Day On Yourself

The new year is there at our arm length. So let us make this new year healthy and refreshing.  Let us invest on our ‘selves’ in this new year. You have connection and bonding with your family members, you have connection with friends and neighbors, you have connections with your work, life, etc. This is the time you get connected to your soul! Here is an exercise that you can (should) follow once a month to achieve it. Let this be your new year resolution.

Connection to our soul is directly related with improvement of mental and physical health. It injects positivity, confidence and concentration, relieves stress, leads life in the right forward direction leading to overall well-being.

It does not require everyday exercise, it does not need once in a week routine, it just needs one day per month, preferably the first Sunday of every month.
On this day, please do the following –

1. Have full sleep – 8 hours

2. Take bath in the morning and feel refreshed.

3. Pray for half an hour to one hour. Please include a devotional song in it. You can do it in the morning or evening, at your convenient time.

4. Visit a temple / church / Mosque / or God’s abode, based on your religion.

5. No internet or Facebook or twitter. This is the day to meet real people and friends, not the virtual or non existent friends in the internet world.

6. Donate 0.1 % of your monthly income – If your income is 1000 rupees, then 10 rupees should be the amount of donation. Keep this as a secret.

7. Have at least one meal / breakfast with your family

8. No alcohol, smoking on that day, no non veg food

9. Watch TV for not more than two hours.

10. Absolutely no work at that day, for any urgent issue, permission for one hour only.

11. Have a small get together in the evening and let your family members and yourself show your talent – song, dance, jokes, mono act, mimicry… whatever.

12. Walking for at least 10 minutes. Preferably in the morning.

13. Read at least five pages from any good self-help book.

How does this new year resolution help you?

  • Gives you time to prioritize work and family appropriately
  • Adds on family values, improves bonding.
  • Helps create intimacy in relations.
  • Calms mind and brings togetherness.
  • Makes you feel good about yourself.
  • Helps improve confidence, self belief.
  • Improves immunity of the body.
  • Brings you closer to your self-consciousness.
  • If a family altogether takes up this resolution for new year, then one can watch and monitor the other.
  • If you have any other positive thing that you were always thinking of doing, you can add it to the list.
  • If you can not fix it for the first Sunday, it can be any day of your convenience.
  • Try it and get connected.

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