According to Ayurveda, night food is one thing that you need to be very careful about, if you are really serious about your health. Light night food is highly recommended both by Ayurveda and by the modern science. One of my usual recommendations will always include a list of food to avoid at night.
If we divide a day into three equal parts, the last part is dominated by Kapha, naturally. So, in this period, the food that we eat should balance Kapha and should not increase Kapha dosha.
Foods to avoid – During night, oily food, junk food, sweets, chocolates, heavy-to-digest food, non vegetarian food, cold or frozen food, ice creams, large quantity of food, curd, etc foods should be avoided or taken in very little quantities. These are the food to avoid eating at night.
If these foods are taken, it increases kapha leading to complications such as running nose in the morning, worsening of cough and cold, allergies, excessive weight gain, excessive salivation in the morning, worsening of vomiting, indigestion etc.
Over a period of time, it causes toxic substance accumulation and causes further complications. So persons suffering from all these should definitely avoid the above mentioned food articles. In many cases it is found that this simple diet adjustment alone cures or improves many of the respiratory conditions.
Diet plan for the night – healthy low carb diet, which is easy to digest, are preferred during night. Curd at night is to be replaced with butter milk.
Chapatis are better than rice. The quantity of food should be limited. Curry leaves, dal, turmeric, small quantities of ginger, etc are good to have at night. The rule of thumb is – the food that you take should make your stomach feel light. You should not get a sense of heaviness.
Generally during sleep, we require less energy. so, if we eat in large quantities at night, most of the energy produced out of the food is stored in the body, causing fat deposition and weight gain. Hence, modern science also recommends one to follow light diet during night.
Dear Dr. Hebbar,
I’ve recently been trying to find definitive answers to a few questions related to curd/buttermilk…
1. Some Ayurvedic practitioners say that it is better to avoid even buttermilk in the evening/night. Do the classical Ayurvedic texts have differing opinions on this?
2. Is plain curd cooling or heating? Is plain buttermilk cooling or heating? Are they both dry? Can you perhaps suggest the right spice combinations in curd and buttermilk to vary their heating/cooling properties in different seasons?
3. Should they be avoided in particular seasons?
4. How does the water:curd ratio in buttermilk vary its qualities?
5. Is there a recommended “way” to prepare the buttermilk? If so, what is it that makes it more effective than say, just mixing curd and water with a spoon?
Thank you so much,
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Here are the definitive answers –
1. Buttermilk at night is recommended in all seasons except for summer. Because it may increase body heat. In Pitta imbalance diseases, buttermilk is not recommended at night. For healthy people, except for summer, buttermilk is the dairy product of choice at night.
2. Sour curds is hotter. Sweet curds is almost a coolant. Plain fat-less buttermilk is hot in nature. curd is not dry, but buttermilk is a bit dry.
Right buttermilk / curd combinations with spices – I can not compile everything down here, but from time to time, I have been posting a few home remedy mixes with buttermilk –
3. Buttermilk is to be avoided in summer
4.Sourness of buttermilk increases Pitta. Fat in buttermilk increases Kapha and astringent taste of buttermilk increases Pitta. Water is a natural coolant. It calms Pitta. Hence, different combinations of water-fat ratio is explained in case of buttermilk. Read more here –
5. Refer to 4th answer.
Sir, is it true that one should avoid eating fruits at night ??
Thank you so much for this article
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
I have not come across with such a direct reference.
For example, banana and grapes are usually had after dinner to facilitate easy bowel evacuation, the next morning.
So that means, the theory that fruits should be had on an empty stomach does not apply here? We can have banana and grapes after having dinner? I have heard that fruits should be had before eating solid food. Or is it different for different body types and dependant on the digestion capacity of different individuals?
A. K. Kapur
Which fruit should be taken after dinner at 8. 3oo p.m. If simeone has sweet tooth, which Sweet can be taken after dinner?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Banana, pomegranate, raisins.
I tried eating before sunset for 2-4 days and had a hard time evacuating my bowels next morning. Is the Sun related with our digestive agni or should we eat something at night compulsorily according to ayurveda?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
The night food should be light, easy to digest and free from excess sweets.
Isnt digestion related with the sun according to ayurveda?? Then why do Hindus traditionally take their night meal just after sunset?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Digestion is related to Sun. That does not mean that the food should be taken only when Sun is visible.
As per Ayurveda, food is to be had when the previous food is digested and one feels hunger.
Could you please clarify a query i have:
For breakfast can you make porridge of oats, water and add raisins and dates with tumeric?
Dr Malini Bhat
If you are comfortable with it you can go ahead. But would advice to add milk and make the porridge.
reynan b barsaga
Dr Hebbar good day to you, i just wanna ask if its ok to drink whole milk right before sleeping at night? Thank you
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
During summer, it is fine to drink whole milk.
During other seasons, it is best to drink warm milk at night.
Should we also avoid eating fermented food (other than curd) at night? For example, fermented porridge?
Dr Malini Bhat
It is good to avoid them.
Paul Paul
Is milk heavy food or light food. If I remember, in some places in Charak Samhita, milk is listed as heavy food but in other places, milk is stated to be light. I’m confused. Your view on this would be appreciated. Thanks.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Milk, being sweet, is heavy.
Vishal mishra
If milk is heavy then why in vagbhatt sahita it is said that milk’s best time to take is night. You said don’t take heavy food (milk)items at night..please clarify
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Can you please give the exact reference? If the digestion strength is good and if there are no allergy, cold, cough symptoms, then milk can be had at night.
