Effective Ayurvedic Remedy For Swine Flu

Swine influenza is also known as swine flu. The main problem with the swine flu is, though it is a common kind of flu, it is worsening asthma, diabetes, hypertension and other systematic conditions, leading to complications and fatality. In a diabetic, the condition leads to increased blood sugar levels, in a case of hypertension, it causes an increase in BP and in case of asthma, it leads to dreaded respiratory pneumonia.

So, improving the body stability, overall and respiratory immunity, and effective control of other body parameters such as BP and sugar levels are very vital in the fight against swine flu.

Differences between Cold and Swine Flu Symptoms

SymptomColdSwine Flu
FeverFever is rare with a cold.Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the flu.
CoughingA hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold.A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough).
AchesSlight body aches and pains can be part of a cold.Severe aches and pains are common with the flu.
Stuffy NoseStuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week.Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the flu. Only in a few cases, stuffy and running nose are seen.
ChillsChills are uncommon with a cold.60% of people who have flu experience chills.
TirednessTiredness is fairly mild with a cold.Tiredness is moderate to severe with the flu.
SneezingSneezing is commonly present with a cold.Sneezing is not common with the flu.
Sudden SymptomsCold symptoms tend to develop over a few days.The flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains.
HeadacheA headache is fairly uncommon with a cold.A headache is very common with the flu, present in 80% of flu cases.
Sore ThroatSore throat is commonly present with a cold.Sore throat is not commonly present with the flu.
Chest DiscomfortChest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold.Chest discomfort is often severe with the flu.

Dosage form:

With due consideration to all aspects, I believe, Kashaya – Herbal decoction / herbal tea/infusion is the best dosage form to treat swine influenza.

Why Kashaya is the best possible dosage form?
Kashayam is the preferred dosage form for the early stages of fever.
It contains water soluble active principles. Hence, after drinking, it undergoes very swift absorption.
Because of the boiling process involved, it is a very sterile dosage form.

H1N1 Virus
H1N1 Virus

A very good herbal combination
Chest discomfort – Vasa, Tulasi
Cough, Stuffy runny nose – Vasa, Tulasi, Ginger
Headache, body ache – Ginger, Ashwagandha
Fever – Katuki, Guduchi, Kirata Tikta Tulasi, Neem, Musta
Sore throat – ginger, honey, Turmeric
Immunity boosting – Ashwagandha, Amla

So, a combination of –
Vasa – Adhatoda vasica
Tulsi – Holy Basil,
Ginger, Ashwagandha,
Katuki – Picrorrhiza kurroa,
Guduchi – Indian Tinospora,
Kirata Tikta – Swertia chirata
Neem, Turmeric and Amla
forms a good formula.

Where to get above combination of herbal mix –
Contact my brother-in-law
Mr Shashikumar, Bangalore
Email –
+91 9243805380

How to prepare Kashayam?

Take all the above in equal quantities. Make Powder.
Take a tablespoonful (big spoon- 12 – 15 grams) of this powder in a wide mouthed vessel.
Add two cups of water to it  = 400 ml water
Boil and reduce to half a cup. – 100 ml. Filter it.
This 100 ml is good enough for 4 adults at home, for one dose.

If you want to watch an example video preparing Kashayam, watch it here

Adult dose (16 and above) is 25 ml (~ one ounce) of this Kashayam, mixed with a teaspoon of honey, 2 times a day, 10 minutes before food.
The dose for children from 10- 16 years – 10 ml mixed with a teaspoon of honey, once or two times a day, 10 minutes before food.

Once prepared, how long can it be stored?
It can be stored for up to 10 hours. If you prepare it at around 10 am, you can preserve it up to 8 pm.
You cannot store it till the next morning.

How long to take it?

If you have swine flu threat in your area, it is best to take this Kashayam for up to one month and then stop it. If the threat is not gone, then give a gap of 15 days and take for another month.
If you are infected with Swine flu, then along with other medication, taking this Kashayam will surely benefit.

