How To Wake Up Early In The Morning? – 10 Ayurveda Tips

If you open any Ayurveda text book, the first advice that you will come across is to wake up early in the morning. Ayurveda advises to wake up in “Brahmi Muhurtha” that is about 45 minutes before sunrise. While we all dream of enjoying the calmness and elegance of early morning hours, setting up our daily routine to achieve this task consistently needs some effort. Here are a few tips. 

wake up early

Ayurveda tips to wake up early

Get to know the benefits: We have already learnt about the benefits of getting up early. It is beneficial both for your mind and body.

Set up your target: Decide the time in mind and fix it as your aim. 5 O’ Clock, 6 O’clock, 6:30 ? Fix the time and concentrate all your mental energy to gather enough determination to target the time that you’ve fixed for yourself.

Switch off the TV and laptop at night. TV and Laptop are the two big obstacles that delay your sleeping time at night. Be determined to switch them off at least by 10 pm.

Do not announce it to your family and friends. If you discuss it with others, they may make fun of you and doubt your abilities. You have to believe in yourself.

Eat light at night – Do not take heavy food at night. Avoid sweets, heavy, oily food stuff, frozen food stuff etc. Why? Having a light stomach is crucial for feeling light in the morning, which helps you wake up easily. Read more on this – watch what you eat at night.

Drink half a glass of water – This way, your bladder will be full early in the morning and you will be forced to wake up. This advice is not suitable for diabetic patients, and people with frequent urination problem.

Keep the alarm at a distance from your bed. So as to avoid hitting the snooze button.

After the first half an hour, it will be very easy. – Initially, when you get up at the determined time, you may have dizziness, heaviness of head, and laziness etc. At that time, instead of going back to bed, at least, try going to the bathroom, brush your teeth, read some news paper, warm up for your morning dose of exercise or yoga and keep yourself awake for the initial half an hour with some effort. After first half an hour, it will be amazingly easy.

Take cold water bath  – Having cold water bath will improve your alertness and concentration. Read more – hot water or cold water bath.

After waking up, do not stay in bed for long. Soon after you wake up, get out of the bed and stay away from it. Do not give excuses for yourself by planning the day in the bed. It may put you back to sleep.

Do not have unreasonable target. If you were usually getting up at 8 o clock, do not set yourself a target of 5 o clock, instead, target 7 o clock and improve gradually, week after week.

Remember – all the difficulties that you face in the initial days are only temporary but the mental health benefits that you enjoy will be permanent.


  • Philip V Ariel

    Hi Dr. Thanks a lot.
    Good tips here.
    I sit late hours and then again get up early
    this gives me a kind of weakness in my body
    and now i have decided to choose this new
    method, though its bit difficult, as you said
    “but the mental and health benefits that you enjoy will be permanent.
    thats it, hope it will work with me
    thanks again for sharing these valuable tips
    Best Regards
    Philip ariel

  • Nabendu lal Dutta

    the above techniques are good but for some home problems i can go to bed at 12 and its not possible for me to wake up early i.e. 5 0r 6 oclock. so, please give some good sleep techniques which gives me a sound sleep for 4 to 5 hours.

  • karan

    nice ideas sir.jai maa bharti.

  • Maah

    Great ideas and encouragement.

  • archanawriter

    Hi Sir!

    These are good tips bt if I don’t eat heavy food at night, I don’t get nature’s call in morning naturally. If I eat heavy food then only I get nature call in morning as soon as I wake up. At the same time i want to wake up early. Please guide me.

    • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

      In that case, have food a little early, around 8 pm.

      • archanawriter

        Does it mean that I can eat a heavy dinner if I eat at 8 pm?

        • Dr J V Hebbar MD(Ayu)Author

          If you have got more than two hours between your dinner and sleep, your dinner can be slightly heavier.


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