By Dr M S Krishnamurthy MD (Ayu), PhD.
Ayurveda has explained remedies for indigestion caused by specific ingredients. As per Ayurveda, majority of the diseases are caused due to indigestion. So if one understands specific causes for particular kind of indigestion, it eases the job of physician.
Table of Contents
Usually general carminative and digestive spices such as cumin, black pepper etc help in relieving dyspepsia. But if we know the specific food item that has caused indigestion, it can be relieved by specific antidote.
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To ease this job, classical Ayurvedic texts like Astanga Hridaya, Charaka samhita, Ajeernamanjari, Bhaishajya ratnavali, Yogaratnakara, Sarvachikitsa sangraha etc texts give enough inputs and proper guidance. If these are followed with apt method and exact dosage o, it will help to relieve indigestion in less time period.
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The specific remedies for indigestion list is collected from various Ayurvedic texts and summarized here below-
These food items will cause indigestion only if taken in excess, when there is low digestive strength and with improper combination of food.
Read related – Ayurvedic Home Remedy To Improve Digestion
General dose
General dose of the below remedies –
If taken in powder form – 1 – 2 grams of powder is consumed two times a day, after food for 1 – 2 weeks.
If taken in decoction (Kashaya), 1 teaspoon of the powder is added to 2 cups of water, boiled and reduced to half a cup, filtered and consumed when hot.
Specific remedies
Indigestion caused by bottle gourd – is counteracted by intake of mustard and Palasha kshara (alkali of Butea monosperma).
Potato is heavy to digest. It causes bloating. It is relieved by rice washed water
Intake of Amla (gooseberry) in excess can cause digestive problems such as sour belching, stomach irritation etc which can be counteracted by intake of bakula phala (fruits of mimusops elengi), shala beeja.
Excess intake of mango fruits may cause indigestion and constipation. Taking hot water, tanduleeyaka moola swarasa, souvarchala lavana (sonchal salt) helps to improve digestive fire and relieves constipation.
Indigestion caused by amra (tender mango) can be counteracted by shunthi (ginger-dry)
Amrataka phala – Paryushita jala (cold water)
Pappad – Any papad – made of black gram, rice etc, if taken excessively may cause dyspepsia symptoms. It is relieved by taking 1 teaspoon of Oma water twice daily or 2 grams of moringa seeds,
Atasi (linseed) – Mantha (churned curd or supernatent of buttermilk)
Jeeraka (cumin seeds) fruit – Mustard or Bakula phala (Fruits of Mimusops elengi),
Bael fruit – dry ginger
Yellow or sweet pumpkin – Karanja beeja – Pongamia seeds and Agnimantha moola kashaya
Tamarind – side effects of excess of tamarind intake is mitigated by consuming a teaspoon of sesame oil 2 times a day before food.
Chunchu shaka – Khadira jala (hot infusion of Acacia catechu)
Curd – Shankha choorna (powder of conch) /Shankha bhasma
Pomegranate – Bakula phala (Fruits of Mimusops elengi)
Milk – If you have consumed buttermilk / warm watery rice gruel.
Ghee – If ghee is consumed in excess, to counter the side effects, fresh juice of lemon or black pepper or buttermilk or Yava shukta (acidic fermented product of barley) is administered.
Garlic, if you have consumed excessively, consider taking boiled and cold milk.
Wheat – Karkati (melon), Shodhita dhattura (Purified belladonna seeds)
Sugarcane juice – ginger juice. So, it is a good idea to take ginger juice infused sugarcane juice that is usually available in most of the sugarcane juice shops across India.
Water – Swarna tapta jala (gold charged water)
Fresh lemon juice – Rock salt, sandalwood powder or Gairika (red ochre)
Jambu phala (blue berry) – Dry ginger
Nutmeg – Samudraphena (cuttlefish bone)
Banana – if you have taken excessively, consider taking a teaspoon of ghee with warm water.
Seeds of lotus) is negated by mustard oil.
Excess of Lassi is counted by consuming milk mixed with ginger, black pepper and long pepper
Pigeon meat – Kashamoola kashaya (decoction of the Kasha grass)
Bitter gourd) – mustard, Palasha kshara (alkali of Butea monosperma)
Water melon – Karanja beeja and Agnimantha moola kashaya
Camphor – Samudraphena (cuttlefish bone)
Kaseru (aquatic tuber) – Musta (Cyperus rotundus)
Kasturi (Musk) – Samudraphena (cuttlefish bone)
Dates fruit – Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Nimba beeja (Seeds of neem), black pepper
Ber fruit – Ushnodaka (warm water)
Tortoise meat – Yavakshara
Ash gourd – Karanja beeja and Agnimantha moola kashaya
Krishara (Kichdi) – Saindhava lavana (rock salt)
Black cumin – Hareetaki (Terminalia chebula)
Horse gram – If you have consumed excess of sesame oil, its stomach effects are mitigated by consuming a teaspoon of sesame oil.