Side effects:

It is best to take it under medical supervision.
It can be taken by people from 10 years and above and lactating mothers.
It is best to avoid in children below 10 years and pregnant mothers.

How does it help?
Boosts immunity. Improves leucocyte (white blood cell) counts.
Most of the herbs are anti-pyretic – useful in viral fever.
Improve respiratory strength.
Relieves sore throat, chest discomfort, headache, malaise, cough – which are all the H1N1 fever symptoms.
The people with Asthma and diabetes are more prone to the side effects of Swine flu. The above combination is useful both for asthma patients and diabetics.

Do you have any clinical trial report or sold evidence that it works in swine flu?
No. The above formula is based on scientific reasoning, Ayurvedic references. I have not done any clinical trial with the above medicines.

Can you guarantee complete prevention or complete cure for swine flu with the above home remedy?
But I can guarantee this- If you have at least for 15 days, your body will be better prepared to fight swine influenza virus if and when it attacks.

Do you have any commission on the sale of this product?

Readily available Ayurvedic medicines:

Tribhuvana Kirti Rasa
Panchatikta Kashaya
Samshamani Vati
Guduchyadi Kashayam
Panchanimbadi Gulika
Nimbadi Kashayam
Amrutottara Kashayam
Amrutarishta etc Are also useful. 

Complications and precautions:

If you develop any kind of fever or infection, you will need to consult your doctor first. 
If the patient develops diarrhoea and vomiting, then rather than trying this or any remedy, you will need to take the patient to the hospital for admission. 
If you are prone to / have Asthma, make sure to take your Asthma medicines regularly.
If you are diabetic, make sure to keep blood sugar levels under control.
If the infection is not resolved and fever continues, secondary bacterial infection sets in. In those cases, antibiotic therapies are required. Go with the advice of your physician.

Chyawanprash for swine flu:
If you are prone to asthma or afflicted with a repeated cough, cold etc, having regular chyawanprash will keep you better equipped to fight any viral infection, including swine flu.

Preventive measures:

Avoid curd, cold foods, cold drinks, fruit juices, fermented foods ice cream etc.
Drink hot/lukewarm water only.
Use boiled and cooled water for all drinking purposes.
Wear a mask while going out.
Eat all foods – freshly prepared and in hot condition.

A message in WhatsApp was circulated that Septillin Syrup and tablets of Himalaya company are good for Swine flu. What say?
As per my knowledge and experience, Septillin is good for allergic respiratory conditions. It also boosts immunity. But it is not a very potent antiviral and anti-fever medicine. Hence, I do not consider it the choice of Ayurvedic medicine for Swine flu.


  • Gaurav

    Can one take neem and giloy at the onset of the flu? Or is it advised as preventive measure?

    If possible, please provide more guidelines/recommendations for help after the onset of swine flu.

  • Dr.santosh k mishra

    Thank u for a very Nice and very informative aarticle sir…..

  • vandana sharma


  • Naveen J V

    Very good and apt article for the current scenario.

  • Ashok

    Very good information and remedy for Swine flu. Thanks a lot. A message in whatsapp was circulated that snuffing camphor and cardamon powder is excellent remedy for swine flu. Does it hold any scientific basis

  • Bharat

    kudos to you for suggesting a preventive for Swine Flu… It is admirable that you have shared the information about constituents as well as logic in selecting these herbs!

  • Shekhar singh

    I heard that using camphor and cardamom in a small box and smelling it couple of times in a day is a good way to prevent swine flu. Is it correct

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      Hi, it does not have any scientific basis.
      But it would help in improving cold, running nose and such other upper respiratory tract symptoms associated with swine flu.

  • Venkataraman

    Dr Janardhan….Modern day Charaka.. Long Live Charak Janardhan

    Your knowledge and willing to share the same is unparallel in these days.

    -Prof Venkataraman


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