I used to have
2 or 3 idly and set dosa in morning, and 1 full meals in lunch and 2 or 3 chapatis and fruits in night like apple,polmgranate or papayya alternative day . Also i completely avoid oil fried items but i usually take 180 ml of liquor every saturday,is it possible to reduce my belly fat and weight by 30 days
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Looks fine. Please go ahead.
Is it good to eat Dal’s in dinner?
Is it right to eat bananas at night?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Thambi Prabhakaran
I am going for night shift work. I used to have four chappathis with lot of vegetables before leaving for work . Can you tell me whether its good for health.
vishal yogin
What about ripe coconut at night ? (the brown coconut with little water left inside)
Is this sequence ok ?
sweet fresh/dried fruit, followed by ripe coconut, followed by roasted amaranth, followed by cow’s milk.
Hello doctor may night may sirf louki moong ki dal may kha ti hu … it’s good for me?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Pulses can be taken at night.
Anyone can take ghee at night.
hi sir,what are the vegitables should be taken at night?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Al fiber rich vegetables and foods – bran, cauliflower, cabbage, berries, green leafy vegetables, Celery, squash, Banana, beans, mushroom oranges.
Can we take banana at night if we want to reduce belly fat?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Only banana, without dinner would help. But Banana with dinner would not help.
I m drinking milk at night with ghee for past two months .. I have gained 2-4 kgs is it because of milk and ghee at night ?
Pomegranate raat me khana kya sahi h?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Sahi hai
What is the difference between indigestion vs acid indigestion. I am not able to figure out if I have only pitta dosha or pitta and vata both. I have bloating stomach,gas formation and wake up in the middle of night with sudden heartburn. I take 1 spoon jeera immediately and heartburn subsides ,literally goes away .I get heartburn only once in the middle of night. I have indigestion problem from last 20 years. Is it only pitta or vata and pitta .
I have digestion issues from a long time and I feel that, my main problem is, I don’t get empty in morning bowel so due to I face issues in a day.
I have taken medicine from every where and ayurveda and other doctor says, you don’t have anything now I am tired alltogether.
So, will it be a good solution if I take dinner around 6 pm and sleep between 9-10 as ayurveda says take good before sunset for good digestion, but now a days I take dinner around 8pm and sleep around 10 pm, I often get up in the night and face gas problem too.
Dosa or idli in the night with coconut chutney or sambar is it okay?
Because fruit is digested and leaves the Stomach in less than an hour it should always be had on an empty Stomach.
If you mix Fruit with Food, fermenting of the Fruit will take place.
Dear doctor is it good to have only fruits at night? I tried this but middle of the night i feel hungry and didn’t slept properly..
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
It is fine to have only fruits at night – 2 days per week
Consider adding more quantity. Consider adding papaya.
V.R.K. Raman
From V.r.k. Raman. To Gaurav’s query, you have answered that astringent taste of buttermilk increases pitta. Astringent taste belongs to VATA Dosha and VATA is cold in nature. So, how can pitta increase through astringent taste?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
For a few weeks it is fine. Ayurveda recommends a wholesome diet with all tastes.
Sir please suggest good medicines for pcos….severe hairfall and weight gain along with abdominal pain
Fruit is always to be had on an empty Stomach because Fruit is digested and leaves the stomach in less than an hour. If you mix fruit with food(which takes 3 hours to be digested and leave the stomach) the fruit will Ferment and you will not benefit from its intake.
Sir, if I do not eat right before sleep and one time during the night when I wake up I cannot sleep ( caused by an emotional issue -fear- that I compensate with until I resolve it ).
Food has to be heavy to play its role unfortunately.
Following some principles you underlined in your books, I at least try to keep those snacks light in proportion and of good quality, instead of lightness in the type of chosen food which would not meet the objective I stated before.
What works great is 1/2 tsp ghee with 12 raisins along with 6 cashews or 2 wallnuts or 2 almonds and 1/2 tsp of green papaya powder. Of course, it does aggraviate kapha in the morning ( phlegm, respiratory system charged ) and does certainly cause problems with the quality of my sleep.
Would you have any recommendation that would help me with this situation, please?
Muzaffar Sharief
Dr. J V Hebbar sir,
Is eating only sprouts in night will be sufficient ??
Sir, can you please suggest what is the best way to eat salad? Before the food or after the food or in between the food ?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
Fruit salad – in early part of food.
Vegetable salad – along with food, preferably at the end
I can not digest chapati at gives me stomach ache and bad health throught out the day..what should i eat at night? I am a bengali.
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
You can take rice with Vegetable salad, Sambar etc.
Is it okay to have vegetable salad with a portion of cooked beans (channa, black gram, green gram, peas, sprouts etc) at night ?
Is it okay to have vegatable salad with a portion of pulses at night ?
I finish dinner by 5:30-6:00pm but by 8pm or so I start feeling hungry and want to eat. What is a good option for me to eat? I am a vata.
Also I usually start feeling hungry by around 2 hours after each meal but I just suffer through it until the next meal. But at night its different because I’ve gotta try and get to sleep while thinking about my hunger.
For a while I just suffered through it, but the last few days its been annoying me, so I just eat like 4 pieces of toast with peanut butter and sometimes even more food after that (its the only time when I ‘fall off the wagon’)
Thank you!
Thank you, Sir! I live in South Australia, I think I have found a good clinic here, but if you happen to know of anybody then I would be happy to meet them. Otherwise, I will go to the other place, they have good reviews. Peace!
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
If you have found a good clinic, please go ahead. I know very less people there.
I come home from work (sports store) at 9:10 pm. What can I eat that does not create ama? I mean, it is very late dinner … too late according to Ayurveda what I have heard. Is porridge of oats ok? And banana, dates and cashews?
Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author
You can have your normal dinner, but in 75% quantity.
porridge of oats, banana, dates and cashews are fine to have.