Laddu – Pippali moola (Roots of Piper longum)
Sesame seeds – Mantha (churned curd/supernatant of buttermilk), Kanjika (sour gruel)
If you have consumed excess brinjal and facing bloating and loose stools, consider taking a teaspoon of mustard, twice a day
Rock salt, if consumed excessively, then take Tandulodaka (Rice washed water)
If you have consumed excess radish, then take a teaspoon of mustard seeds.
Tila (sesame) – Mantha (churned curd/supernatant of buttermilk), Kanjika (sour gruel)
Buffalo milk – Saindhava lavana (rock salt), Shankha choorna (powder of conch)/Shankha bhasma
Malura (Bilva) – Nimba beeja (Seeds of neem)
Meat – Kanjika/Shukta (sour gruel)
Mandaka (Saatha) – Pippali moola (Roots of Piper longum)
Sparrow meat – Kashamoola kashaya (decoction of the Kasha grass)
Kapittha – Wood apple – Dill seeds or seeds of neem
Masha – Shodhita dhattura (Purified belladonna seeds), Khanda sharkara (sugar candy), Buttermilk
Vada of black gram – Nimba moola kwatha (decoction of neem root)
Fish – Amra phala (mango)
Matulunga phala (Citrus medica) – Lavana (Rock salt)
Megharava (Tanduleeyaka-spiranthus) – Siddharthaka (mustard)
Panasa – Jack fruit – Sarpi (ghee), banana
Mrinala (lotus petiole) – Musta (Cyperus rotundus)
Mudga /Masha vataka (Vada of green gram or black gram) – Veshavara (spice mixture), Shodhita
dhattura (Purified belladonna seeds)
Nagavalli (Betel leaf) – Samudraphena (cuttlefish bone)
Naranga – Guda (jaggery), Chandana (sandal wood) and Gairika (red ochre)
Cocnut water – Samudraphena (cuttlefish bone)
Coconut pulp – rice washed water
Nishpava – Mantha (churned curd/supernatant of buttermilk)
Palankika (palak) – Siddharthaka (mustard)
Panasa (Jack fruit) – Ardra amra beeja (tender mango seed), Kadali phala (banana), Shalavriksha beeja
Paravata mamsa (Pigeon flesh) – Kashamoola kashaya (decoction of the Kasha grass)
Parushaka (Grevia fruit) – Maricha (pepper), Nimba beeja (Seeds of neem)
Patola (snake gourd) – Palasha kshara (alkali of Butea monosperma), Siddharthaka (mustard)
Payasa (kheer) – Mudga yusha (green gram soup)
Pheni (sweet preparation) – Lavanga (clove)
potato – Kodrava, rice washed water
Pippali phala (Long pepper) – Paryushita jala (cold water)
Piushtanna (food prepared by the grain flour) – Kanji (sour gruel)+ Lavana (salt)
Plaksha phala (Ficus lacer) – Paryushita jala (cold water)
Pooga (Areca nut) – Samudraphena (cuttlefish bone)
Pracheena amalaki (Salt water dipped Amla) – Rajika (mustard)
Prithuka (beaten rice) – Yavani jala/Omum water
Priyala – Maricha (pepper), Hareetaki (Terminalia chebula)
Rajadana – Maricha (pepper), Nimba beeja (Seeds of neem)
Sarva prakara phala (all kind of fruits) – Tinduka
Sarva shaka (all vegetables) – Samudraphena (cuttlefish bone)
Sateena (Matar) – Shunthi (ginger), Shodhita dhattura (Purified belladonna seeds)
Sattaka (curd derived sweet) – Pippali moola (Roots of Piper longum)
Sharkara (variety of tuber) – Musta (Cyperus rotundus)
Shashkuli/Chakkuli – Pippali moola (Roots of Piper longum)
Shashtika shali (red rice) – Mantha (churned curd/supernatant of buttermilk)
Shringataka (variety of tuber) – Musta (Cyperus rotundus)
Shwavid (variety of deer) – Yavakshara
Siddharthaka (Mustard) – Khadira jala (hot infusion of Acacia catechu)
Silhaka (Lobana) – Samudraphena (cuttlefish bone)
Sneha (oily preparations) – Mudga choorna (green gram flour)
Soorana (Elephant foot) – Guda (jaggery)
Souveera – Ushna jala (Warm water)
Tala phala (toddy fruit) – Maricha (pepper)
Tandula (rice) Ksheera vari (diluted milk)
Tinduka – Bakula phala (Fruits of Mimusops elengi), Sharkara (Sugar candy)
Trapusha (cucumber) – Karanja beeja and Agnimantha moola kashaya
Udumbara phala – Paryushita jala (cold water)
Upodika (spinach) – Siddharthaka (mustard)
Vamshankura (sprouted bamboo) – Palasha kshara (alkali of Butea monosperma), Siddharthaka (mustard)
Lavali phala – Bakula phala (Fruits of Mimusops elengi)
Neelankantha mamsa (Varietu of sparrow) – Kashamoola kashaya (decoction of the Kasha grass)
Neevara – Mantha (churned curd/supernatant of buttermilk)
Vastuka (Cucumber) – Khadira jala (hot infusion of Acacia catechu)
Vata phala (Ficus bengalensis) – Paryushita jala (cold water)
Vidalanna (Daal) – Kanjika (sour gruel)
Yava (barley) – Shodhita dhattura (Purified belladonna seeds), Mantha (churned curd/supernatant of buttermilk)
Bakula phala (Fruits of Mimusops elengi) – Bakula moola (Roots of Mimusops elengi)
Kangu – Mantha (churned curd/supernatant of buttermilk)
Kanji (sour gruel) – sea salt
Harahura – Musta (Cyperus rotundus)
Godha (Variety of Mangoose/ghorped) – Yavakshara
Harimantha (Cheenaka) – Shodhita dhattura (Purified belladonna seeds)
Kodrava – Pindalu (potato), Chandana (sandal wood) and Gairika (red ochre)
Kemuka (Costus speciosa) – Siddharthaka (mustard)
Madhooka (Madhuca indica) – Nimba beeja (Seeds of neem)
Madhulaka – Hareetaki (Terminalia chebula)
Madira (arrack) – Chandana (sandal wood) and Gairika (red ochre)
Contact Dr MS Krishnamurthy
Addition by – Dr Raghuram Y.S. MD (Ay)
For indigestion caused by consuming chanaka i.e. Cicer arietinum – one should consume mulaka i.e. radish.
For indigestion caused by consuming mudga i.e. green grams – one should consume amalaka i.e. Indian gooseberry.
Indigestion caused by consuming yavanala i.e. zea mays or maize – one should consume deepya i.e. carom seeds should be consumed.
For indigestion caused by consuming mukulaka i.e. Mimusops elengi, nikochaka i.e. fruit of sage leaved alangium or pista and sevita dish prepared from chickpea flour paste – one should consume draksha i.e. raisins
For indigestion caused by consuming vatama i.e. almonds and vrunta phala i.e. fruit of egg plant or watermelon – one should consume lavanga i.e. clove
For indigestion caused by consuming Aadhaki i.e. Cajanus cajan – one should consume kanjika i.e. sour fermented drink.
For indigestion caused by consuming mishtanna i.e. pasted rice – one should consume sheeta vari i.e. cold water
For indigestion caused by consuming mashendari i.e. dish prepared with black gram flour – one should consume nimba mula i.e. roots of neem plant
For indigestion of all sorts, caused by various food substances – one should consume palasha kshara i.e. alkali of Butea monosperma mixed in water
For indigestion caused by consuming kaseru i.e. Scirpus grossus – one should consume nagara i.e. ginger
For indigestion caused by consuming kshara i.e. alkali substances – one should consume takra i.e. buttermilk
For indigestion caused by gavya takra i.e. cow buttermilk – one should consume koshna manda i.e. warm gruel
For indigestion caused by consuming mahisha takra i.e. buffalo buttermilk – one should consume manimantha i.e. rock salt
For indigestion caused by consuming mahisha dadhi i.e. buffalo curds – one should consume shankha churna i.e. powder or ash of conch
For indigestion caused by consuming rasaala i.e. dish prepared by mixing sugar and spices in curds – one should consume vyosha i.e. powder of long pepper, black pepper and ginger
For indigestion caused by consuming khanda i.e. sugar candy – one should consume nagara i.e. ginger
For indigestion caused by consuming guda i.e. jaggery – one should consume shunti i.e. ginger and musta i.e. Cyperus rotundus
Is it not a great research of our ancient seers?!
Their care and concern, keen observation, scientific outlook, dedicated team work needs to be appreciated. For the modern research team this may become a Million Dollar project work if they are seeking fund to evaluate these fruitful ideologies!
Contact Dr Raghuram YS MD (Ayu)
One comment
Dr Abhijit Ghule
Thank’s ? very much Sir for Beautiful insight and presentation
Dr Abhijit Ghule